The Sophisticated School Of Musika - OG_Plush (2024)

The Sophisticated School Of Musika - OG_Plush (1)

somewhere else in the world, somewhere in the middle of the city, but more specifically, somewhere where a bunch of apartments were seen conjoined together, dirty and worn out, but still, it was enough for many people to live in it for however long they wanted to.

if they...could afford the rent, obviously.

anyway, as we go inside one of the apartments, there was someone familiar inside one of the bedrooms.

and that someone was Liekable Urbz himself, he was seen sitting on a chair, near his simplistic computer that the 20 year old guy have somehow managed to save enough money in order to buy for his personal needs.

needs such as finding a job, one that he could hold down on forever if possible, he no longer wished to take job after job, move out of apartments and cities just for the sake of finding a place he feels welcomed in, no, he was over it already...he just wanted to have a normal life this time.

while he still did some odd jobs here and there, for the sake of renting out some place to stand in, along with necessarily things such as needing food, cleaning his clothes and so on, it was time for him to get a proper job, one with good pay as well.

so Liekable has been spending a few weeks searching for a job, and it was...proving difficult to say the least.

for someone like him, it didn't take that much effort to sustain a job, whether it was something as simple as being a trashman, or a hotel manager, seeing as he had previous experience in lots of things in the past few years, earning him some pretty handy skills in the manner.

however, it has been weeks and he still has yet to find a job, he found a job listing website for that where there were many people hiring employees, though unfortunately whenever Liekable reached out for an interview, he was left in the dust most of the time.

though he didn't need to quit now, he still needed to try until he got one, he wasn't planning on earning money by...picking up weird things off the ground for some strange person in the alleyway, not at all!

i really hope I can find something this time....

Liekable said with a soft sigh as he moved his cursor over to the search bar, clicking on the magnifier icon, just to do a random search and see what new listings popped up this time of the month.

he stared at his computer for a few seconds, the page went white and showed a little loading icon in the middle of it, internet was being slow as usual...but Liekable couldn't complain about it enough than he already did, he should be happy that the apartment had wifi in the first place.

Liekable tapped his finger onto the mouse for a few seconds, until finally he saw the page loading up, and there was a lot of new job openings for today, which was hopeful to say the least.

alright, let's see..

Liekable then began to look at the offers, reading all of the contents of the pages.

looking for a plumber to clean our restaurant...oh god, no thanks....medical surgeon?....i don't think I've got the stomach for that, hotel manager?...if it involves invading aliens again then no thanks....foot scrubber....what the hell!?

Liekable looked at the weird job offer before shaking his head and going past it, he scrolled down the other jobs, a lot of uninteresting ones or just plain weird, some required too much skill, some were offering too low for too much time.

Liekable kept scrolling and reading all that he could, unfortunately, the further he went, the less enthusiastic he was was that feeling of hopelessness, trying to search for a job desperately and only end up failing at that too.

at some point he stopped scrolling and leaned back against his chair, looking up at the ceiling with a deep sigh of frustration.

this is exhausting....i have to stop being picky, i wish those jobs were interesting though....i don't think i can give them what they want...

for a moment or two, Liekable leaned back on the chair, his eyes closed as his head was still rotated to face the ceiling, his long brown hair swaying in the air slowly.

until he faced the computer again, exhaling softly as he rubbed on his neck for a bit, it wasn't a good being in that position for too long, neck cramps...

but enough of that, Liekable knew that being picky wasn't a good idea, after all jobs weren't supposed to be fun, they were a necessity for survival, and if he wanted to get his life back together with the first step, he should REALLY pick move forward his application already.

he took a few moments to clear his mind, using his hands to rub his face for a bit before he rested his elbows onto the desk for a bit.

until he found the will to use the mouse again and scroll down, and this time, whatever job offer landed on his eyes first, he was going to check it and if it was simple enough, he'd take it, no second thoughts, no wanting it to be fun or whatever, just apply for it and pray for the best.

and after scrolling just a bit down, his eyes finally landed on the next offer that caught his attention.

hmmm.....looking for a prefect janitor, at a school academy....?

Liekable paused for a moment, he never really heard about such a thing before....

well, he did say that he'd take whatever job offering that caught his attention, no more being picky what he wanted, it was either do or don't...

so without wasting time, Liekable proceeded to bring his cursor towards the link of the job title and then pressed click once, and slowly, it transferred him to the main page of the job.

there was a picture attached to the page, one where it showed a group photo with a colorful building behind them, it was a bunch of young teenagers, posing together proudly with a few adults as well, most noticeably was the man in front of the picture, the one with the brown suit on the shiny black shoes.

