The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

WMtkn and BmIhn Arrival and Da partnrc Steamboat. OmCl Or THB FlCATTJTtl, Wednesday Morning. Ausr. 10. 1868.

Yesterday morning the weather was clear and very 'warm. At noon a shower cooled the atmosphere and laid the dast. The afternoon was cloudy, and a good breeze kept the atmosphere very pleasant. Business yesterday was not brisk on the Levee. Some of the boats leaving had fair tripe for the eeaeon.

Departukes. The Lower Coast packet A. G. Brown, the Bayou Lafourche packets Flicker and Hetty Oilmore, the Vickiburg Jacket Gov. Allen, and the Louisville picket chn Kilgonr.

The Ouachita packet Idahoe laid over till to day. The river before the city is stationary. It is now 12 feet 1 inch below the Surveyor's mark of the high water of At Vicksburg, on the 18th, the river was falling steadily. At Louisville, on the 17th, the Ohio River was on a stand, with 4 feet water in the canal. Weather clear and warm.

At St. Louis, on the 17th, the river was stationary. Weather clear and warm. At Memphis, on the 17th, the river was stationary. The Arkansas and White Hirers were failing, with 2 feet 4 inches to Little Rock.

By last reports from Trenton, per C'eom, we learn that Ouachita River was illing. By our last reports we learn that River waa falling at Jefferson and ShreveporU Arrivals. The Bayon Sara packet Grey Kngle, Cayt. Baraneo, with eundrieB, anil leaves again to day at 5 P. M.

The Natchez packet Bart Able, Capt. Harrison, with bales cotton. Manpevim.e Daily Packet Camelta Fare Fifty Cents On the arrival to day of the ii P. M. Pontchartrain cars, the splendid low prewure passenger steamer Camelia will leave for MandeTille, Lewisburg and Madisonville.

She 18 in charge of olbcerBof experience, who spare no pains to accommodate her patrons. Capt. W. L. Cozzens is in command, and her courteous purser is Mr Sam Brtnies.

She leaves daily for the above places, follows: Mondays and Thursdays, on arrival of 12 M. train Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 2 P. M. train Saturdays, 3 F. M.

train. An excursion trip will be made every Sunday, leaving the Lake end on trie arrival of the 6'4 A. M. train, returning in time to meet the 7 P. M.

train to the city. Mobile U. 8. Mail Steamsb On the arrival to day of' the 2 P. M.

Pontchartrain can, the low pressure iron steamer Mary will leave for Mobile, touching at the watering places. Bayou Sara Packet Grey Eagle. This splendid paseenger packet will leave to dav at 10 A. M. She leaves reguljrly every Wednesday at 10 A.

and every Saturday at P. for all coast laudiugs up! to Bayou Sara. Her competeut officers are Capt. V. B.

Baraneo in command, and Mr. Leo Bayhi in the office, aaiated by Air. Johu hi. llodgkin ton. Kern for St.

Louis At 5 P. to dny, this splendid passenger packet, of the Atlantic and Mississippi Steamship Company, leaves for all landings up to St. under the aide management, of Capt. B. R.

Pegratn. with the attentive Mr. II. Dietrich in the oflice. She is at the foot of Gruvier street, receiving freight.

Mobile Propeller Like via New ha ih. The propeller Sarah. Capt. A W. Deer iog, leaver to day, at 5 P.

for Mobile, connecting with tho Mobile Trade Company for all points on the Alabama River. COMMERCIAL. OFFICB Of THE FlOATTirE, I Tueeday Evening, Aug. 18, 1868. Cotton There was some little inqniry today, but it was mostly at figures which factors not accept, and the only sales reponed were 30 bales, mostly Low Middling to Middling, at full pr' res.

Yesterday ttere were Bales of 17 bales iu audition to tho reported. including 2 of the pew crop, which clat'od Middling, at Some factors are asking 'fic. lor Good Ordinary, 28 for Low Middling, i.8M for Strict Low Middling, and 29 S3) lor Middling, but othuiu are unwilling to aecnpt these figures. Buyers offer about lc lestbaa the inside figures. New crop is he'd at 35c but no sales have been rejoried over 32.

The receipts of new crop since Mon lay at'er noon seal up li Jules, limiting a total la: tea eon of li The total receipts comprise 1 balep, including proper, 8 from Mo'ule hi.d 22 from Texas. Exported 'Jt5 ba'es to New York. BTiTEMEfT OF COTTOS. Sept. 1, 1807, (balee) J5.25n Arrived to day previoJisl'T.

Made np wae'e damaged cotton, 133 and S.Ol'J 07. Cleared to day freviously. IS 8tok on hpnd and on shipboard 1.S7J SUGAR ASi 5IOL ASSES There IK UO chatlue to r.otke in 'he marlte. No Ba'. of niiy importance reported LoninUna Sugar otill retailing at Kt1, 15'ic.

fur fair topiime. li'U a l'. ie lor yellow cl.trifit and 17c. for wl ite. There is still no market for Cnba ToiiAcco Since ou: review of Saturday there haii teen very iitiie iieomtid, th r'a'e unbrsciiit: only hhds.

lafn to loi leaf, at iy It The otiering er.pp'v if now klcIi rednced and tbu receipt." continue lirht. The receipts dnring the paot three days were i 11 bus exports same time Sttj (exclusively to New York 1 Siock on md September 1, 31'! tf rnl receipts since th re 15.171 totnl exrrt" eince then 14.70:'. Slock on hand We fclili quote and on fcH; byard hhda. i. tbt.

7 a 9 'I a 10 II 315 u7 4:10 Bevy. BefnBed Corcrjieri "iet'T H6di Oocd Fine Choice elections Fine vcraprers 10 15 IS a J.J Fbeigktp We have no improvement to notice in this maiket. The. tonnage in port hae letu conPideraMy ed by the recent but as yet there no up for foreign i.ortd excepuu one sten. for Liverpool.

Coastwise the oteamcrs are livUiii enrnU cargoes of'rted freihtj, but there i etill notliinj? doing in that diiectiou by mil. Kates ra nnseliled and nominal, but we cller the following rjiKitatiotH Hy pteim, cotton to Liverpool, do. to New York, tol acco to Kew York, 1 iiour to fitw Y01 an 1 Doston, 7." I' bb! corn to New York and Boson, 2(: baahel. Afir.ITALS from THE Wlst Sinco oar rt3 itvv ot yeeifiiuj steamer Johu rrru T. v.i?vi"e, Lis arrived.

