Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (2024)

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What do simple ingredients, a little time, and a whole lot of fun create? A soft pretzel recipe that makes perfectly soft, buttery, doughy, and so-good-you-don’t-want-to-stop-eating pretzels!

I’m a total sucker for those big soft pretzels you can get in the mall. They’re chewy and perfectly doughy. Yum! However, I prefer to make my own at home and I have a soft pretzel recipe that tastes just like the store-bought version – but it’s a whole lot more fun.

I love baking these soft pretzelswith my kids. They’re quick and easy to put together (you don’t even have to wait for the dough to rise!) Plus, the kids love making their own unique pretzel shapes.

I usually make the dough myself and then call the kids into the kitchen to twist pretzels or make whatever shape they want. I secretly love it when they make letters!

this idea now...

Ingredients Needed For Soft Pretzel Recipe

Here’s everything you’ll need to make this easy recipe. The ingredients are simple, yet create something almost magical.

  • Active Dry Yeast – Yeast can be a little…finicky. It took me a long time to feel brave enough to work with it. If you have ever felt intimidated about baking with yeast, this is the perfect recipe to help you gain some confidence.Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (2)
  • Warm Water – It’s crucial to have the right water temperature for the pretzels to rise correctly. Water warmed to a temperature of 110-115 degrees Fahrenheit will make for a very happy yeast.
  • Sugar – Soft pretzels don’t call for a lot of sugar, but it adds the perfect sweetness to the dough.Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (3)
  • Salt – You’ll use just a bit of salt in the mixing process – not to be confused with the coarse salt for the outside of your pretzel. You can use any salt that you have on hand for this part of the recipe.
  • All-Purpose Flour – Your basic all-purpose flour works best for these pretzels, as it creates the fluffiest end result. Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (4)
  • Egg – An egg is a tried and true method for getting salt to adhere to the pretzel dough before baking.
  • Coarse Salt – What would a pretzel be without salt? Use a coarse variety to really enjoy the bits of saltiness on the crisp outer layer of your soft pretzels. Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (5)
Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (6)

How To Make Soft Pretzel Recipe

Follow these nearly no-fail instructions step-by-step, and you’ll end up with warm, gooey, delicious soft pretzels before you know it:

Step 1

First, use a microwave to warm the water. Heat for about 10-15 seconds, then use a candy or kitchen thermometer to measure the temperature.

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (7)

If it’s not warm enough, heat it more. If you warm it too much, just start over. Easy enough.

Step 2

Next, dump the water into your mixing bowl and add 2.5 teaspoons of yeast. It needs to dissolve all the way into the water. The water will look kind of murky.

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (8)

Step 3

Then, when the yeast is dissolved, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt. Mix gently.

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (9)

Step 4

Add 3 cups of flour.

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (10)

Step 5

Next, start mixing by hand or with your dough hook.

Note: I made this Soft Pretzels recipe many times before I had my Kitchen Aid mixer – it’s just muchquicker with a Kitchen Aid.

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (11)

Step 6

Now, mix this for a minute or two and then add another 1/2 cup of flour.

Test the dough. If it’s okay, you can move on to kneading. If it’s still really sticky, you’ll want to add a little more flour – up to 1/2 cup more.

Step 7

For kneading, you can either do this by hand for 6-8 minutes or continue using your dough hook (much preferred, in my opinion.)

With a mixer, “knead” for about 4-6 minutes. The dough will start pulling from the sides of the bowl.

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (12)

The dough above isn’t quite done yet. We want it to be smooth and elastic. I had to run the mixer for probably about 6 minutes total.

This is what it looks like when it’s done:

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (13)

“Smooth and elastic” – see how it pulls away?

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (14)

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (15)

Great! Your soft pretzels dough is ready to move to the next step – baking!

Step 8

Preheat your oven to 425° and pull out a couple of cookie sheets. Line them with foil and grease. This is so important; do not skip this step!

If you don’t do it, you’ll be scraping pans much later tonight. Trust me, learn from my past mistakes.