Liekable had to admit, the scenery they were standing in was quite eye catching, a nice contrast of green for the grass next to the sides, a light beige solid ground in the middle, and the beautiful purplish sky with a tint of orange, not to mention that everyone in the picture looked happy...well, mostly everyone.

although Liekable didn't pay much attention to the picture before his eyes moved down to read the information regarding the job offer.

The Sophisticated School Of Musika...the school of Musika is a traditional school, one much like every other school where it teaches the youth to guide through a brighter future, however, what makes our school so much more unique is the special creativity that we like to include in our curriculum, which is music, dance, art and act, founded by the brilliant mind of Luka Lagrossi back in 2004, famous musician of the 90s and a master instrumentalist, the school of Musika offers not only traditional education to your children, but it'd also teach them a lot of new skills, such as finding their love for music, whether it be on the piano, guitar, the flute or perhaps even the triangle, they could have a bright future in acting perhaps, or maybe even dancing, could they maybe also become a great artist if that's what their hearts ever so decide? the school holds a huge reputation for its musical aspect, to us, music is more than a sound, art is more than a stroke of brush and ink, and acting is more than exaggerating yourself, and certainly dance is more than moving your arms back to forth, in the school of Musika, your child is guaranteed a bright future and a possible love for new things, and most importantly, they'd make a lot of friends in our fun community, contact our number for more information, we hope to see you there soon!

as Liekable finished reading all of that in his mind, he would say that it sounded pretty interesting to him, especially the whole focus on the music aspect of the certainly would've been fun if he went to this school when he was still young, if...he would've been able to afford it that is.

he shook his head away from the old memories, they were the last thing he wanted right now, so instead he scrolled down for the actual job description.

we're seeking out well mannered and responsible people who share a strong sense of fairness and care for the youth, we are looking for those who'd watch over our students and ensure a safe environment for them, along with making sure that they stay focused on their education, avoid causing trouble, their safety being the most of importance, we also would like to seek out those who know their way around cleaning and good environmental hygiene, we want someone that can ensure that everyone is safe and happy, and someone to help with keeping our grounds clean for both the environment and our dear students, we offer free employee training, along with a place for you to stay at during your shift at our academy, we also provide basic needs for our employees as well, send us your application via our email, tell us about yourself and if you think you've got the necessary requirements for this job and we'd get back to you in no time!

Liekable kept looking at the page and the information for a good time, occasionally re-reading what he read earlier ago just to get everything in mind.

so, they basically needed someone to make sure nobody would stir up chaos, and someone to clean up the school...

well, for Liekable, he knew his way with people, he was usually kind, protective, and fair in all ways, but he wouldn't say that he was intimidating enough to be a prefect...but he also knew about cleaning up stuff, he used to do that a lot back then, so he'd say he'd be the perfect person for that sort of job.

but, he had to leave his apartment for the job and that he'd be standing at some school...would it be worth it to do that, it's not like he loved his dusty apartment that much though...

Liekable looked up, thinking about this for a while, trying to make sure if he truly wanted to go through this experience or not.


then again, what were the odds of him getting a response from those people, it's not like he was exactly qualified for a way, Liekable barely had the chance to finish the rest of high school due to...problems with his family.

and that thought...made him feel bad, really so, to realize that you never had the chance to complete that stage of life, when everyone is supposed to do so in their ordinary lives.

but of course, Liekable never had that sort of life...

Liekable frowned, holding onto his forehead as he looked down with a sigh, shaking his head for a moment as he sat there in silence.


but perhaps, maybe in a way...accepting this sort of job would give him the closure, a certain type of closure to him?

but like he thought earlier, what were the odds of him getting this job anyways...guess he had nothing to do but try for it.

Liekable then looked up, deciding to not dwell on his regrets, as he quickly began to click around here and there, before he began typing something long, and obviously it was for his application for the job.

it took him a minute or so, but eventually Liekable felt satisfied enough to send his application to the employer's email address.

Liekable then sighed deeply as he clicked off the page afterwards.

well, that's one one down...a bunch of more applications to go, i hope at least one of them answers me this time....

and so, for the next few minutes, Liekable began to click around the website and send in applications for whatever job he could find there, it was exhausting in a way, but it was necessary.

at some point, Liekable stopped, and got off his computer before he went outside to do some more errands, in exchange for money so that he could feed himself for the day, and to save up for the rent obviously.

hours after that, Liekable had returned back to his apartment, absolutely tired, but glad that he was able to find things to do outside that gave him a bit of change, although it wasn't enough, Liekable couldn't beat himself up over it.

he just wanted to eat, shower and then sleep, and all three of those, he just did so, before he fell dead asleep for the next few hours...hoping for life to get better.


the next morning....