Fi.ct r. Ther was no mrrki'd to rclice in the Flonr market to day. The de nif.n'l wa only moderate, and we hve of sstles of 40 double extra at jj1) a.t choice a' l'J. do. at do.

at $11 and on merits at 70 bbl making total of i j) Vester rlav.TTOt refortcd, 400 tretde extra eoid at i'tbl. We qnote as' follows Fine 37 enpertine doable extra 12Vi; low treble 37 a 10 choice treble $10 and choice extia til 5 alt Corn The market ia dull. The sales to 'were onlv white at 15,50 Ho. nt 1 i4 end 1 00 white yellow at 10 bnehel. Oats The demand in still baht, bnt are 550 sacks Bold at t'5c.

Inshfcl. Bbak We notice a slight improveoneut in 1 hie article to dav. Tliere were saies of sacks at $1 .20 1'Oti and 150 at 1 '5 100 Tb. Tokk No chanre; 50 ani 50 iqp sold from the at bbl. From Etore mesa is retailing at $31 2ow'M 50 bol.

I acon By retail shoulders are quoted at an "4 ciear ru.ned sides and clear sides 18c. i' lb, though we uote a sale 5 cat lie of the latter at 17 Sic. lb. Iabp Choice in tierces i pmII retailing at do. in kegs at 'he.

ky lb. Yesterday evening, tierces and 50 kegs not reported; cold at these figures. an for is lb. $4 l' i I I Cheese The stock is light and prices are firm. Western Reserve and lactory are quoted at 152 17c; Northern cream and Euglish dairy at IS a l'ic.

Ifr. Malt and Hops M.ilt still doll. Western is quoted at $2 80 a 2 8o, and Canada at $2 90 bushel. Hops dull at 20 15c. tb.

Bagging India bagging is dull. Bv retail it is still quoted at 21c. yard in roll, and 25c. in bales. Kentucky bagginaqniet at 20c.

yard for hand loom and 23 i20c. lor power loom. Iron TieS Ati steady at 7c. lb by wholesale, and 7Vtc. by retail.

Naval Stores Yesterday there was quite active demand for Rosin, and some (J000 hbls. wore taken for shipment at $2 50 bbl. No. 2 and 2 75 i for No. 1 to pale.

Tar still very dull at $1 75 for 18 to 20 pallon packages. Pitch steady at 1 50 5 for Sonth em. Spirits Turpentine unchanged 1'5 bbla. sold at 40c gallon. Salt1 The demand is moderate and prices steady at $2 iOG'i lii for Liverpool coarse and tine from warehouse and $2 55 32 (30 from store Turks' Island $1 90 2 bag.

Bale Rope We note eales of 200 coils machine rope (not previously reported) at 'Jc. t' It is retailing at Oc. Esculents Potatoes are selling on the landing at $2 a4, according to quality Onions 506 4 a 5 bbl. Poultry and Eggs Chickens sell on the landing at $4 50 9 dozen: Eggs i0a25e. dozen in boxes and bbl.

CATTLS MARKET. Jefferson Citt, i Tuesday Evening, Aug. IS, 1868. The market continued lively to day. Stock left on sale 520 Beeves.

80 Veal Cuttle, 100 Hogs, 550 Sheep, and 1' Milch Cows. PRICES! Texas Beeves, choice corn fed. ft Texan Cattle, 1st quality head 35 00 Texas Cattle, 2d quality 9 00 Texas Cattle, 3d qnalitv ft 15 00 Hogs, Western. lb, net 84 9 10 Sheep, 1st quality 3 50 5 00 Sheep, 2d quality 3 00 Sheep, 3d quality 1 1 50 Milch Cows, bead, 80 012O Milch Cows, 2d clafs 60 00 a 80 00 Texas Cows, with calves 9 20 5D Yearlings, head 12 00O lfi On Calves. head 8 009 15 CO nONETAST AND TLE6DAT EVENISO.

Ang. IS, 1868. The Money market pr per continues extremely qniet, but we hear of occasional negotiations at 10 cent, per annum on call, and a 11 for mortgage paper. There is an am pie supply of capital for the discount of all Al paper at the ruling rates, which are 10 12 fe annum on call or tor short periods, secured by satisfactory collaterals. Second trade could hardly be negotiated better than 1 i cent, per month.

Mortgage notes are quoted at 10 a 12 cent, per annum forAl, and 13 3 15 for second class. The banks discount most of the good business paper orlered by their customers. Gold opened atlirAuallG (against UGHj at New York.) and after a moderate business closed at about the opening rates. The sales include: '5U0, round amount at 1 15 S5000. and anothor a moderate sum and $1U''0, $1500, SOM0 and f30Uf 140.

Nothing was ieported in Silver, whi is nominal at 135li a 130 for Anit rican half dollars, and 150 ior Mexican dollars. Foreign Exchange was quiet and easier. Nothing wi.s reported in Sterling, but the saleB of francs included 30,000 Al commercial at 3.57 another at 3 L15.0,,'l, 25 ,000 bank. and 25,000 private bankers', i.nd f.rst class) at 3 55, and 50.000 bank at be qnoted at 'I 150 for Al and In) 1 1 for bank, and francs at for the former and 3.55t for th6 latter. Domestic Exchange continned extremely dull, ith very tew offerings and a light re demand, which the banks supply at t'ceut preu.ium, for checks on New York.

The pales of commercial included 10i0 Boston pivbt at '4 premium, and $5000, sixty days, on New York at 1 discount. City Trensury notes were firmer, the sales inclcdirg $5d00 at 32 I' cent discount, flO.oiH) and 10.000 at $4 at 32 "4, and jfilOOO at V. Dealers paid U5 for the small sums offered at their connters, supplied tlie car rent demand trom taxpayers at 3 JSH State notes were weaker, aud eo'ihi not lie jiioted over 'i a 27 dibcnnt, but tbe sides included 0' at MARINE NEWS. ricAioc oncK a CLXAUKD IKSTEEtLAY. ir vtf.

for li ilvt .1 1: E' Ur Kini y. Jlrtir 1. li ABBIVBU. Frt. iron: M.

SUftu.Firi rai'. 4tf. litetnt Shir I'efllir. luff. A H.

niii rk. to Crtt vy. rt. Wu'cv 1 Nlrkrlft 11 lito jet .1 8M it. Bii.iJni.i.

ni r. oil; N. to A C11. Fia Ba.t.l. I' Biig A i It.

Kn fr' in Knr urir A' 1 1'IJL Jll. ta I Vl i.rlni.n, bel Klim. liof 'sPi ni, tj. 1.1 lave in. Havana, t.i 7 Jaya troiu ls.a:i 1.

1 STHAMRB. rnnct im Mo i. Hurt A'jif, tin Nat Kli' kr, A'lroiu. TowLTht Ki'iSMr. Stur.

Jin r'. wn ari'l tn gtH ii si (i.i; TiKn iihtit niiii 1 1 lowvoDt Giciiaior. lu 1 mil ii.ft.. 1.: Gi 'trrj. s.i.p J.