Step 9

Next, call the kids because it’s time for the fun part: making shapes! Unless you don’t need to call them because you were brave and had them help you make the dough. Or they were already hanging on you. 😉

Shape the dough into whatever you want!

Nathan and Emily make letters, shapes, and of course pretzel twists. I love it too; it’s fun to mold that dough. It reminds me of playing with play-doh.

Nathan made this awesome twist all by himself:

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (17)

We made a letter for each of the kids’ names. I just now realized we spelled out “J-E-N” below, lol. It was meant for Joshua, Emily, Nathan – with an L for Luke above

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (18)

Step 10

Now, remember the egg at the beginning of the recipe? Now is when we need it. If you haven’t already, beat it.

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (19)

With a pastry brush, brush the egg onto the pretzels. This will allow for the salt to stick plus add a nice golden color when the soft pretzelsare baked.

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (20)

Step 11

Sprinkle coarse salt over the pretzels. See how talented I am? I can shake salt andtake a photo at the same time.

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (21)

Step 12

Bake the pretzels for 12-14 minutes each. You don’t want them to be overdone, so check on them.

Pull them out when they are just beginning to turn golden (or they’ll likely burn).

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (22)

Cool on a wire rack.

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (23)

Here are some “Mom-made” Soft Pretzels:

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (24)

Don’t they look amazing? Believe me – they taste just as good as they look! So yummy!

Easy Soft Pretzel Recipe Notes & Tips

It’s important for water to be at the right temperature when working with yeast. If it’s too hot or too cold, it can kill the yeast or make it inactive, which means your bread – or in this case pretzels – won’t rise. And who wants that?

You can prepare the best soft pretzel recipe ahead of time and refrigerate the dough in an airtight container for up to a day. Alternatively, you can bake and freeze fully cooled pretzels for up to two months.

To reheat frozen pretzels, bake them at 350°F for about 20 minutes until they’re warmed through.

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (25)

Delicious Soft Pretzel Recipe Variations To Make

This soft pretzel recipe is finger-lickin’ good all by itself. However, if you want to try other flavors, here are a few ideas:

  • Cinnamon And Sugar – Simply sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top of your bagels after brushing them with the egg mixture.
  • Cheese – Sprinkle shredded cheese of your choice on top of the bagels after brushing them with the egg mixture.
  • Everything Bagel – After brushing your pretzels with your egg mixture, sprinkle a generous amount of everything bagel topping.
  • Garlic Parmesan – Before baking your pretzels, brush a mixture of garlic powder and butter over them. Then sprinkle some grated parmesan cheese over them.
Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (26)

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Soft Pretzels

Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (27)

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★★★★★5 from 1 review

A delicious, chewy, doughy soft pretzel recipe that’s easy to make and perfect for getting kids in the kitchen!

  • Author: Erika @ Living Well Mom
  • Prep Time: 30 mins
  • Cook Time: 14 mins
  • Total Time: 44 mins
  • Yield: 1524 pretzels 1x



  • 1 package (1/4 oz) or 2 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
  • 1.5 cups warm water (110° to 115°)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • course salt


  1. In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in 110-115 degree water.
  2. Add the sugar and salt and mix.
  3. Add 3 cups of flour and combine. (Mix by hand or with a dough hook on your mixer)
  4. Add 1/2 to 1 cup more flour as needed.
  5. Knead for 5-8 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.
  6. Shape into pretzel twists or shapes as desired. Place on lined greased baking sheets. Brush with an egg; sprinkle with coarse salt.
  7. Bake at 425 degrees for 12-14 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on a wire rack.

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Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (28)
Super Easy Soft Pretzels Recipe {Perfect for Kids to Help Make!} (2024)


What is the secret ingredient in pretzels? ›

According to King Arthur Baking, lye and caustic sodas are used in the process of baking pretzels because lye's reaction to the pretzels, much like baking soda, gives them that chewy texture, light interior, and brown crust.

What is the secret solution for Auntie Anne's pretzels? ›

Instead, they mix hot (but not boiling) water with baking soda until the baking soda dissolves, then dunk the pretzels in that solution prior to baking. According to The Daily Meal, the baking soda solution slapped onto each pretzel is what gives them that signature Auntie Anne's crust.