Liekable was seen lying down on his bed, half of his body was not under the covers and the sun was shining through the window, right onto his eyelids.

beep beep beep beep!

suddenly the alarm of his phone began playing, the echoes of the beeping filled up the room and it was enough to wake him up.

"hmmg...." Liekable groaned, twitching his eyelids with irritation as he rolled away from the sunlight and towards the side, his hand reaching all over his bed as he tried to find his phone, before eventually he felt it under his pillow.

he immediately pulled it out of there and left it near his chest for a few moments, not wanting to bother opening his eyes as he desperately wanted to keep sleeping, but he knew that he needed to wake up at some point.

Liekable then forced his eyes open, groaning slightly as he rolled over to his back again, his eyelids feeling itchy for some reason as he was just about sick of the sunlight hitting against his eyes, he really should've fixed those curtains by now...

but he didn't care much about it right now, he just wanted the obnoxious alarm to shut he looked at the phone, turned it on and was ready to turn off the alarm.


he noticed an email, from the school of Musika....

Liekable stared at the phone for a moment, until realization hit him, causing him to widen his eyes and reveal more of those gray orbs.

he frantically sat up then, his eyes still focused onto the notification, so much focused that he forgot about the alarm that kept playing, Liekable however noticed that before he immediately turned it off, thankfully.

and for a moment, he sat there and just stared at the email for a while, occasionally tapping the screen to keep the phone from turning off by itself.


okay, i...didn't expect them respond THAT quickly...!


two days later....

Liekable exited from the front door of his apartment, a decent sized bag was seen being carried by him against his back.

ever since getting that email, Liekable was sorta rushed into preparing for his departure from the apartment, he had to speak to the superintendent about his job situation and it was really awkward, but thankfully since Liekable was friends with them, the two came to an understanding at some point.

to be honest, Liekable wasn't expecting any of this to happen so fast, he didn't expect for the employer to respond that fast, nor did he expect himself to be leaving this place at anytime now...AND that he didn't expect to be packing up his belongings, which was needed for his new stay at that was kinda nerve wrecking honestly, he wasn't sure how it'll be there, he barely had time to think about it...

but, this should be good, they were offering him better shelter basically, and not to mention he'd be eating more frequently....well, hopefully at least.

Liekable walked down the stairs and was now making his way towards the sidewalk, where he spotted a nice, but cheap, bicycle awaiting for him.

Liekable stood near the bike, staring at the thing with uncertainty...that thing looked old and rusty, and it looked like it was about to collapse at any point now.

"well..." Liekable sighed deeply before putting his hands on his hips as he shook his head. "that's what cheapness gets you...."

with that point made, Liekable didn't stick around for too long, it was going to be a few hours from now on, the school was a bit far away from him, but he had no options other than this bike, and he certainly didn't have much money for any lifts...he needed to trust his will and LEGS to carry him to his destination.

he then got onto his bike and he began to paddle away from the apartments, each paddle of the bike created a rusty and nasty screech, and it was irritating to say the really was going to be a long trip, wasn't it?


a few hours later....

Liekable panted heavily to himself as he was still riding his bike, in the middle of a long road at the country side from what it looked like.

he paddled for what was hours at this point, having gained himself quite the distance from where he was to where he is now, it was quite tiring and even taking occasion breaks to walk on foot wasn't doing him any favors.

the sun was nearly out at this point, it wasn't hot but it wasn't cold either, giving that perfect temperature in the atmosphere, the sky was a nice bright orange and the clouds were nowhere to be found.

in this empty road, only the old and rusty bicycle was heard, its screechy voice and the loud chain rolls filled up most of the silence for Liekable.

Liekable kept panting to himself, lifting one of his hands up to wipe off the sweat off of his forehead as he struggled to keep this going on, he wasn't exactly sure how long it has been since he left the city, and why did this school have to be so far away?

he should've planned this much better, instead of rushing things...but then again, he had no choice, it seems like this was a urgent hire for some reason, they could've at least sent him someone to pick them up...

i should've thought this much better...i should stop for a break maybe, i'm feeling sic-

suddenly, Liekable felt the weight of the bike decrease drastically, his seat went lower and the bicycle's handle turned to an unusual angle.

the next thing he knew was that the bike itself, broke apart into pieces.