Fonu: .1 anr ii A null ii.M i 1 l.cfl. A 1 fBeloir coming Cp. 1 LVllES, I'ro'Ji a I i.ftil.' Sk tir i ii Mir.atitld i. rum Taii'i1! Hi. it Si i.r a.

J. aei icu BXPOaTS. li GAI.VKSON i 3 k. iuu IMPOSTS. ft A weft kf 1 I BOKIKA? Ii hi r.i Ill 4 i

i' 8: He i i'tie' rt HI kcl 11' 1 In 1 ll. a tiM pensrfta hi i is as wiue I' Br'i ir ir ks Kas iv lo I' n' i i i 1. t.i a 't in a iciy F. i A III" i i caas nit it til lar: iiQiii in ft .10 A Ri at l.t. i i Fnyn i.i A ('rlte .1 i i it gr i Vt 1 in Ti nr.nil it a in.

i ki 1X3 .1. 3 pr, 'I. li i ti? ii F.W OKU Suio I'm uir A3sortr 1 mlae KWl'OHT F. op.rj r' i'o M. I'liHT fii, i lun rr 1 0 HA'AA Bnr ui v.

Atur 1 ') 11 1 i ii. i to hul A i A 8. i.t Kta icl' 1 1111' 1.3 7.f.i UJl.riu iin.ia 1 11 BKCF.IPTS OF PRoliFCa. NATCHEZ Bart Ai: 1 Snie a i .10 Wi Wripiiil 1 A.lnn.s. A H.

i' rka 8 Marx a kf 1 i vt B4.urr., u.a i rri'i r.l. li. 'tin t. i itoa tmi .1 pk'B tnilt j' iiiita ordi To'al kia 't nv. 'XHlBUt 'CX Stt iiiii Fiii asi a ninas 11 1 a i.i.

tat Ttrrer? u'vi lara r.r to nrnr MOBit.E Etrenirr Frances 1 aa inn cji'oa i ete iri 'i a 1 eiiUiiriee. "i Per Opelonsaa and O. W. Bal ro sd. Ai It baits irvss Ws' it L.Ctb Ltafaf: i.s auj auu iria.

Fer 5. Jackson and Q. N. Sollrcsd. Atiff halfa rrtton llsr ln i ri viffl Ir inmoer Ta ur ii.

F. urf i t' ir aa ot' i ar ir r. I. i r.s Manufn 'im Co 2:1 I ka Im'iai in (io' Ai Rn ir ii 1. i Aoy Mm al i buit lo jl Aiiia tr T.

MiMOUANDA. r. lief tf du tlit vt li i aiui i.t leak. a haa re, eivt rr Ti.t aiiip Vti f.i UcS But 1.. lo il: llSlT.Og mvi into but lit' le Spoken.

ir. July 1 1.1 Ci iiia, for navrt. Doicestic Port. Ci'i ivr ludituvia New rk. A A Kii'tr, Lavaca, ichr Foremen Torts.

Air fni NOiieana. i Arr fai P. aaa. i.ia, a I.miicii. Am Ju RutLf D.

Chase, Mt lit rRASG'S AMERICAN CHEOKi 'S Fi)R SALE Al all reepectal.e Art Stores. Catalogues mailed free, by L. PBiNQ 4 mylfa Ba6m IHton. LIST OF LETTERS REM i mm in the Port Offloe at Mew Oileaiia, and uncalled fox August 18, 1868. Beportea Dally for the Picayune, In order to make the llat of Letters as correct as possible, Lad es and Gentlemen taking letters from the Poet oflice are requested to erase their tamea from the List.

I.AD1EH' LIST. Eorcer Julia Beckett Kittle mrs Brent Jane Cai ty miss Cocley Mary A Curtis a jiura Tiiinirg Mary as mrs Davis uirs lhike i mrs Eilie II mrs Fitzgerald Johacnah GIlibaM mrs Urcen Moilie miss lialley miss Huimiol Rosina Benry Moilie miss Johnson Moilie A mrs Kip mica Kelly Lea mrs Lofnis mrs Lynch Mary May miss iioulten mrs Mert htad Minnie Moure Addle mm Morcan mis Mardia A mrs igli Jane Volan tnlsa O'KellBnjrs I'ttlon A miss Bay A mrs Bedell Emma Barry Lizzie miss Cesbron miss Conroy Pat miss Cleilaud a miss Pcnson mrs Dillon A miss Ueeves miss Doherty mrs Zvaua mrs Farmer Fmrs CJ A mrs II HuUe mrs Hans 11 miss Johuson miss Janiirv ur.oj Kip A miss Kaul miss L. Laynnn mrs Lee Clara miss Lynn mrs DI Monroe Jas mrs It art 111 mrs Murphy mrs Maaterton miss, Moncerf Louisa Mitchell mrs Itlnce McKertle JY Nafe miss O'Rourke miss Pritchard mrs Fatterboa A mtsa A mrs It Banger mis Pop mrs Perkins Mary col Porur 11 nub Bl.odes mrs Ettd mrs Kobersoa 41 A mrs Svre etroan Spin afield mils Euu; Bon miss Sparks mrs Tiiukei Bley miss Thomas Jane Wilcv Cecelia Visa.m 8 ruiss Kicuardson li 11 mrs Selorer mrs Sattoa i mrs Stowart mUs Taylor 8 mrs Tucker miss Wvse If mrs Willoy Mary Wki'temoie Belle lolllals. Simeons Joseph Miss Florence M. eKNYL.JCmKN'8 LIST.

Alii, Baker Geo capt Iiurilen 1) Be V.ev Kd Bobt Wm Erf' Geo By; Wni Bok't Geo Crrmweil ur II C.i anH2h Mat Vox I'eianey Biol, l't nit a Lun'. 3 ii Euttis Fri nch 1 iyua Malt Anthony Geo II Bi ll button Bri en Br2j; cm Burner Bad' Berry st Carron Brewer Geo Benims Buuzer Block A Biodic Bauen. Hyde Cotton Cogan Curhe A Crawtt rd Coweruew I Davis I' Duncan 11 Edell Joseph Forrell Mike Caldwell A riimniiiiss letter. Urigjja 'uilius Drefiver Juo K.anery! Jas GraHani I'eter iaVn Win (Jotl'Chns 0 Gxeuu.eaio capt tennis (iillespie (oriuan Peter Gt atiue dr 11 HutcbH.Fon ilOKHll Jhit Haidie Jas Ir svtce i. PmitU ft li Johnsou 111 iiljon II Henry liijmlort; Jas I JllTi'S It Jatlial'i.