Why baking soda for soft pretzels? ›

Furthermore, we've introduced the baking soda bath. While it sounds strange, this step is what gives pretzels that iconic flavor, chewy texture, helps deepen their golden color in the oven, and locks in the super soft interior.

What gives soft pretzels their flavor? ›

What Gives Pretzels Their Pretzel Flavor? You have baking soda to thank for that distinct pretzel flavor. Baking soda is highly alkaline and imparts that subtly metallic taste onto the dough before your pretzels go into the oven. Some recipes call for a lye bath, which does the same thing.

What makes Auntie Anne's pretzels so good? ›

Auntie Anne Pretzels are somehow more delicious than your average pretzel. A healthy dose of sugar makes for a tasty dough, and a topping of melted butter and salt makes them positively addictive. Another reason the popular pretzels are so good is they are made and served fresh and warm.

What is the lie for making pretzels? ›

Lye is the secret ingredient that gives pretzels their characteristic look and taste. Without lye, you have a breadstick. When you dip raw dough into a hot lye bath, the lye breaks down proteins and starches on the surface.

Does Auntie Anne's use lye or baking soda? ›

That's kind of the point of this post, after all. Well, the cheery ladies were very clear with me: they do NOT use lye. No sodium hydroxide/poison/caustic soda—none whatsoever—in their pretzels. (They do, however, dip their pretzels in a baking soda solution.)

What are the ingredients in Auntie Anne's original pretzels? ›


How are Auntie Anne's pretzels made? ›

All those pretzels are made and twisted on the spot.

Auntie Anne's definitely doesn't serve pre-made pretzels! Every location receives shipments of the signature flour mixture, which is put in a mixer along with water and yeast. They're baked, brushed with real butter, salted and served right there.

What is the best salt for homemade soft pretzels? ›

Ideally, you would use pretzel salt when making pretzels. But this type of salt is not always easy to find in the store. That's why many people turn to kosher salt instead. And indeed, these two types of salt have a lot in common.

Why can't you touch baked baking soda? ›

Notes. Do not let the baked baking soda come in contact with your skin, as it is a caustic substance. If you do make contact with the baked baking soda, flush the area thoroughly with water.

What makes soft pretzels shiny? ›

Combine the baking soda with warm water in a 2-quart baking dish and stir until dissolved. Gently dip each “rope” into the soda solution. This alkaline solution is what gives the pretzels their signature dark brown, shiny crust and distinctive flavor.

What is the secret ingredient which makes a pretzel taste like a pretzel? ›

The answer lies in a brief dip in an alkaline water bath before baking. This bath essentially gelatinizes the outside of the pretzel, preventing it from fully “springing” during baking (as bread does) and giving pretzels their signature chewy crust. It also gives them their unique and indelible “pretzel” flavor.

Why do my homemade pretzels taste weird? ›

If your pretzels have any sort of a metallic, bitter taste, it all comes down to the baking soda bath.

How do Germans eat soft pretzels? ›

Soft pretzels are often eaten as a snack or as a light meal, and are typically accompanied by sweet mustard or obatzda, a Bavarian cheese spread.

What makes pretzels taste unique? ›

The answer lies in a brief dip in an alkaline water bath before baking. This bath essentially gelatinizes the outside of the pretzel, preventing it from fully “springing” during baking (as bread does) and giving pretzels their signature chewy crust. It also gives them their unique and indelible “pretzel” flavor.

What is the main ingredient in pretzels? ›

Pretzels are a type of bread typically made from wheat or rye flour and a few other ingredients, such as yeast, sugar, salt, water, and butter.

Why is lye on pretzels safe? ›

In both pretzel and bagel making, the product is typically given a brief bath in boiling water, after a dip in the lye solution. The boil and/or subsequent baking neutralized the alkali rendering it safe to eat.

What chemical are pretzels dipped in? ›

Lye is primarily used to make pretzels, and it's the reason for their unmistakable shiny, mahogany color. To prepare, shaped pretzels are dipped in a lye bath, then baked in the oven.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.