Weymouth Harbour general directions 2024 (2024)

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  5. Weymouth Harbour general directions 2024

Last updated 20 March 2024

  • Introduction
  • 1. Commencement, interpretation and application
  • 2. Navigation of vessels
  • 3. Other directions relating to movement of vessels
  • 4. Other directions relating to vessels
  • 5. Berthing and mooring of vessels
  • 6. Fishing
  • 7. Additional environmental directions
  • 8. Miscellaneous
  • 9. Information, obstruction and penalties
  • Appendix - maps of areas
  • Review

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Dorset Council as the Harbour Authority for Weymouth Harbour (‘the Harbour Authority’) in exercise of its powers under The Weymouth Harbour Revision Order 2021 (‘the 2021 Order’) and having carried out the consultations required by article 22 of the 2021 Order, give the following General Directions.

These General Directions have been given for the purpose of promoting or securing conditions conducive to the ease, convenience or safety of navigation, the safety of persons and the protection of property, flora and fauna in Weymouth Harbour as prescribed in article 21 of the 2021 Order.

In order to maintain and enhance the ease, convenience and safety of navigation within Weymouth Harbour, it is important that Masters and Officers are also aware of current Byelaws (including the Weymouth Harbour Byelaws 1976 and Seaside Pleasure Boats 1966) and Local Notices to Mariners, as well as any Special Directions applying to their Vessel. It is therefore vital that owners and agents ensure all such relevant information and publications are promptly distributed to Vessels as appropriate.

Note should also be taken of broadcasts from Weymouth Harbour Radio.

It is the duty of the Master of a Vessel to which a General Direction applies to comply with that General Direction. However, the giving of a General Direction does not diminish or in any other way affect the responsibility of the Master of the Vessel to which the General Direction is given in relation to their Vessel, persons on board, its cargo or any other person or property.

These General Directions will be kept under review and revised as appropriate following due consultation with stakeholders.


In the event of any conflict arising between the provisions of these General Directions and Special Directions, the Special Directions shall take precedence.

Notes to the General Directions

Some of the General Directions are accompanied by notes written in italics. These notes provide additional information to further explain a General Direction and do not form part of that General Direction.

For further information, please contact the Harbour Master via the contact details below.
Harbour Masters Office, 13 Custom House Quay, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8BG

Tel. 01305 838423


1. Commencement, interpretation and application

1. Commencement

These General Directions made under the powers in the Weymouth Harbour Revision Order 2021 shall come into force on 25 March 2024.

2. Definitions in these directions

“2021 Order”

means the Weymouth Harbour Revision Order 2021;

"Anchoring Zone”

means the area shaded blue on the Weymouth Bay Recreational Zones Plan

“Assigned VHF Channel”

means VHF Channel 12, or such other channel as Weymouth Harbour Radio or the Harbour Master advises

“Berthing Conditions for Commercial Vessels”

means the Weymouth Harbour Conditions of Berthing, Rules and Regulations in force from time to time

“Boardsailing / Kitesurfing Zone”

means the area shaded yellow on the Weymouth Bay Recreational Zones Plan;

“Commercial Vessel”

means any Vessel (including a Registered Fishing Vessel) which is not a Pleasure Vessel

“Dangerous Goods”

means any goods as defined by the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, Classes 1 to 9 inclusive

“Designated Fish Landing Quay Area”

means the area shaded green on the Designated Fish Landing Quay Plan;

“Designated Fish Landing Quay Plan”

means the plan annexed to these General Directions titled “Designated Fish Landing Quay Plan”;


means the course or track normally taken by Commercial Vessels using the Harbour and comprises of all marked and/or charted navigable channels within the Harbour Limits

“Fishing Gear”

means nets, lines, trawls, baskets, rods, pots and any other device or equipment used to catch fish and shellfish


means Weymouth Harbour the limits of which are described in article 6 (Harbour Limits) of the 2021 Order and shown on the Harbour Limits Plan and the Harbour Premises Plan;

“Harbour Authority”

means Dorset Council

“Harbour Limits”

means the limits described in article 6 of the 2021 Order which are at or below the Level of High Water and shown for information purposes shaded blue on the Harbour Limits Plan

“Harbour Limits Plan”

means the plan annexed to these General Directions with the title “Harbour Limits Plan”;

“Harbour Master”

means any person appointed by the Harbour Authority to be a Harbour Master and includes the duly authorised deputies and assistants of the Harbour Master and the Officers authorised to discharge the Harbour Master’s duties through Weymouth Harbour Radio

“Harbour Office”

means 13 Custom House Quay, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8BG

“Harbour Premises”

means land adjacent to the Wet Harbour Area for the time being vested in, or occupied or administered by the Harbour Authority as part of the harbour undertaking and occupied wholly or mainly for the purpose of activities there carried on, which may include:

  • docks
  • quays
  • piers
  • wharves
  • berths
  • locks
  • breakwaters
  • landing places
  • yards
  • roads
  • sheds
  • other buildings and all other works and conveniences
  • land and premises shown shaded blue on the Harbour Premises Plan

“Harbour Premises Plan”

means the plan displayed in the Harbour Office and on the Harbour Website as amended from time to time (a copy of which shall be published on the Harbour Website in the same place as these General Directions) with the title “Harbour Premises Plan”;

“Harbour Restricted Commercial Areas”

means the area shaded purple on the Harbour Restricted Commercial Areas Plan;