Liekable immediately jumped to his feet, nearly sliding down onto the pavement as he was scared for a moment, not understanding what exactly just happened.

that's until a few seconds later when he stood still, with the bicycle's whole handle part still attached to his grip, and that he looked down to see the remainings of his bike.

Liekable remained silent for moments, before he slowly let go of the handle, letting it crash down to the pile of the junk beneath him as the brown haired man sighed deeply.

just my luck...that's what cheapness gets you, what?

he thought to himself as he looked around with a half frustrated, half exhausted expression, and surely enough, there was nothing for him to look at for support, it'll be a few minutes before any vehicle passes through this road.

he looked back to what was once his bicycle, now reduced to nothing but a bunch of junk scrap, and obviously enough, he wasn't going to be able to use those for a way of transportation....

he lifted his hands up midway before letting them drop to his sides in defeat, he had no idea what he was going to do, aside from...WALKING his way towards his destination now.

"God, help me..." he muttered with a groan, before he proceeded to remove the parts away from the road, just to ensure that he doesn't get into trouble later for littering or whatever.

and from towards there, Liekable began his tiring journey towards the school...and it was going to be VERY long.


a few minutes later....

Liekable was seen walking on the sideway, visibly tired so, he moved his legs, right to left, slowly than before when he started.

each step left him wanting to groan, his feet ached a little bit and he was sweating a lot, it was quite the exercise, but Liekable didn't really plan on taking this marathon from the beginning, he couldn't believe how things escalated to this...from having another ordinary day, to searching from a job, only to end up getting hired in one day....he should consider himself lucky maybe, how often was it that you get hired so fast by someone, especially at a school.

it still wouldn't stop Liekable from complaining though, not given enough time for his departure from the apartment, buying a cheap bicycle only for it to end up breaking down into pieces and then being forced to walk all the way to this school was absolutely INFURIATING...he could only imagine how bad it'll be once he gets some time off from the job, maybe he should planning on that right now, just to avoid anything like from happening again.

as Liekable kept walking on, trying to endure it all, his ears then picked up...the sound of something familiar, just from behind.

"!" Liekable immediately stopped, lifting his head up and then looking back to incoming white car, and that alone, was enough to lift his spirits up and be less annoyed.

he immediately stopped and raised his hand up, waving at the car with a smile. "hey, hey hold on, i need hel-"

before he could finish though, the car just went past him, not stopping at all to pick him up as he was hoping for.

Liekable lowered his hand down and looked back at the car that was still driving away, and that smile on his face quickly flattened, now turning into a deep frown as he groaned slightly in disappointment.

"of course..." he muttered to himself before shaking his head, lowering his head back to the ground as he then began to walk forward as he was just doing for the next past minutes, of which felt like hours than anything, he wasn't going to get there until it was dark, unfortunately...




beep beeeep!

suddenly, the sound of a car horn was heard echoing in the distance, and it was coming from...ahead of Liekable?

"huh?" Liekable uttered, lifting his head up again and as he stared ahead with lazy eyes, before they widened in surprise once he saw the car that just passed him earlier, parked ahead of him a few feet away, seemingly honking at him.

the car honked again, before the sound of someone angry was heard. "AY, can you just get your slow ass over here already or what, goddamn!"

Liekable stood still, a little taken back by what just happened...he wasn't expecting for the car to stop for him actually, nor was he expecting for the driver to sound this MAD...he was doubting himself, wondering if he should actually go over to them and see if they stopped to give him a lift, or maybe just scream at his face for even bothering him.

either way, he should go ahead and not make this any more awkward as it is.

so with a bit of hesitation and some mental preparation for whatever argument was about to go down between him and the driver, Liekable eventually began making his way towards the white car, of which it had four days on it, something like a family car.

Liekable approached the window belonging to the driver's seat, and when he did so, he was the first one to begin speaking as the window began to slid down open.

"excuse me, i didn't mean any trouble, i just wanted a-....." Liekable stopped speaking mid-setenence as soon as he saw just who was on the driver's seat, and it wasn't...what he expected honestly.

he really did not expect to see a black puppet as the driver of the car, why would anyone expect something like that, unless they're thinking all funny and whatnot?

to be honest, Liekable has met stranger beings than this, but even so, whenever he met usually meant a lot of trouble, at least in his opinion that is.

the black puppet looked at Liekable with anger, glaring at them as the brown haired man remained silent, still trying to process what he was seeing. "yeah, you wanted what...come on, SPEAK UP DUMBASS!" the puppet angrily asked before looking back at the road, clicking his tongue as he muttered in disbelief. "who's man's is this....?"