Han on Hull J3 II col tunes Jus ur Kooc'7. it Kilicti Keen KniRbt 11 i ikpatrick I. I.a!iSj!in 1 lWlf.1t'6 Lobdetl A it Lee A 1 aniHU Elwd I Le i a Lancaster Lee Jesse (co)'dl Large Ruins Sloro IS col el rn Masf ey Ire Menher Murphy Jus Montgomery Mi.ruaey Tim Yntrtiril Mm ubv 1. Mellev' D) apt Si tciieil Meiu 8 Jloutluld A Trlncn Tiiurtc Jno loin tm i.en McNeil J', Bet' id icKi.y Newton Vug lilt hd re iieo Met' Mi 'i 11. Mr'iuitbej Wm Alc'uaide J.i i Leis i finer O'CoTinell I' rheip i Plo Tom l'iicher 1 Rcillj Rei'ly Riggs Thns Biichie dr Jas Shields Srmrdej Smith Jno Jay Southwell Wm Kotinbon col Boliiusou Wm i inrnons iiitinnda litiuard i aiiler Stotklcy Tgy'orN Tl.VttA 1 Jo.

hua Tsibox 1 co Wi'l WriRlev Geo Wilson Hgriy Yoiit.t;Vool ilnrd las loM Jno mit iloa't Suacke ford Temille capt II Tenety .1 A Tumell .1 A Tuyloi Wood Wm Wiiar Wm Wheeler VV Yi iiiiatus Wood rev Ed tv stertield 0 Wright Jas Young Oivid Initial F.illon Ceilej's Flintation the Great Souihoru Fire and Life Insuianr Compmy. ud COI L.IVKK Oil. rpKE PUREST AND SWEETEST CUD LI i in the woild. macu actured fron COD LIVER Oil, frebh ithltoy hvera upon the soa shore it is perfect iy i.ure ana ev.eet. ack ior niuata o.

anc.ia Ctd Livr Gil," ni imifuoi ured bv CASWELL HAZARD i New York, 'iccese 'rs to Caswell, Mark Co. Said by all dniggists. 'ri7 lyeod kW REEVE'S OIt Tllli HA1H. IMPBOVSD. It is an eiegant dressing for the balr.

It causes the hair to curl beautifully. It keeps the scalp clean and healthy. It invigorates the roots ot tbe hair. It forces the hair and beard lo grow luxuriantly It immediately stops hair fulling out. It keeps the lialr from changing color from age.

It restores gray hair to ile original color. It brirgs oat hair on add that nave been tiild for years. It is composed entirely of simple and purely vegetable substances. a It Las receive! over sir thousand voluntary testimonials of Its eicelituce, many of which are from physicians ir. high standing.

It is sold In half pound bottles (the name blowa In the glass) by druggists and dealers infancy goodi every I.eia at One Dollar per bottle. Wholesale ly DEMAS, BABNB3 New York. C. WaLT li OO. it '63 ly gUG AR 250 pacaTgpa Loaf, Crushed, Pow atrert A ana oluiuo, For sale by i CO.

ul 73, 75 and 77 Tchoupitoulas street. WASHINGTON EXCHANGE. 19 St. Charlea Street, XSW OEXSAXS, Between Common and Canal streets. F4 68 ly D.

M. STELLA. Proprietor. C. BERKLEY JOHNSON, Senior member of the late Firm of S.

A. k. W. WI.VCHBSTKB, Betalns a Counting Boom at thejold stand 15 South Market and 15 Chatham streets, Boston, where BOAP8 of the old firm's brand, quality aud style can be had and where he would he pleased to attend to orders and to calls of the friends and patrons of the late firm. au 1 5 S4tTh2mJdp JOS.

P. COULON, Sncreasor to Price dk Coulon, PLUME KB So. li CAMP STUEKTJ Agent for MOTTS DKFIANCK COOKLNU RANGES. my7 "n.l;Su s3( THE PUBCELL HOUSE, Wilmington, N. Proprietor S.

B. DAVIS, of Mills House, ton, S. C. Coach, Carriage and Baggage Wagons way ready to convey Passengers to and from Ui cadi. mhl 68 6m lt2dp Pure Chemical and all New T.

MORSON SON, il, 33 aud 124 outhbiupton Row. Basbeil Square London, supply PCBE CnRMlCALS and all NKW MRDICINAL PRS Ps RATIONS, Including the following special hies PKPHINK, the active digestive princple of the gastric iuice an agreeable and popular remedy for weak digestion. In Powder, Wine, Lozenges and Globules. PANCREATIC KJ1VLSON, and PANCBBiTINS in powder, containing the active principle ob taiBed from the Pancreas, by which the digestion and assimilation ot fat is eilected. SACCU ABATED WHEAT PHOSPHATKS, a vnhia bie dietetic preparation for Invalids ani Children, supplying the elements for the formation of bene CBKASC iTK, from Wood Tar, of which T.

11. Ji HON are tho only British Manufctiirers. GELATINE, a perfect and economical substitute for Isinglass. Shipping Orders executed with caro and dispatch WMi 8a lv BELD1NG, KEITH AMERICAN UANKKRd AND 11KSCHAS TS, SO Lombard Htreet LONDON. K.

Dealers In KXCUANGK, C. 8. BONDS AND ALL AMERICAN BBtTUITIES, Orders lor Brltlnh Product Promptly Executed. LIEKKAL ADVAM 'tf MADB ON APPROVKD CON fclGNMKNTS. Collections Itlade and Drafts Retired.

CIECCLAIUS (PUBLISHED WEEKLY) yoSWAKDKD ON APPLICATIOJI. Ja25 B8 Salridp JULKH LiAUtibEUKB A Ol Nalu, Raima, jParla andLaadaa, dola Proprietors of the celebrated Vlsri CKP3, Dry and holder et tui best EED AND WHITg LTBGUNDIK3 4 bad, as EuMiSfil, KICUSBOTjao, CHAliBKSTIN, OIC'S VOUe.BCT, CiOCTON VOLNAT, iMYvai', iSOSTaAOHr! and CHAELIS. Fjr ordort irrlts Kalis, Ptxis or Londcn. cr apply lo JOHN I IT street itWi lr'rtunsl T. W.

JBOT11ICK, CNHKRrAKPiK, Corner of t'nmp Rr.d Dclord streadi NhW OBLKANS. kfetaliie, lHaliogKiiy, L'iack Walnnt, and mixjd Codins always on ha id. Clark, satin, tiro we otid white Merino lmiifcn' and cliiidreii't Shroudli g. and Bi.nies Cc retiiii; tliipped. lieaisee.

Carriages and Ci Biro, rnnerais atU'Edec to in by tbe who hopes, by strict to o'uUiin a hwr of pnbttr tTC i nU ot M1W OULKAXJt l'OrT Oi KIl'K. Time of Arrlvnl and Departure ol I Koine Bml. New Oileans to Brmlirpr. lc i (excep Sinnliix a' 7 A. il.

di.l, ie? cei ur.l!a3 by P. M. Fc ute km 2. Xew tnluans to Cintou. rt.

pai ire loses at P. Sunday at li M. At I iiv ui y'R P. M. I Rome ilimj.