“Harbour Restricted Commercial Areas Plan”

means the plan annexed to these General Directions with the title “Harbour Restricted Commercial Areas Plan”;

“Harbour Slipway”

means the area shaded blue on the Harbour Slipway Plan

“Harbour Slipway Plan”

means the plan annexed to these General Directions with the title “Harbour Slipway Plan”;

“Harbour Website”

means https://www.weymouth-harbour.co.uk

“Inner Harbour”

means the area shaded blue on the Inner Harbour Plan

“Inner Harbour Approaches”

means the area shown on the Inner Harbour Approaches Plan

“Inner Harbour Approaches Plan”

means the plan annexed to these General Directions with the title “Inner Harbour Approaches Plan”;

“Inner Harbour Entrance”

means the area shaded blue on the Inner Harbour Entrance Plan;

“Inner Harbour Entrance Plan”

means the plan annexed to these General Directions with the title “Inner Harbour Entrance Plan”

“Inner Harbour Plan”

means the plan annexed to these General Directions with the title “Inner Harbour Plan”;

“Jet Bike”

means any watercraft (not being a structure which by reason of its concave shape provides buoyancy for the carriage of persons or goods) propelled by a water jet engine or other mechanical means of propulsion and steered either:

  • by means of a handlebar-operated linkage system (with or without a rudder at the stern)
  • by the person or persons riding the craft using their bodyweight for the purpose
  • or by a combination of the methods referred in the 2 points above

“Length Overall”

means the maximum length of a Vessel, including overhanging structure, cargo or equipment and if a tug and tow the length from the forward end of the tug to the aft end of the last Vessel or object towed

“Level of Low Water”

means the level of mean low water springs

“Level of High Water”

means the level of mean high-water springs


means any person having or taking the command, charge or management, control or conduct of a Vessel for the time being;

“Motorised Watersport”

means water skiing, wakeboarding, parascending, towing of inflatables and any other similar activities;

“Motorised Watersport Permit”

means a permit to authorise undertaking Motorised Watersport within Weymouth Bay in accordance with these General Directions which can be purchased online from the Harbour Website

“Non-powered Vessel”

means any Vessel that is not a Power-driven Vessel

“Non-powered Vessel Zone”

means the area shaded green on the Weymouth Bay Recreational Zones Plan

“Non-Professional Master”

means a Master that does not act as a Master in the course of a business or employment;

“Place of Mooring”

means a quay, berth, wharf, mooring, pontoon or any other place or structure designated for the purposes of making fast a Vessel to

“Pleasure Vessel”

means a Vessel of up to 24 metres in Length Overall used exclusively for recreational and pleasure purposes and not operated at any time for financial gain

“Power-driven Vessel”

means any Vessel propelled by machinery


means a watercraft intended for sports and leisure purposes of less than 4 meters in hull length which uses a propulsion engine having a water jet pump as its primary source of propulsion and designed to be operated by a person or persons sitting, standing or kneeling on, rather than within the confines of, a hull and includes a Jet Bike

“PWC Launch Site”

means the designated PWC Launch Site at the Harbour Slipway and shown shaded blue on the Harbour Slipway Plan

“PWC Permit”

means the permit referred to in General Direction 12 required before getting Underway with a PWC within the Harbour Limits which can be purchased online from the Harbour Website

“Recreational Zones”

means the areas shaded red, blue, yellow and green on the Weymouth Bay Recreational Zones Plan

“Registered Fishing Vessel”

means a Vessel with a valid registration on the UK Shipping Register as a fishing vessel and a valid fishing vessel license from the Marine Management Organisation

“Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle”

means an underwater Vehicle or any other underwater machine (whether tethered or not) operated remotely

“RNLI Flagged Zone”

means the area within the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone Plan, indicated by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution’s Red and Yellow Flags which may from time to time be in place

“Special Direction”

means a direction made pursuant to article 24 of the 2021 Order


means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 as amended from time to time

“Small Vessel”

means a Vessel less than 6m in Length Overall

“Speedboat, Water-skiing and PWC Access Channel”

means the area shaded red on the Weymouth Bay Recreational Zones Plan;


means that a Vessel is not at anchor, at a Place of Mooring, or aground



  • any vehiclepropelled on rails
  • any machinery on wheels or caterpillar tracks
  • trailers
  • caravans
  • bicycles
  • mobile homes
  • a hovercraft or any other amphibious vehicle


means a:

  • ship
  • boat
  • houseboat
  • raft
  • watercraft of any description, however propelled or moved
  • non-displacement craft
  • Jet Bike
  • PWC
  • seaplane on the surface of the water
  • hydrofoil vessel
  • hovercraft or any other amphibious vehicle and any other thing constructed or adapted for floating on or being submersed in water (whether permanently or temporarily)

“Vessel Arrival Notification Form”

means a report in a form prescribed by the Harbour Master that includes the details of the Vessel, its position in the Harbour, the name address and contact details of the Master and owner including a phone number on which either the Master or owner can be contacted;

The Vessel Arrival Notification Form can be found on the Harbour Website.