"uh...i...." Liekable uttered, still trying to bring him back to reality, it shouldn't this shocking now, should it?

"Tyrone, is it another homeless trying to beg for our money?" a feminine voice asked from the passenger. "if so, then just drive off, don't worry about crushing their foot on the process, we'll just tell the police that they tried to rob us as usual"

"Judith shut the hell up, it's just some hitchhiker, annoying as hell!" Tyrone angrily said before looking back at Liekable. "look, we don't want anything you're selling, we're in a hurry here, SIR!"

"dad, are you yelling at random people again...?" a voice said from behind the seat.

"is it a hooker, can you tell her to sit on my PP?" another voice said this time, their comment being...vulgar than the last.

"HEY HEY!" the black puppet looked back at the two with anger. "WHAT I TOLD Y'ALL ABOUT TALKING, SHUT YO ASSES UP NOW BEFORE I THROW YOU OUT THE CAR!"

"how about you eat my butt chocolate man!" that one voice said, with sass this time.

"i'm sorry...i was just wondering if you could give me a-"

"sorry we don't have any change" Judith interrupted Liekable before looking at her husband. "Tyrone, let's just bounce, okay?"

"wait...who's talking, it sounds familiar?" the other voice said, the one that wasn't arguing with Tyrone at the moment.

"it's just a homeless Cody-kins, you just be quiet, let mommy take care of this, okay?" Judith told the boy before looking back at Liekable. "listen here mr.hobo, we don't have money for you, how about we give you a half eaten gum instead, okay?"

"no f*ck that, that's my gum!" the other voice said as Tyrone was struggling with them.

"seriously, who's-ugh let me see!" that one voice was then groaning and the sound of shuffling was heard.

"look, i was just wondering if you guys could give me a lift, my bike broke down and I need to-"

"man i ain't givin' no lifts to no WHITE PEOPLE in my car, we already have enough crackers in here!" Tyrone rudely denied.

"you tell him baby!" Judith nodded in approval. "we only allow blacks in here, ya got that?"

"hmmm, that's right!" Tyrone nodded with her words.

"i-....what does that even..." Liekable tried to say something before shaking his head, already understanding that this car was full of lunatics, to which he wanted nothing of as he began to back away. "okay whatever, let's forget about it...see ya"

having had enough with those two, Liekable was about to leave them alone...until the window to the rear passenger slid down, and it revealed someone familiar that caught Liekable’s eye.

"hey wait, it's you!" a pale puppet wearing glasses, with brown hair and pimples on his face, along with blue clothing.

"huh....ah!" Liekable stared at the puppet with wide eyes, their mind suddenly started overwork as he tried to remember where he saw this kid from again. "it' i remember you from somewhere?"

"yeah, it's me Cody, we've been together on that weird reality show before, remember?" Cody explained.

"oh, oh yeah, i remember!" Liekable said, nodding as he finally remembered from where he remembered Cody from. "but, what are you-"

"CODY!" Tyrone yelled out of nowhere. "what did I tell yo ass about talking to strangers, especially for those boppers, you tryin' end up dead or what boy!?"

"oh my go-look, just get inside and let's talk" Cody rolled his eyes before opening the door for Liekable as they scooted backwards to give him room to get in.

"but...?" Liekable eyed Tyrone then before looking back at Cody.

"Codykins, what did we say about the too many white rule?" Judith gave him a disappointed look.

"ignore my parents, they're insane...just get in" Cody assured him.

"okay...?" Liekable said, a bit uncertain, but he really didn't want to walk his way towards his destination, so...he quickly got in and closed the door behind him.

once he got inside the car, Liekable turned to the side to face Cody and...another puppet?

"who's that Cody?" the puppet asked, he was seen wearing a yellow shirt and short blue jeans with a diaper over it, along with the fact that he had a blue bicycle helmet and a penile up his nose "they sure don't look like a prostitute to me!"

"no Jeffy...this is...uh....wait, what was your name again?" Cody asked.

"it's Liekable" Liekable told him with a nod.

"right, now i remember...hey Jeffy, do you remember Liekable?" Cody asked, turning back to Jeffy.

Jeffy smacked his diaper for a moment, before shaking his head with a "nope"

"he's the guy who asked us to vote for him, remember?" Cody told him.

"oooooooh!" Jeffy exclaimed as they opened their mouth wide.


"why would you do that though?" he then asked flatly.