(iiVriiS St. supflylDg a'! the 'ie a' P. and Friday at i A. M. Am M.i.nia.

i ai Knila mrriiii'xs Baute HH. New Orlratic to Carrot'ton. via Jet fersoa City, doj art me iloniiiiv ami at A.M. Arriveb Mu'iday ami at 4 i Boute El 5 New Oriynns Lower Coast. Tuesday afi Kridiy a.

ji. Arrives mil dfiv ana iii' uaoay. Route New oilc.i.'.s tn daily at i P. Sumlav at 5S. Arr.e3 by A.

ii. Route enf 7. New Orleans to Cov.r.ton, do ilonday Mil Thursday, at A. M. Ar nvef Tuebday and Fiiilay, by 4 P.

M. oiite Now Orleans to Algiers, depasture daily, at A. il. Arrives doliv hv A. M.

Enute Rnfc'i. Now Orleans tfi Vicksburg, eiipj 'y lng all the offices opened to Vickt.btt. Ued River find "uaclutft Di Tuesiiny and Saturday, at 3 P. M. Arrives ou Monday and Friday moraines.

Mai lb lor Lake Coast Tueedava and Thurdays at A. Saturdays it A. il. Pavst. jo ixa, Saturdays at 1' ilails lor Galveston, noucton, Sir, At.U'ino, Browni.rtl'.e.

Biazos Santiago. vi. jf' Gr'eats and Opei.iUf.;io Railroad, clo. al 7 A. M.

Ou Sunday and TUursdav. Tarill of l'ontnpc for Mexico, uha, Wet Indies, etc. Porto Rico, 'Uaa la loupe, llart'niiie, French and Duith Guiana li. coui3 Laii "ou lipHtorv. St John, St.

i maa and Santa C. u. via Hj vana la eenta hall ob! giimy. Cuba, Mexico, Ja uaica, States of KugUslt Gutau1 cotit* ob'iRatory. Bolivia, Chili, Ecuador 34 ceuU half obligatory.

Circular Po'igc. Prlglr.m, Switr.eiland and Gerinp.iy. 3 cents etcli. IrHre 4 Eiksiandi. Knd liji'y i eai.ii.

Russia via 8 rents each. neaen via Hamburg 1 i ts i. h. Circulavs are rated as book packets, 4 or under. Oflice Mourn.

Opens at 8 o'clock A. closes at 8 P. M. Sucdavs, othoo opecB at o'clock A. closes at 12 I.

B. W. TALUV oR'ii). rib tf Pofitiiifccrar. AdvertLtlns Agents lor tbe Picayune.

TESAS. D. RICHARDSON, of Anstln, is om General Traveling igent tor Texas; he ia duly authorized to receive Snbscription and contract for Advtrtelrig, and receipt for tho same. NEW YOKK M. PKTTING1LL St 37 Park Sow JOY, COB i.

CO. Tribune Buildings PEAS No. 7 lieekrcan street. New York; T. C.

FATLKNER, 46 Pine street H. SEVMOCB SCtJBLL StC(. 82 Fulton etraet VH. J. CAELTON, 171 Bmadway; HOOPER, 41 Park Row.

Times GEO. BoWELL CO. 40 Park Bow, Sew York. BOb S. U.

PETTINGILn St No. 6 State 2trect niLAT'ELPHlA COB, WETHSRILL Si Ledger Eaiiding. J. BKNJ. CHANDLER, Louisiana and Mlssipsippi, on the line of the Jackton Railroiid.

L. P. WiLKEB Jt 41 Main street and 56 street, Louisviue, Ky. General Adverting Agents are uthorized to contract for pderiieir.g in Cie SEW OBLKANS DAILY AND WKKKLY PICAYCNk. J.

BOQEL, GENERAL Al'CTIONEEK. Off.ce and Salesroom 34 Tchoupiloula street. Will give prompt attention to sales of MEP.t'HAN MSE, STOCKS, BOf.PS, REAL ESTATE, FL'RNI TlttK, etc CASH ADVANCK3 ilADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. Regular (ales of Greceries, Produce, Winea Liquors, Tobacco, ard Cigars every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 11 A. M.

JylO otl LABAMA LIME FOR SALK I AM CONSi'AST ly receivinK Alabama Lime, which I otfer sale in lots to suit tho purrhasers at the lowest market prire. This Lime is mperiorto ail other Lime that is sold heie, a for comiciiig. hard finishir.E and gar makiLji fr supeiio For saie by SiM'L Jy4 otf Cdronilolet street Maunscll Bogel, I.TIPOHTEUS AND W1IOL.ESALK DRUGGISTS, 43 Street. .43 OPPOSITE ST. JAMK3 H0TBL.

For Juie, In Btore and In Bond French, fnglUh, German ar.d Mediterranean TRCGS, MEDICINES, CUE.MICAXS, DKCG OlSTS' SrNDBIES, PERFCMERI, TOILET ART1CLB8, ETC. Fure Wines and I.Iguorw, etc. MAUN SELL. BOGEL, 43 Magazine streer, Opposite St. Hotel.

For Vale In Store. German Boots, Herbs, Flowers, Extracts, Chemicals, Essential Oils, Mineral Waters. Direct impoitation lroru Germany. AIAl'SSELL it BOGEL, 43 Mafi.i.ine street, oprotito St. James HoteL Urugeiiitfl' Surgical Inttruraentit, etc.

SyringeB of every description, Surgiiai and Inetrumenta Catheteis and Bougies, Bieaet Pumps, Kursirg Buttles, Corks, Cork Prcssein, Sponnes, Lint. Planters, Pi'il TiUa Graduates Pill aud Powder boxea SHIP'S MEPICINB CHESTS, ill sizes. Also a Complete Assortment of all the Requisites of a Firet Ciata Ding Store, to which we invite epeciai attention. MAIXSELL A BOGBL, 43 Magazine street, eppcaiUi St. James Hotel.

Ferfomerv and Toliet Articles. Perfumeries of C. udray. Lubin, Plnnud, Pivcr Violet, Rii jinel, etc Farin Colojue. Teiiet Seta.

Ladies' and Gentlomsn's Dressit.g Casep. Koneiu.iu. Wme. Combs. Brusliee.

of all varie'it s. Our asportment cf the abo all of recent Im pciti lifL is crtered at a small advance on MAl'Nl hLL BOCEI 4 Mjigaue etreet, opposite Su James Holt i. French i'ntcut DS GGUPBON CONCKNTBEB, du (iuyot. Paris. Vanq STROP and PATB for lunamms'iimi of tho broti'liial tubes ai aitei tions of the chest.