“Weymouth Bay”

means the area within the Harbour Limits apart from the Inner Harbour

“Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone”

means the area shaded blue on the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone Plan

“Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone Plan”

means the plan annexed to these General Directions with the title “Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone Plan”

“Weymouth Bay Recreational Zones Plan”

means the plan annexed to these General Directions with the title “Weymouth Bay Recreational Zones Plan”

“Weymouth Harbour Radio”

means the building in the location identified as 13 Custom House Quay on the Harbour Premises Plan from which broadcasts regarding information and direction to and communications with persons, Vessels and Vehicles within the Harbour are made on VHF Channel 12. Weymouth Harbour Radio is also contactable on +44 (0) 1305 838 423;

“Wet Harbour Area”

means those parts of the area described in article 6 of the 2021 Order which are covered by water at the Level of Low Water.

3. Application

Unless otherwise prescribed, these General Directions shall apply to all persons and Vessels within the Harbour and at all times

2. Navigation of vessels

4. Carriage of VHF radio or other means of communication

  1. The Master of any Vessel, except a Small Vessel, shall before:
  • entering the Harbour Limits
  • getting Underway within the Harbour Limits; or
  • leaving the Harbour Limits

ensure their Vessel is carrying a VHF radio which is switched on and tuned into the Harbour Authority’s Assigned VHF Channel (or another means of communication approved by the Harbour Master) and that it has been monitored for at least 10 minutes.

  1. The Master of any Vessel, except a Small Vessel, shall ensure that their Vessel’s VHF radio shall be kept switched on and tuned in to the Harbour Authority’s Assigned VHF Channel at all times whilst the Vessel is Underway in the Harbour Limits.

5. Speed limit

  1. The Master of a Vessel shall not permit their Vessel to be Underway at a speed through the water of greater than 4 knots within:
  • the Inner Harbour; or
  • the Harbour Limits when within 50 meters of swimmers, Non-powered Vessels or Vessels at a Place of Mooring,

except where permitted under paragraph (4).

  1. The Master of a Power-driven Vessel shall not permit their Vessel to be Underway at a speed through the water of greater than 4 knots within the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone at any time, except where permitted under paragraph (4).
  2. The Master of a Non-powered Vessel shall not permit their Vessel to be Underway at a speed through the water of greater than 4 knots within the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone between 01 April to 30 September inclusive, except where permitted under paragraph (4).
  3. Paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) do not apply to the following vessels:
  • vessels used by search and rescue organisations when in the exercise of their core functions
  • vessels used by the Harbour Authority
  • vessels used by the Police and UK Border Agency when in the exercise of their core functions; and
  • vessels used as safety boats by Yacht and Sailing Clubs and other such organisations when engaged in operations where complying with this Direction would inhibit their ability to fulfil their functions

Further restrictions applying within Weymouth Bay can be found under General Direction 17 (Weymouth Bay Recreational Zones).

A line of white spherical buoys assists in showing the seaward boundary of the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone.

These buoys are normally laid from 01 April to 30 September inclusive or as otherwise determined by the Harbour Master.

However, the directions above continue to apply regardless of whether the buoys are in place.

  1. The Master of Vessel to be at or near helm

The Master of every Vessel shall, when Underway within the Harbour Limits:

  • be at or near the helm; or
  • where the Vessel has a bridge, be on the bridge

unless with the prior permission of the Harbour Master.

7. Under-keel clearance

Other than when launching or recovering a Vessel, the Master of a Vessel shall ensure a minimum under-keel clearance of 0.3 metersat all times when underway within the Inner Harbour or the Inner Harbour Approaches.

8. Notification of arrival of inbound Vessels
8.1 Except with the prior permission of the Harbour Master, the Master of a Vessel, exceeding 20 metres Length Overall or that has a draught exceeding 2.5 metres, shall not enter the Harbour Limits unless:

  • they give at least 24 hours prior notice to the Weymouth Harbour Radio of the Vessel’s estimated time of arrival at the Harbour; and
  • when required by guidance or the Harbour Master, they provide all information required for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency’s Consolidated European Reporting System (CERS) including information on Dangerous and Polluting Goods (HAZMAT), International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) and Port waste notification

8.2The Master of a Vessel, except a Small Vessel, or a Vessel less than 20 meters in Length Overall that has an allocated annual Place of Mooring in the Harbour, shall not enter the Harbour Limits unless on coming within VHF range of Weymouth Harbour Radio and prior to entering the Harbour Limits, the Master advises Weymouth Harbour Radio of the Vessel’s:

  • estimated time of arrival
  • draft
  • length overall
  • beam
  • defects or deficiencies that may affect the seaworthiness or handling capabilities of the vessel

8.3The Master of a Vessel, except a Small Vessel, or a Vessel which has an allocated annual Place of Mooring in the Harbour, shall:

  • on entry to the Harbour Limits, inform Weymouth Harbour Radio by the quickest possible means of the Vessel’s arrival; and
  • on arrival at any Place of Mooring or the Designated Fish Landing Quay, complete a Vessel Arrival Notification Form and transmit it to Weymouth Harbour Radio within 2 hours of arrival

The quickest means may be via VHF Ch 12 or phone to +44 (0) 1305 838 423. Vessel Arrival Notification Forms can be found on the Harbour website.

Master’s must also give all notifications required by law (if any).