"long story..." Liekable sighed before shaking his head. "anyways, i didn't expect to see you both in this part of the world...what are yo-"

"CODY, DID YOU LET A HOMELESS INTO THE CAR!?" Tyrone angrily yelled, startling them all.

"bad Cody, what did we tell you about talking to strangers!" Judith gave him a glare.

"mom please shut up..." Cody groaned, embarrassed with the way his parents were acting like "this is just my friend Liekable, we've been together on that reality show before, you remember?"

"you mean the one that you failed and disappointed us with?" Tyrone crudely said.

"....yeah" Cody flatly said.

"oh, why didn't you just say so then, excuse me for the attitude Liekable, i didn't know you were one of my Codykins' little frienzies, i'm Judith and this is my husband Tyrone, say hi Tyrone!"

"yeah, what's up?" Tyrone lazily said as the puppet already started driving forward again, much to Liekable’s surprise...was that good or not?

"well uh...nice to meet you both, sorry for stopping you like this by the way" Liekable politely said to them.

"oh it's okay dear, also call me Judy if you want, I have a Onlyfans account by the way so..." Judy gave him a long look before turning her eyes back to the road, which made Liekable a little...confused.

"mom would you shut up...jesus" Cody growled before sighing deeply. "just ignore them...what were you doing out here anyways?"

"maybe he was doing his job, as a prostitute?" Jeffy stupidly suggested.

"no...i was on my way to my job interview, it's somewhere far, at some school i think..." Liekable told them.

"oh me too, my daddy forced me to get a job too, he's such an asshole..." Jeffy angrily said as he looked down at the ground.

"oh...i see" Liekable nodded before looking at Cody. "what about you Cody?"

"well, since I've failed kindergarten, my parents are forcing me to change's annoying, but at least it'll give me some time away from Junior and Joseph" Cody said, sighing in relief at the thought of, not being pushed around by his 'friends' sounded good right now.

"this is your punishment boy, we ain't tryin' raise no dumbass in our household!" Tyrone said as he kept driving ahead.

"Codykins, you're going to be standing at this new school for a few weeks now, we hope you can succeed this time, otherwise we're putting you up for adoption, okay mister?" Judith warned him.

"yeah's not my fault that principal Steinbeck failed me because of the others, it was not fair!" Cody complained as he sat down with a pout.

"man my daddy is so mean, I hope a plane pilot crashes their plane onto his big stupid bald head, that'll teach him a lesson!" Jeffy said before nodding to himself at the thought.

"huh..." Liekable thought to himself for a moment before saying. "wait, is it possible that...we're all going to stand at the same school, the school of...Musika, right?"

"hm?" Cody turned his head to Liekable before nodding. "oh yeah i think that's the one i'm going to....what a coincidence"

"Jeffy, what job did you get?" Liekable asked the other puppet then.

"something about cleaning sh*t, i don't even know" Jeffy shrugged as he picked his nose with his mouth open.

"" Liekable looked away then with a mutter.

are we really all going to the same about a coincidence, i don't know how well this is going to turn out to be...i hope it'll be okay...

Liekable sighed deeply before resting his back against the car seat, before he laid down his backpack, zipped it up and pulled out a half-full water bottle.

he removed the cap from it and brought it to his mouth, ready to quiche his thirst, due to the amount of walking he did earlier obviously.

but out of nowhere, the car hit a road bumper, making the vehicle shake terribly and in result, Liekable accidentally splashed water all over his mouth and shirt.

"god damn bumps and sh*t!" Tyrone angrily said as he then turned on the road to which some song started playing.

"Tyrone...aren't we going to talk about that cash register lady that you were hitting on at that gas station before?" Judith asked as she turned to give him a bitter look.

"woman, I told you that was just my cousin, stop asking too much, damn!"

"you said that about the second cashier Tyrone, how many damn cousins do you have...SHE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE SAME COLOR AS YOU!" Judith yelled, not believing him for a moment.

"WOMAN I'M TRYING TO DRIVE HERE, SHUT THE HELL UP!" Tyrone yelled at her as he turned up the volume to draw out her voice.

"DON'T LIE TO ME TYRONE!" Judith argued backed.

"heeey" Jeffy then lifted his hand up. "i wanna pee, can we stop?"


"okay!" Jeffy shrugged before he started to shake and strain himself with groans.

"Jeffy what the f*ck you're not even peeing!" Cody gasped as he quickly backed away from the helmet wearing guy, sitting all the way where Liekable was at, at the window.