TONIC VhURlU'GK. Iicelausin's P''IATl'M, tor pellicles on the IBJKCTiON, Feilin. iK CGPaHC. OCB88B KT RATANHIA.

NITRATE 1K BIS MUTH. HULB DE KOI MOF.rK Ph IiKSOCUB. Vt'c are al upplied, ii. addition to the above, all the q.i. ar PATKNT MEDICINES ot Ui.iui repute, MAL'NShLL i.

BuGEU 4o Magazme street, St. James Ho' A Ucmeil that Never Falls. INJECT lON EICOED, PABIS, 11 euly tercedy tliat can be relied ou fur the cettaia 8nd eura of GON'lREHKA, in 11 ltshl CliR'iN (' GLhET, ni tlm longnst standing. FLI'i'B cr WJilTKS. No nuiLeine la necessary when remedy is used aud who for mouths, an i eu years, have ii from these and tiled all oihor th.nga ia v.

can calculate upou a rntedy iiii.I permanent cue by the use of tl.ig never lei.icdy. In all rafts of FLUOR Af.Hl'S, or WHITES, (0 comnion in waim tl, mates,!y ailonU mediate relief. CAUTION. Nine genuine without tho written eiiatr. of on tie a rapper, the name INJECTION Bit tiR PAlil.4 In the glass cf the bottle, tap oi dim'lai MdUSSELL it BOGEL, wlolesole ITlALWMlI.L cV BOGEL, (F COGNACS, WINKS AND 43 Magazine street, oppusite St.

Jamas HoteL oglrncn Cognacs t'oanacii. 12 qnaiter caeti. Ci. vintage I I1 1 185 j. eigth arter (Hard Dupuy, 4.

Co. I eighth 5 quaiter J. i. 21 did Lonicn Dot k. il ov.t direct ix.pjrt aiio.i guarivnteod.

MAUNSHLL BOGEL, 4 i Moazice street, oppocito James Hutcl Sherries Fort is V'lirter caalis L'ght Gu'deu SIIF.RY. ii Pale SHKRRY choice. 1 Oloroso SHERRY. 1" MADSISA cho.ce. hhds 8 quarter cahks aidicary SHERRY.

3 12 MAPEIKA. 21 ii.iter casts very old POUT. 3 ordu ary Foi in quantities tot.uit. MAUNlELL EOGEL, 41( Magazine street, opposite St Jame3 Hotel. Old Hourbon nnd Kye Wblnkeyn.

llbs. Ki'lei's Genuine CHICKEN co*ck. 23 BOURBON. 12 MONONGAHELA cLoieC. 32 OL1VS lb bOYLK, MILLER St CO.

in GOLDEN SHBAF. For sale in any quantity, MAUNSELL S. TiOGBL. 43 Magazina street, oppotiite St. Jasies Hotel.

Jamaica Kum Irlnh nndlcolch hlsjUeyn, ete. 3 puncheons Old JAMAICA RUM. 1 IRISH WHISKEY. 1 SCOTCH E0LLA5D GIN. 100 enfcts ALPS PORTERS various hratdl Direct in piirtaTioo, fully guaranteed.

For la any MAC5SKLL it BOGKL, 4J M.giiino street, Je25 ctf oppct.te St. James Hotel. EDUCATION. HOME FOR GIRLS HOPEWOOD SCHOOL. Mrs.

B. A. HOWARD, Principal. This school is abiut dl miles irom New Orleans, rearCLatawa, cn the Jackson Railroad, in a locality famous for health, climate and beautiful scenery. I trga play grounds, well shaded by forest trees, fine extensive gardens and orchards, and comfortable and spacious apartments, make the i ctool a pleasant home, while the best talent Is itLj.loyed to give young ladies a thorough edu.

ration. The course comprises English, French, Calisthenics, Plain ani Ornamental Needlework and Domestic Iconomy. French is the language ol the school. German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Music, Drawing and Faint, ii are extra. No extra charge for fuel and lighten The prices will compare favorably with those of ary other school of the same standing.

Ecbocl duties Oct. 1. For prospectus or further information apply to Mrs. B. A.

HOWARD, Chatawa. aula 3m oi box I4G2 New Orleans Post Otlic A gT. MAEY JEFFERSON COLLEGE ST. JAMES, LA. The neit ff fsiAn wil" commence on the First of October.

he Maiiel Fathers who hav charge of the Institution, aie provided ith all tb fi tut imparting a thorough Kngliab, French, Mathematical and Classical Education. Teims payable in advance, ifWin gold, (or Its equivalent, for the half eewron of rive months. For furlher particulars apply to the President, or to Messrs. Poursine 4t 'Natehz street. New Oilcans.

aula SuTuitThim LEANS EM ALE AOAi'BMY DAY AND Boaiding School conducted by ine DIMI TBY', in that large and airy Verandah Building, No. 2f)0 Camp street. The Twenty Sixtli Annual Sea tion will beginon TUESDAY, the 1st ef Septenibsr. The system of instiuction is thorough and the text books are of unquestioned proprletv. It affords ever' facility for the acquisition of French, Fnglieh and Music.

Strict attent'on paid toother Languages Classical as well aa Modern and Accomplishments. Kor furtber particulars apply in person at the or by letter to Mrs. W. D. DIMITRY, Box 2nfl.

anlS 3m IOCQUET INSTITUTE DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES Noa 212 and 2i 1 8u Charlea Street and No. 201 Camp street. MISS M. A. BURR, PrincipaL The Twcrty KUth Scholastic year of this Institution wU commence TUESDAY.

Sept. 1, IMS. Every facility for the acquisition of a thorough knowledge of French. English, Latin and Music, is oflereo by the Principal of this school. Ths Primary Department attached to the school is as caietully instructed as the academic, and by tb" same experienced teachers.

For particulars as to terms, eto apply in person to Miss M. A. BURR, at the Institute, wh6re catalogues may be 1 ad, or by letter through the Post Otlice, Locked Box 132. aul 1 iaid.v 1ABNATZ INSTITUTB. rrytania and First streets.

...207 DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL F(R YOUNG LADIES. Session of Utb ili commence on 1st September This institution oilers a healthy aud secluded rat cK, with spacious rooms aud shaded grounds. The course of instruction is conducted by the most competent prefetpcrs, and comprises the si Kin, laiiguagi aud accomplishments tau tit in the bet schools For terms, tee circular, cr apply at the lustiute. aul 2 Urn LEEBT LYON S( ilOOL. CHATAWA, PIF.K COUNTT.