  1. Notification of departure or shifting of Vessels

9.1 The Master of a Vessel, except a Vessel less than 20 meters in Length Overall, before departing from a Place of Mooring or shifting to another, shall:

  • if it is reasonably possible, give 6 hours prior notice to Weymouth Harbour Radio of the intended movement, so that the movement can be planned; or
  • if it is not reasonably possible to give 6 hours prior notice, give notice to Weymouth Harbour Radio as soon as it is reasonably possible

9.2In addition to paragraph (1), the Master of a Commercial Vessel, shall also give notice to Weymouth Harbour Radio:

  • not more than two hours and not less than one hour prior to the intended movement; and
  • immediately prior to the intended movement

9.3When giving the notice required by paragraphs (1) and (2), the Master of the Vessel shall also advise Weymouth Harbour Radio of the Vessel’s:

  • intended destination
  • draft
  • length overall
  • beam
  • defects or deficiencies that may affect the seaworthiness or handling capabilities of the vessel

9.4When giving the notice required by paragraphs (1) and (2), the Master of the Vessel shall, when required by guidance or the Harbour Master, provide all information required for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency’s Consolidated European Reporting System (CERS) including information on Dangerous and Polluting Goods (HAZMAT).

Master’s must also give all notifications required by law (if any).

  1. Anchoring

10.1 The Master of every Vessel when Underway in the Harbour Limits shall have its anchor(s) where carried, ready to let go.

No Master shall allow an anchor to be put down from their Vessel within the Inner Harbour, the Inner Harbour Approaches, the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone or a Fairway except:

  • in the case of an emergency
  • for the purpose of swinging
  • with the previous consent of the Harbour Master
  • by the emergency services engaged in operations
  • in the Anchoring Zone; or
  • when at a Place of Mooring, in accordance with paragraph (5).

10.3The Master of a Vessel shall ensure that any anchor put down in the case of an emergency shall be raised as soon as practicable and that due regard shall be had to the positions of submarine cables and pipelines within the Harbour Limits and the effect that deploying an anchor may have on those services.

10.4 Vessels anchoring outside the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone with tenders and any other Small Vessels accessing the beach area landward of the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone shall use the Speedboat, Water-skiing and PWC Access Channel.

10.5 The Master of a Vessel shall ensure that whilst their Vessel is berthed or at a Place of Mooring where no anchor is required, or alongside another Vessel, that its anchorsare properly stowed and that all projections beyond the sides of the vessel, other than fenders, and which may cause injury, damage or obstruction are removed.

  1. Movement of Vessels to be with care and caution

The Master of every Vessel shall ensure that its movement is conducted with utmost care and caution and at such speed and in such a manner as not to cause or be likely to cause any of the following:

  • loss of life
  • injury
  • damage to any Vessel or property
  • nuisance
  • a risk associated with marine operations that is not as low as reasonably practicable
  • a wash which in the reasonable opinion of the Harbour Master, is or is likely to cause, damage or danger to any other vessel, structure, the seabed or walls of the Harbour, wildlife or the environment

11.2The Master of every Vessel shall ensure that it is kept well clear of any dredger or other Vessel engaged in laying or retrieving buoys, moorings, surveying, other navigational works and diving operations.

  1. The use of PWCs

12.1A PWC shall not be launched anywhere within the Harbour Limits except from a PWC Launch Site.

12.2The Master of a PWC shall not be Underway within the Harbour Limits unless they:

  • hold a valid PWC Permit
  • comply with the terms and conditions of the PWC Permit; and
  • pay the required fee to the site operator

Persons wishing to obtain a PWC Permit should use the Harbour Website: https://www.weymouth-harbour.co.uk/ or telephone 01305 838423.

  1. Masters of Power-driven Vessels capable of more than 6 knots

The Master of a Power-driven Vessel capable of more than 6 knots shall be at least 16 years’ old.

  1. Navigation under the influence of drink or drugs prohibited

14.1A Master shall not navigate, or cause or permit their Vessel to be Underway, within the Harbour Limits if their ability to do so is impaired by drink or drugs.

14.2A Non-Professional Master shall not navigate, or cause or permit their vessel to be underway, within the Harbour Limits if the proportion of alcohol in their breath, blood or urine exceeds:

  • in the case of breath, 35 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres
  • in the case of blood, 80 milligrams of alcohol is 100millilitres
  • in the case or urine, 107 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres

14.3If the Harbour Master has reasonable cause to suspect that a Master has drugs or alcohol in their body which may impair their fitness to navigate or to be underway with their Vessel, the Harbour Master may direct the Vessel to remain at its current location or to proceed to another place within the Harbour and to remain in that position.

14.4A vessel directed under paragraph (3) above shall remain in the position designated and no person may move it until such time as:

  • a substitute Master (not under or suspected to be under the influence of drink or drugs to an extent that would breach paragraphs (1) and (2)) is on board and takes command of the Vessel
  • the Master suspected of having alcohol in their body submits to a breath test on equipment provided by the Harbour Master and approved by the Secretary of State for the purpose of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the said breath test indicates a reading of less than 35 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath; or
  • the Harbour Master directs otherwise

14.5It is an offence for the Master of a Vessel to fail to comply with a direction given under paragraph (3) above.

  1. Weymouth Town Bridge

The Master of a Vessel Underway within the Harbour Limits shall not proceed when the signals displayed on the Weymouth Town Bridge are red and only proceed when a green light is observed.