"....ugh" Liekable sighed deeply as he looked down while Tyrone and Judith kept arguing and Jeffy kept soling himself.

maybe walking wasn't a bad idea after all...?


later after a chaotic ride and some few stops at the car wash to clean up Jeffy's mess...the whole gang eventually arrived at their desired location, which was somewhere in a forest area, a bit away from civilization, but not too much far now.

the family car stopped near the driveway of the academy's front gates, and immediately both Liekable and Cody got out of the car, almost looking sickly in the face as they did so.

"god...finally!" Liekable said as he exhaled deeply and began inhaling the fresh air.

"jesus christ Jeffy!" Cody breathlessly said as the puppet bent down before gagging a little.

"sorry, it slipped" Jeffy apologized as he slowly got out of the car as well. "those burritos were not doing me good, i'll ya hwat!"

"goddammit boy, you done messed up my car...where we at!?" Tyrone angrily asked as he got out of the car with his wife.

"oooh, Tyrone i think we finally arrived at the school!" Judith told him as she stared up at the front gates, the rest of the sides were blocked off by pink crimson walls.

"we did...?" Liekable said, almost not sure if he wanted to believe the fact or not, but when he looked back at the gates itself, he was relieved to see that they actually arrived.

"wooow....this place is big as sh*t!" Jeffy said as he looked up at the gates in awe.

"okay, so...i guess we just go in to the principal office?" Cody said.

"hold on, we ain't coming with you boy!" Tyrone told him as matter of fact.

"yeah Codykins, mommy and daddy are extremely busy right now, we need to go to our uh....special meeting" Judith whispered the last part.

"wha-then how am i supposed to enroll in the school without my parents' consent, would they even allow me to get in!?" Cody frantically asked the two.

"it'll be fine, now come here boy!" Tyrone ordered, to which Cody groaned at before slowly making his way towards his dad, only for the black puppet to hit them on the face out of nowhere.

"ORGH!" Cody recoiled in pain. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR DAD!?" he asked out of confusion.

"smarten up lil' n*gga, i don't want yo ass coming back home unless you bring us a goddamn graduation diploma in yo hand, GOT THAT!?" Tyrone demanded.

"that's not even how it works dad-"

"Codykins do not argue with your father, okay?" Judith softly scolded him before looking at the others. "anyways, you two take care of our son, make sure he takes his medicine that helps him tee tee in the bathroom, okay?"

"what the f*ck is that?" Jeffy casually asked as he kept staring at the gates.

"i-...i don't know about that but okay, thanks for the lift anyways" Liekable gave them a appreciative nod.

"yeah so uh...about the payment for the ride" Judith then slowly came up to Liekable with the question.

"oh...yeah i uh...let me just" Liekable looked down at his pockets to see if he had any spare left to give to them.

"you can pay me in a different way inside the car...?" Judith asked with a suggestive tone as she began to rub on his arm.

Liekable quickly looked up with a surprised face, before slowly backing away from her. "uh....n-no thanks, i-"

"JUDITH, GET IN THE CAR, WE LEAVING NOW!" Tyrone yelled before he opened the car door and got inside.

"aww...." Judith looked down in disappointment before looking up at Liekable again. "well we've gotta leave now, hey do you want my number or something?"

"no thanks, but maybe you should keep in contact with your son....or maybe go to the principal office with him for paperwork, you know?" Liekable suggested as he eyed the other puppet.

"yeah mom, i don't wanna go to the school and not get accepted in it because my parents weren't there to talk to the principal, I'd literally have to walk all the way back to home in that case and i-"

"Codykins, don't argue with me or else I'll spank your tooshie in front of your friends okay?" Judith scolded him again before walking back to her car. "anyways you take care of Codykins now, we're leaving, byeee!"

"mom wait i-" Cody tried to stop them, but the car already began driving off, the rear wheels skirted a little bit which caused a bit of grass to blow off into Cody's face and stain his glasses in result.

Cody's parents were now seen disappearing into the distance, not stopping once to hear their son out as they were just too busy with whatever they were planning to do, than to properly help Cody enroll into the school....

Cody groaned before wiping his face along with his glasses. "great...just great"

"are you okay Cody?" Liekable asked as he stepped forward to check on the puppet. "your parents are...interesting, to say the least"

"yeah, it's nothing..." Cody sighed deeply before looking back at the gates. "i just hope this won't turn out bad...what am i supposed to tell the people here, that my parents were too lazy to even sign me up in this weird academy?"

"you think THAT'S bad?" Jeffy scoffed at the nerdy boy. "at least your daddy didn't force you out of the house because of some stupid bowling ball!"