5tw Oceans, Jackasri and Orcal Kor.rtli Anr.c.r.1 Ses. ior. will eemmenoj nil tLe FIKST Mi 'Nil AY SEPTEMBER, IbbS. trait of leti i Mr. I 1 by orn the bight Rev.

W. M. GRHES, 1. Binhop of the Iiiocese ot Miiaissippi aud Chancellor of the University ot the South "If the people (reneraliy only knew how long you huve iieen ei iu teaching hew diligently you have named journelt tor the work, how wieelv cu hae choiei: a location fur your school, how much cii ave, eib cti ithin two or ibro yenrs, how whiilesome i the moral aud religious atmosphere of your school, how thorough is the toacb lLtf dl eveiy paitmoiit, and ho unexceptionable is the charet ter ot he pu'. lis whom you have al ready i er.i luiih our imimniatur upon them, ou won't! tie puired to nnd that von had no room ior the touith pair ot tbdc who would licsiro to come under vo tiilri'ng.

Tbe Mississippi Diocese Convention ot pub hshes t'nat 1 the p. ido and of our Diocese is A LlitRT LION'S SCHOOL Chatawa Catalogues of tiie School av.d general tioi. ny le obtHi ied in Orlevns of ROLiEBT I' I' KIN, hsq. C.iup treet a 3 2rneod CiuTlliEKN SCllOOlT KOR YUL'NG A WFS, (eit.i' 'i. l.eil in 1 1)7 ami VjJ N('Larles stree', P.ailiiuore, Mil.

Mi. and Mra WILSON CAilV. aa Mr lOHS PI.GEAM. aaa'sted by Corps of able lead ers. l'utii teiitieil lf.h Septinber.

Frtncli is the Languege the SclioiL No piiins are spared to re. der "rservii.g nl the ercourrn'i'men' it hai always tally recti vtd irom the Southern people. Vju tl eee iik it now depends tor pitr.inso. Kor ri'i niatH containing fun inforiuat Ion. add esi either df ti Principals as above.

Jv Imeo jOLIiiANA STATB ShidlNAUY, Nenr Alexnnili la, Ia. Founded and Supported by the S'ate of Louisiana. The next Beuticn begins September 7, aud cloaei June in, I At consista of a full corps oi able Instructor! in al: Literature and Science taught ir the best Collect a ami C'liversltios. CdrP' of 'tady em1 race a Prepaiotory and Ace ia.tvle t'epartuiotit Uicludlst a Lite ary. Set intitc iii Optional Ccnrae, a Special Scl.eoiot Civil riBp, ana a Cotuuiercial S.

hcol. Terms Ko; all einens.R, except 416 2'4 ptvuV.e In ac ai rc, balance la equal pay mer.Vs Juiusri 1 and Ai rtl 1. Cadets le. eivtd at an lime daring the and rhBrgi from dat of out ranee. Address Je.l.

ly D. F. B'jYD. Superiutendfint. OOl'LeSCVMhlaRTL ANBTLS(lilAFH COL lege, .1" street, eornsr NaVthea Cpl clay and evening.

This 1 a fai! eonrra Cvmraercial or Business College, if all (La departments perfect. Banki sod s.orci no counoctd. roods actually bocghi ind acli', th9 books royulv'y kept, and an i.he at tendant dutios of tbe clerk, book keeper, cone ai and merchant are practically perijrmei the student ecitamlnt roll Information, call at theoCFce. address jTl'67 IO. RGHLf INSURANCE.

MIKTn HIvITIH AND 3IERI' ANTlLIi INSl KANfE COOll'ANV, LONDON AND EDIN11URQ. Incorporated A. I). lJiOJI. Capital an.l Cash Accumulations lti, tkj, con gold.

IMFEUlAl KIKE IX'Sl'KAM'E PANV, Tj Incorporated 1. 1S( Capital atd Cash A PIKLMX FIRE AD .1 UINli Sl KAM.K CO.Hl'AM, Of NEW YORK. Incorporated 1). 1S33. Capital and Cash Accumulations, $1, 55, New Oilcans Office of the above old established and reliable lusurarce Companies.

No. 54 Camp street. P. R. FELL, Jv4 ecdtm Agent for Lou'aiana.

HULL'S TOILET SOAP, 3J Park Row, New Vork. BAT KCAI bOAP, wp DEMULCENT BOA? Orer lrfl other yarletie. Haling in quality a delicious in odor. yar sale by all dealer. 67 dply REMOVAL.

OK. GEO. J. FIIIKDKICUS, DENTAL SURGEON, has removed to 155 St. Charlea street, cornet Girod, one square aboye City HalL ds 8u otf Zdp JEDUATION.

SP001 IN VIRGINIA PBEPAR ATOBT I retec in New Orleaaa to lord, Lea i. Finney, and Gen. Harry T. Hava, pan on at present of this Institution. For Catalogues.

Circulars, and other partlcu lara address wm. h. HARBISON anl lm Mattoax, Amelia Co. Va. XXrASHIKQTON OOLLEGK, LEXINGTON VAtI he next session opens third Thursday' in September, 1868, aud close fourth Thursday In June, 18ta TheFacult consists of Gen.

B. E. LEE, President, with Professors of Latin, Greek. Mathematics. Modern Languages, Moral Philosophy, History aud KDglish Language and Literature, Applied Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Law and Equity.

These are distributed into 1. Faculty of Arts, 2. Faculty of Science; 3. Faculty of Literature and Philosophy 4. Faculty of Law.

In each of these is conferred a distinct Bache'or's Decrree, aud the Degree of Master of Arts is open alike to students in each course. In the Department of Science are oonferred, also, Professional Diplomas of Ciril Engineer and Mining Engineer. By the aid of a fall corps of Assistant Professors, provision is made for thorough drillinr in the De pa it n. ems of English, Ancient and Moiern Lan gunges aud Matliematios. Expends.

All necessary expenses need not exceed For 11 particulars applv to JyM K. QORiXlN. Clerk of Faculty. gOUTHBKN UNIVERSITY GESENSBOBO, ALA. Tbe next session of this Institution begins the first WEDNESDAY in October, aud Is divided into two ttrma Tuition Academic Department, per $35 00 Preparatory 30 00 Contingent Fee 2 50 A fee of $5 is charged those who attend the schools of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy.

Board, exclusive of washing and ligbta $16 to if 20 per month. By mesciug, it oan be obtained even cheaper than at these rites. Sons of ministers of the Gospel in the gular work, and those studying (or the mtnutry are admitted free of tuition. The whole expense for the scholastio year, including everything except books aad clothing, will be 25o, payable one half at the opening of the session, and the remainder on the 15th of February. If tbe student wishes to board In a private family it will be if 230.