Mariners are advised the Town Bridge opening schedule will be displayed at the Harbour Office and available on the Harbour Website: https://www.weymouth-harbour.co.uk/

Bookings for bridge lifts can be arranged by calling Weymouth Harbour on VHF Channel 12, filling in the online Weymouth Bridge booking form on the Harbour Website, telephoning 01305 838423 (answerphone when not manned) or via email: weymouthharbour@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk

3. Other directions relating to movement of vessels

  1. Motorised Watersport

16.1No person is permitted to undertake any form of Motorised Watersport within the Harbour unless that person:

  • has first obtained a Motorised Watersport Permit from the Harbour Authority
  • complies with the terms of the Motorised Watersport Permit and paragraph (2) of this General Direction

16.2 At all times, Motorised Watersport shall be:

  • prohibited from taking place from or within
    • a fairway
    • the inner harbour
    • the inner harbour approaches
    • the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone

This is a public, multi-use zone used by swimmers and many types of Small Vessels Caution and a good lookout must be maintained at all times.

A 4-knot speed limit applies to Vessels within 50 meters of swimmers and non-powered or moored Vessels.

  1. Weymouth Bay Recreational Zones

17.1Between 01 April and 30 September inclusive, no Master shall permit their Vessel to enter or be Underway within:

  • the Non-powered Vessel Zone except Non-powered Vessels
  • the Boardsailing / Kitesurfing Zone except for sailboards or kitesurfs for access to and from the shore
  • the Anchoring Zone except as otherwise authorised under these General Directions
  • the Speedboat, Water-skiing and PWC Access Channel except speed boats, Vessels intending to be engaged in water skiing and PWCs for access to and from the shore, or as otherwise authorised under these General Directions

17.2Sailboards are restricted to areas clear of navigation channels, to seawards of the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone except when using the Boardsailing / Kitesurfing Zone for access to and from the shore.

17.3Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply:

  • to a Safety Vessel used by the beach operators
  • The Weymouth Bay Recreational Zones are defined with reference to the Weymouth Bay Recreational Zones Plan
  1. Use of unguarded propellers within the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone

Between 01 April and 30 September inclusive, the Master of a Power-driven Vessel with unguarded propellers shall ensure that their Vessel does not enter or be Underway within the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone, except within the Speedboat, Water-skiing and PWC Access Channel or the Anchoring Zone.

  1. Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) Flagged Zone

19.1The Master of a Vessel shall not permit the Vessel to enter or be Underway within the area seaward of the RNLI Flagged Zone within the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone Plan except in accordance with paragraph (2).

19.2Paragraph (1) does not apply to a vessel:

  • used by the RNLI used to carry out patrols or rescues; or
  • transiting through the RNLI Flagged Zone with the prior written permission of the RNLI senior lifeguard

4. Other directions relating to vessels

  1. Unseaworthy Vessels

20.1No person shall cause or permit a Vessel in an unseaworthy condition or unsafe condition to:

  • enter the Harbour Limits
  • be Underway in the Harbour Limits; or
  • remain in the Harbour Limits,

except with the prior permission of the Harbour Master and only for such time and in accordance with such directions as the Harbour Master may give.

NB: an ‘unsafe condition’ includes, but is not limited to, a Vessel which is on fire, in danger of sinking (including loss of stability) or causing pollution.

20.2The Master of a Vessel which has a defect that threatens the safety of its crew or other Harbour users or inhibits its ability to manoeuvre/ navigate safely shall notify the Harbour Master immediately.

  1. Lost Anchor

The Master of a Vessel which has slipped or parted from, or lost, any anchor, chain, cable, or propeller shall report it to the Harbour Master as soon as reasonably practicable and in any case within 24 hours of the incident occurring.

  1. Vessels abandoned or adrift

22.1The Owner or Master of a Vessel which has within the Harbour Limits:

  • been abandoned
  • gone adrift or
  • is missing from the Vessel’s Place of Mooring

shall notify the Harbour Master as soon as practicable after they become aware of the event.

22.2Notice required under paragraph (1) shall include:

  • the date of discovery
  • the time or discovery
  • any other relevant circ*mstances

22.3For the purposes of this General Direction, the “Owner” is the person who owned the Vessel immediately before the time it was abandoned or at the time it went adrift or missing.

  1. Obstructions

23.1The owner of any obstruction of whatever description, whether or not floating, which impedes or is likely to impede navigation or dredging or otherwise cause an obstruction in the Harbour Limits and Inner Harbour Approaches shall, if directed to do so by the Harbour Master and in accordance with any directions given, remove the obstruction or have it removed and until it is removed, have it watched and marked.

23.2For the purposes of paragraph (1), obstructions include but are not limited to:

  • sunken, stranded or drifting vessels
  • wrecks
  • marker buoys
  • fishing gear
  • vehicles

23.3For the purposes of this direction, the “Owner” is the person who owned the obstruction at the time it became an obstruction.

  1. Lights impeding safe navigation

No person shall, except in connection with safe and proper navigation, use lights, including lasers, laser pens, torches or other beams, in a manner which causes nuisance to others or constitutes or is likely to constitute a danger to navigation.

  1. Towage plans

25.1The Master of a Vessel within the Harbour Limits shall not use that Vessel to tow another Vessel unless:

  • a towage plan including a risk assessment for the intended tow operation has been prepared and submitted to the Harbour Master for approvaland
  • the Harbour Master has approved the towage plan and provided prior written consent for the tow operation

25.2The Master of the Vessel conducting the tow shall comply with and ensure compliance with the approved towage plan and any terms and conditions stated by the Harbour Master when granting the prior written consent required under paragraph (1).

25.3Paragraphs (1) and (2) do not apply in the following circ*mstances:

  • the towing of a vessel in an emergency
  • the towing of vessels by the RNLI lifeboats; and
  • the towing of dinghies and sailing boats by the Sea Cadet Training Centre, Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre and Weymouth Sailing Club, subject to each Organisational risk assessments and safety management systems
  1. Reports to Weymouth Harbour Radio

26.1 Except in accordance with paragraph (2), the Master of a Vessel involved in any of the following incidents:

  • collision or contact with another Vessel, bank, quay, mooring, buoy or other object
  • grounding
  • pollution of any type
  • fire or explosion
  • incident involving death or injury
  • parting of mooring lines
  • near miss or other potentially hazardous event
  • towing of a vessel in immediate danger

shall immediately, after informing the emergency services if appropriate, inform Weymouth Harbour Radio by the quickest means.

26.2Paragraph (1)(a) and (b) shall not apply to a Vessel less than 20 meters in Length Overall if:

  • no damage is incurred; and
  • no injuries or risk of injuries (other than minor injuries) have taken place
  1. Vessels to be marked with identification

The Master of every Vessel, except a Small Vessel, shall ensure that the Vessel has its name or other identification letters, or numbers conspicuously marked on it and that they can be seen when the Vessel is afloat.

  1. Vessel details

The owner and/or Master of any Vessel within the Harbour shall on demand of the Harbour Master or other authorised person immediately declare to that person the following particulars:

  • name of vessel or other form of identification as provided for in General Direction 27 above
  • position in the harbour
  • length overall
  • gross tonnage, if the vessel is a commercial vessel
  • name and address of owner
  • name and address of Master
  • name and address of agent provided one has been appointed
  1. Change of Vessel’s ownership

29.1The Owner of any Vessel within the Harbour shall inform the Harbour Master when the ownership of the Vessel changes as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any event within 24 hours, and shall provide the Harbour Master with the name and address of the new owner.

29.2For the purposes of this direction, the “Owner” is the person who owned the Vessel immediately before change of ownership.

  1. Diving

30.1Any person shall not undertake any form of diving or underwater activity within the Harbour, including the operation of a Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle, from a Vessel or the shore, without the prior written consent of the Harbour Master.

The Harbour Master will make available the criteria that must be met for the grant of consent and the terms and conditions that will apply to that consent.

30.2The Master of a Vessel, within the Harbour Limits from which any person undertakes any form of diving or underwater activity, including the operation of a Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle, and the diving supervisor shall comply with and ensure compliance with the terms and conditions stated by the Harbour Master when granting the prior written consent required under paragraph (1).

  1. Hot Works

No person within the Harbour shall undertake any hot work activity (including grinding and welding and any work involving the application of heat by means of tools or equipment) until they have obtained a permit from the Harbour Master authorising the hot works; and that person shall ensure that the terms and conditions of the permit are fully complied with when the hot works are carried out.

The Harbour Master will make available the criteria that must be met for the grant of the permit and the terms and conditions that will apply to that permit.

  1. Lifting Operations

32.1Any person within the Harbour shall not undertake any lifting operations using machinery, including the use of cranes and other lifting equipment, without the prior written consent of the Harbour Master.

32.2Paragraph (1) does not apply to:

  • Registered Fishing Vessels utilising the Designated Fish Landing Quay Area
  • Lifting operations undertaken using davits on Pleasure Vessels

The Harbour Master will make available the criteria that must be met for the grant of consent and the terms and conditions that will apply to that consent.

  1. Other activities within the Inner Harbour

No person within the Inner Harbour as shown in the Inner Harbour Plan, shall engage, or take part in boardsailing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, paddle boarding, flyboarding or other similar activities, except with the prior permission of the Harbour Master.

  1. Aircraft, hydrofoils and hovercraft

Within the Harbour Limits, no person shall:

  • land or take off in an aircraft (including a seaplane); or
  • operate, drive, get Underway, or navigate a hydrofoil, hovercraft or flying inflatable boat

except with the prior permission of the Harbour Master.

5. Berthing and mooring of vessels

  1. Rigging to be secured

The owner and/or Master of a Vessel within the Harbour fitted with a mast shall at all times ensure that the rigging is secured so that it does not make undue noise.

  1. Places of mooring

36.1The Master of a Vessel when it is not Underway within the Harbour Limits shall ensure that it is at a Place of Mooring, unless it is anchored as authorised under these General Directions.

36.2The Master of a Vessel at a Place of Mooring within the Harbour Limits shall cause it to be properly and effectively moored, such that it is not only secure but also is not liable to cause any damage to any other Vessel, the seabed or banks of the Harbour, or property (including any pontoon, mooring or quay)

36.3No person shall make a Vessel fast to anything which is not a Place of Mooring except in accordance with General Direction 40.

  1. Obstructions of place of mooring etc.

37.1No owner or Master shall use or permit their Vessel or equipment or other items to obstruct any public landing place, foreshore, pier, jetty, berth, quay, the Harbour Slipway or Place of Mooring within the Harbour.

37.2Paragraph (1) of this General Direction does not apply to a Vessel properly moored at a Place of Mooring in accordance with General Direction 36.

  1. The Master of a Vessel shall:
  • ensure that the Vessel is provided with a sufficient number of fenders adequate for the size and nature of the Vessel; and
  • when berthing, leaving or lying at a Place of Mooring, or against other Vessels, the Master shall cause the Vessel to be fended off from the Place of Mooring or thoseother
    Vessels so as to prevent damage to that place and those other Vessels or other property
  1. No trespass or damage

39.1No person shall trespass on, damage, secure any rope, chain or tackle, to, or interfere with any light, beacon, seamark, navigational buoy or mark, racing buoy, or tide pole, pier, ring, ladder or other object.