Ibis great reduction in tha price of board and tuition will bring the advantages of the University within the reach of those wtoee limited means have heretofore placed the highest scholastic trairing beyond their reach, aa weil as tccure the patronage of those who, on the score of economy, are seeding their sons out ot the State to be ednoated. Especial attention is called to the fact that preparatory Btudents are tangbt exclusively by the Faculty. The Law School has been organized under the management of Hons. Judge Coleman and A. Bencera For further information, apply for circular, to O.


II. CUNAS, M. Uc.eritus Prof. Obstetrics. JONhS I Prof.

Obtetrics. WARRKN S.TONK. M. Prof. Surgery.


Anatomy. SAMUL. M. BE111S, M. D.

Prof. Practice of Medicine. STANFi RD E. CHAILLE, M. D.

Prof. Pbysio 'K RAN A WTRORN. M. D. Prof.

Materia Medica. JOShPH ONES, 41. D. (hte of tha University ot Prof, pro tem. of Chemistrv.

VV. Nil HOLS, M. V. and C. J.

BECKHAM, M. D. Demoiibtiatorfl of Anatomy. The Thirty First Annual Course of Instruction lu this Institution Mill beg a November 1' tb, and terminate oi: the second Saturday of the ensuiog March. Preliminary Lectures will be given daily iu the Chanty Hospital, cvmmoucins October lfcih.

TUn Koouis 111 be opened October 2ith. A Practical Department is attached to each Profceeorihip, in which ihe students may obseryd lor themselves the tkcts dismissed in the Lectures. The embers of the Fe.ulty are attending Phy 6icianB and Surger ns of Charity Hospital, and give distinctions daily at tho bed side of tbe sick. FE1 S. For all the Lectures: Matriculation, if 5: Practical Anatomy, $1U; Graduation, Payment rt quired in advance.

For iunher information, address T. G. RUUiARDSON, M. Doan. auf lm eod gTO KWALL INSTITUTE The exercUes of this Institute for Buys ami Young Slur, will be returned on the FIRST MuN DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, under tbe following corps of instructors 1).

C. B. CONNKRLT, Principal and Teachbr of Anc.eni Languages. JOHN It. JONES.

Teacher cf Mathematics. Teacher of English Literature and Mi di rn Languages. The chief recommendations of this school which, in so ehort a liiue. h8 earned such repQ aie substantially set lorth: 1. experience, and tho peculiar aptness of each iisiiuctor for his place, in awakening tbe minds of Ihe pupils anu enabling the Utter to mattei every cbject.

2. Our plan of dividing the classes putting into one aection the tprigbtiier Ikiv, and into another, those lefs gifted tbetebv greatly promoting the leal progress of all grades of intellect. Tins feature alor.e should at.r&ct tho attention of intelligent men. who will understand that oue man cannot teach 3o or 4o pupils. The oro enMuent Lealthfulness of the locality lli of the situation, being 13 mill uotli.

of Seima. AU. in the quiet country, an org the healthtul hills of Dallas couutv both ol v.hich tend greatly to promote the study of lex; hooks, improve the moials, and cheapen the expi cie of clothing. 4. The Institute with tho appurtenances, is the scf.c property ol the Priui ipii, and is not controlled oynr vstct.

or bv Trustees. Tbe Teacht is have reictiv received aud astiiirauces treni vai io' io oileses in dill'erent Statea that the students ti i from this school always stand high in morals am! mental training. lu addition 1o t'lu foregoing facts, it ia proper to obftre that the Teachers aud Siudonts cons'itute a separate and independent community, removed from the distracting and corrupting influence operating in cities and villages. Thin enables the luctors to control the entire time of the p'ipils, and to n.a.ntaiu that discipline so essential to sue tf iu! 6tudy. To the elementary and prastical branches of education, we here civo opecial attention.

We teach every bov to spell, read, writx; to declaim, SLd to compote. Commercial Arithmetic, Book iceetingC ard Prncticsl Surveying recelvn that attention which 'ha times urgently demand. By such a Wo prepato our Students for any pciinnr in life. 1 1IAEGES For Board. Tuition, WaahiDg, Fuel, use of Boon: aud Ded.

iiim 1st of October nex to July 1st, our charge is Three Huudrea Dollars cue halt to be paid oa entering, the remainder Feb. 11, IV. A deposit must be made for books and stationery, which will be furnished at Stlrca retail piices. We havo no extra charges tor any study, not even for Modern Languages. Parties priferr.rg it.

can make pavme' to our seente. tbe well established house of F. STOL lENWgBCK ii Mobile, Ala. Each student must furnish two two nil'ow raacr. his own towi Is aad lights.

If a ttudent is dismissed for any cause, or it he has cause to liie, and djes so with our approval, his money wm be refunded but if he leaves without this approval, his money v. NOT be refunded nor will any deduct': bo made for absence, unlets occasioned bv protracted' We ant none hut good boys; and none will be received whoso character ia not vouched for; and if, by any means, a bad one should bo imposed us, wbeu wo discover that be others than we benei him. no will be returned to his fiiords, with tho unexpended portion of his money. As our number is limited, those desiring to secure places will make application to ie undersigned, D. J.

B. CONNRRr Y. ar Selma, Ala Stonewall Ir.stitnte, 28, 18f8. Citv Reference H. Ware Brother.

Gen Jos. Wheeler. Get. D. H.

Maury. auS da Wotf ENPbELAER POLYTECIIMC INSTII'CTK, AT TBOY, NEW YOBK. Vptv tlmrcuffh instruction in CitIL, Mschariionl. aid Mi, ire Engineering, Chemistry, and Natural Sc iTiee, Graduates obtain most desir.thio posi t' us. beope'is epr.

rut mo new i.i'.mi giving full information, address Prof. CHASLES DK0V5E, Dincctor, Yioy, TA. Y. auG 2ilt JJIGH SCHOOL NO. 63 KUTRaiPB AND 423 ST: CEARL2S STBF.ET Conducted by Mra A.

7. OLM3TD. The Soholaetto year of tbla Institnttoa begist March, when new class In Greek, Latin, Bpaa lah and French will be formied. Those deirlng adm issten ta the Junior Count should loin the Preparatory Olaaa at onoe. 1 tie Primary Department attaohad to the Hehool Is as carefully structtd aa tha Actvdama nd ky the same experhinoel toacliera.

an7 FEW PUPILS WILL BB BROMVKO KOat A board and education by Mra. JUCEARDS, corner Brainard and Philip street, Garden Distrlct. Kvei desirable branch of education, from eie mertary to classical studies, with ro aria, ly Also rtcreaition abroad nnd at home will be gietu Three stndiea only at time are penmtteo, wane aU that employ tha memory, develop tne character and regnlatet Umpcr and jpnonct; will the prlnc'pJ feature in tbe catine. JJgjP1" is directed to convert tioa and addres. Box 3142 PwtOthce,.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.