39.2No person shall trespass on any pontoon

  1. Rafting of Vessels

40.1In areas of the Harbour where the Harbour Master requires Vessels to raft together, all Masters shall follow the Harbour Master’s instruction to raft.

40.2Apart from in accordance with paragraph (1), no Master shall make their Vessel fast to any other Vessel without the permission of the Master of such other Vessel, unless instructed to do so by the Harbour Master.

  1. Access across Vessels

The Master of a Vessel at a Place of Mooring, or alongside any Vessel already at a Place of Mooring, within the Harbour Limits shall give free access across the deck of their Vessel, for persons and goods, to and from Vessels rafted alongside their Vessel

  1. Propulsion machinery at a Place of Mooring

The Master of any Vessel is prohibited from operating any propulsion machinery or equipment whilst the Vessel is at a Place of Mooring other than:

  • when manoeuvring on or off the Place of Mooring; or
  • for testing the Vessel’s engines and controls as required by SOLAS

except with the prior permission of the Harbour Master

  1. Persons to be onboard Vessels

43.1When conditions require, or in any event when reasonably required by the Harbour Master to do so, the Master of a Vessel shall ensure that at least one responsible person is on board the Vessel at all times whilst it is in the Harbour Limits.

43.2Paragraph (1) of this General Direction does not apply to a Small Vessel properly moored at a Place of Mooring in accordance with General Direction 36.

  1. No person to cast adrift

Other than in accordance with the instructions of the Harbour Master, or the Master of a Vessel, no person shall tamper with, cut, slacken or loosen any rope, chain or other mooring of a Vessel, or otherwise cast a Vessel adrift, other than to secure its safety or that of adjacent Vessels.

  1. Vessels not to be immobilised

45.1The Master of a Vessel shall not immobilise the Vessel or load it or take on ballast so that it is incapable of movement, without the prior permission of the Harbour Master.

45.2Where a Vessel, which is not a Small Vessel, is at any time not capable of being safely moved by means of its own propulsion, the Master shall immediately inform the Harbour Master, and give to the Harbour Master any further information required by the Harbour Master and comply with any direction of the Harbour Master.

6. Fishing

  1. Fishing

46.1The Master of a Vessel shall not use or permit the Vessel to be used for any form of fishing within the Inner Harbour without the prior written permission of the Harbour Master.

46.2From 01 April to 30 September inclusive, the casting of rods is not permitted into the Inner Harbour Entrance.

No Fishing Gear is to be cast or placed in a position where it may cause an obstruction which interferes with the safe navigation of Vessels within the Harbour Limits.

  1. Offal, Fish guts, Oil, etc.

No Master or owner of a Vessel shall permit, and no person shall, throw, deposit or discharge any carcass of animal, fish, offal, oil, refuse, litter, waste or polluting substance anywhere within the Harbour.

  1. No nets, pots, Fishing Gear to be left

Except in accordance with the terms of the Berthing Conditions for Commercial Vessels, no person shall:

  • place any Fishing Gear on Harbour Premises including pontoons to cause an obstruction to any person, Vehicle or Vessel; or
  • leave any Fishing Gear on Harbour Premises for more than 24 hours without the written permission of the Harbour Master and then only for the time period permitted by the Harbour Master

The Berthing Conditions for Commercial Vessels allows the following:

  • storage of equipment on pontoons must be contained within 2 x 227 litre tubs whilst ensuring a 1m wide walkway is available at all times. These boxes are for light gear that is required for daily use
  • the tubs should be clearly marked with the Vessel or owners name and stored adjacent to the owner’s Vessel
  • owner shall ensure that no other items of fishing equipment, supplies, stores or similar shall be left upon the pontoon, jetties, car parks or secured to pontoon, jetties or harbour walls
  1. Fishing gear not to obstruct navigation and recreational activities

The Master of a Vessel shall ensure that no Fishing Gear is cast or placed:

  • in any part of the Inner Harbour
  • within the Inner Harbour Approaches
  • between 01 April and 30 September, within the Weymouth Bay 4KT Restricted Speed Zone
  • within the Weymouth Bay Recreational Zones
  • in any other location within the Harbour Limits

where it is likely to become an obstruction or danger to the movement of Vessels or recreational water sports activities.

  1. Designated Fish Landing Quay

50.1Except with the prior permission of the Harbour Master:

  • the Master of a Vessel that is not a Registered Fishing Vessel shall not allow their Vessel to enter or remain in the Designated Fish Landing Quay Area; and
  • the Master of a Registered Fishing Vessel shall not permit their Vessel to remain in the Designated Fish Landing Quay Area once it has finished landing fish from that Vessel or, in the event that the landing of fish from the Vessel is not completed within a reasonable timeframe, such longer period as the Harbour Master may direct

50.2Any person landing fish from a Registered Fishing Vessel in the Designated Fish Landing Quay Area shall ensure:

  • that no Fishing Gear from that Vessel obstructs the Designated Fish Landing Quay Area; and
  • that the part of the Designated Fish Landing Quay Area over which they landed fish is washed down to the standard required by the Harbour Master on completion of the fish landing operation

7. Additional environmental directions

  1. Discharge of ballast water and bilge water

The Master of any Vessel within the Harbour Limits shall not discharge ballast water or bilge water except with the prior permission of the Harbour Master.

  1. Fuel and bunkers

Any person loading or unloading fuel or bunkers to a Vessel within the Harbour shall comply with the Safe Bunkering Procedure published from time to time by the Harbour Authority.

Weymouth Harbour Radio can be contacted via VHF 12 or, if out of hours, by completing the online bunkering form located on the Harbour Website prior to the loading or unloading of fuel in excess of 1000 litres.

  1. Refuse and other materials

53.1No person shall deposit refuse anywhere on the Harbour except in suitable receptacles that have been approved or supplied by the Harbour Authority.

  1. No person shall use lights, including lasers, laser pens, torches or other beams, in a manner which causes nuisance to others or constitutes or is likely to constitute a danger to navigation; or let off any fireworks or pyrotechnics, other than those used for indicating distress or emergency, other than:
  • with the prior written permission of the Harbour Master; or
  • in connection with safe and proper navigation
  1. Loud Sounds

55.1No person shall sound, or cause, or suffer to be sounded, or used, in the Harbour Limits a siren, distress rocket, musical instrument, radio, television, amplification equipment, computer, loudspeaker, gong, horn or bell or other instrument or appliance capable of producing loud sounds or alarm signals, in a manner which causes nuisance to others or a disturbance to wildlife, on any occasion or for any purpose, other than:

  • in connection with safe and proper navigation
  • as a recognised race sound signal for an authorised event
  • with the prior written permission of the Harbour Master

55.2The Harbour Master may require any engine, equipment or other machinery to be switched off if, in the opinion of the Harbour Master, it does or may cause a nuisance or disturbance.

8. Miscellaneous

  1. Harbour Restricted Commercial Areas

No person shall enter, or remain in, the Harbour Restricted Commercial Areas without the prior authority of the Harbour Master unless that person is actively engaged in carrying on legitimate business related to that part of the Harbour Restricted Commercial Areas that they have entered or remain in.

  1. Swimming

No person shall swim in the Inner Harbour without prior written consent of the Harbour Master.

  1. Jumping or diving

58.1Except in accordance with paragraph 2, no person shall:

  • jump or dive from the Harbour Premises, including any pier, quay, or structure into the water; or
  • jump or dive from any Vessel into the water, whilst within the Inner Harbour or the Inner Harbour Approaches
  1. Anti-social Behaviour

No person shall act in a manner that, in the opinion of the Harbour Master:

  • causes or is likely to cause nuisance, harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons; or
  • that creates a risk to the safe and efficient operation of the Harbour

whilst within the Harbour.

  1. Firefighting and lifesaving equipment

No person shall intentionally or recklessly obstruct the useful operation of, or tamper with any firefighting or life-saving equipment or apparatus in the Harbour or use or remove any such equipment or apparatus except for the purpose of combating fire or saving life or with lawful authority for inspection or maintenance.

  1. Publications

Except in the lawful exercise of a statutory power, no person shall publicly place, erect, or exhibit any notice, placard, advertisem*nt or bill or distribute any leaflet, pamphlet, circular or other printed matter at the Harbour without the prior written permission of the Harbour Master.

  1. Fire Prevention

62.1All persons shall take all reasonable precautions for the prevention of accidents or incidents by fire within the Harbour.

62.2No person at any place where refueling takes place shall:

  • cause there to be, or have a naked flame of any sort, or a lit cigarette in these areasor
  • use a mobile phone or any other portable electrical or electronic device in these areas

62.3No person shall use or retain a fuel bowser in the Harbour without the prior written permission of the Harbour Master.

62.4The Master or owner of a Vessel within the Harbour shall not allow any fires, barbecues, or any other sort of naked flame (except for properly installed permanent cookers fitted inside any Vessel) on their Vessel or on Harbour Premises without the prior written permission of the Harbour Master.

  1. Drones

No person shall fly or operate a drone within or over the Harbour, except:

  • with the prior written permission of the Harbour Master; and
  • in accordance with the terms and conditions on which any such permission is granted
  1. Recovery of Military unexploded ordnance

No person may enter the Harbour Limits (with a Vessel or otherwise) with any item which is or may be unexploded ordnance, unless they have:

  • requested prior permission from the Harbour Master, having clearly stated they believe the item is or may be unexploded ordnance; and
  • the Harbour Master has given permission to enter the Harbour Limits with an item that is or may be unexploded ordnance

9. Information, obstruction and penalties

  1. Details of persons and Vessels

Any person within the Harbour shall on demand provide the Harbour Master with:

  • that person’s name and address; and
  • details of any Vessel within the Harbour of which that person has knowledge including the name and address of its owner and/or Master; and
  • if found committing an offence or suspected of committing an offence, against these General Directions, shall produce such means of identification as that person may have
  1. Obstruction of Officers of the Harbour Authority

No person shall intentionally obstruct any officer or employee of the Harbour Authority in the execution of their duties.

  1. Penalty Provisions

67.1By virtue of article 25 of the 2021 Order any person who fails to comply with a General Direction shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 4 on the standard scale.

67.2In proceedings for an offence, it shall be a defence for the person charged to prove that they took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of the offence.

Appendix - maps of areas

The full downloadable document contains the maps of the relevant areas discussed in the document.

We are aware that these are currently not accessible.

Work is being done in April/May 2024 to provide this information in an alternative way.


This document was last reviewed in 2024.

The next expected review date is 2025.

Weymouth Harbour general directions 2024 (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.