"what...?" Cody gave him a look.

"tch, well f*ck that, at least this isn't no five nights at some pizza point, imma bout to get paid, ahhaaaa!" Jeffy did a weird laugh as he twisted his neck to the side before going back to smacking his diaper.

"i've got a...bad feeling about this, to be honest" Liekable said with a sigh before walking closer to the gates where he could see through the bars and, barely though. "so, i think we...should go inside, it doesn't seem like they sent people that expected our arrival?"

"yeah, how are we going to get through this though?" Cody asked as he made his way next to Liekable before he began to look through the bars as well, he could feel how rusty they were when contacted with his palms. "jeez, they don't clean up much often, do they?"

"don't worry guys, i can open the gates!" Jeffy told them with full confidence.

"oh, how exactly would you-!" Liekable stopped talking as he immediately got away from the gates, as Jeffy straight up came in crashing towards with his head.

"JEFFY!" Cody yelled in disbelief as he watched Jeffy slam his helmet rapidly against the gates.

"come on, OPEN, OPEN!" Jeffy pleaded as he kept slamming his head in with each slam.

"i don't think this is going to help Jeffy...." Liekable said in a low voice as he kept watching the puppet hit his head, a little concerned about the fact. "you're gonna hurt yourself, maybe you should stop?"

"i'm gonna open it, URGH!" Jeffy growled as he kept slamming his head in.

Cody looked at his friend being idiotic for a few moments, before he looked at the gates again, which gave him a little idea...

the puppet then went over to the gate next to Jeffy, held onto the bar and...slowly pushed it forward, which caused it to open up easily, albeit creating a little rusty screech in the process.

"Jeffy, i think you can stop now..." Cody flatly said to his friend as he let go of the gate.

Jeffy then stopped slamming his head in, his helmet all messed up after doing all of that unnecessary head crashing, he quickly pulled up his helmet before looking at the slightly opened gate.

"oh yaaay, i opened it!" Jeffy cheered to himself.

"are you okay Jeffy...?" Liekable asked.

"sure am!" Jeffy nodded proudly before putting a hand on his hip. "my spirits are up, but my syndrome is down, and let's not mention the missing chromosomes either, okay?"

"yeah...yeah uh..." Liekable awkwardly looked at Cody then, who could only give him a shrug before the puppet let himself inside the school.

Jeffy then followed after his friend, while Liekable stood still for a moment, just looking up at the gates and wondering if this was a good idea still or not...

but well, at least he arrived at the place, it seemed a little weird...but he should go in nonetheless.

after thinking for a bit, Liekable also made his way towards the opened gate, holding onto it as he pushed it forward a little bit before letting go of it, causing the thing to screech in result.

the trio then stood near the gate entrance, they were finally inside the school and...well it was a sight already.

it was like the picture Liekable saw during the job opening, the ground was smooth, with a few horizontal design lines that were perfectly align, in front of Liekable was a big building, the front of it was painted in white, with a few windows that were stacked above each floor, there was grass and trees nearly everyone, there seemed to be a large grassy wall to the right side as well, a few red roses were seen on them, there seemed to be multiple pathways on this beige ground, and on the left side was another big building, although none of the three knew what it was for.

it was a little dark, if not for the small light poles that were placed around the place, it felt...odd, in a way that is, the more they looked around the place, the more of a sentimental feeling they've got.

was it because of the building in front, or the beautiful green environment...or maybe something about the sky that did it for them, the sky was orange, but there was a big tint of purple in it as well, it gave us such a peaceful feeling to this place, one that Liekable couldn't help but admire.

"wooow....pretty!" Jeffy said, impressed with what he was seeing.

"yeah..." Liekable nodded, smiling a little bit as he kept looking around the interesting place. "you know, it looks much better than what the picture showed off in that website..."

"aside from that rusty gate, I've gotta admit...this place DOES look nice, even though it's a little late..." Cody muttered the last part as he kept looking around the school, until his eyes landed on something that was stuck to a display glass board. "wait guys, look over there!"

Liekable and Jeffy looked at Cody, to which he was seen walking over to check what was on that display board, and as Liekable looked closer to it, it seemed like of some sorts.

The Sophisticated School Of Musika - OG_Plush (2)

"huh...interesting" Cody said as he kept looking at the map. "at least we know where we could find the school building now"

"oh i wanna go to the park, can we go?" Jeffy asked with hope.

"i don't think that's a good idea..." Liekable told him. "we're here for a job interview after all, aren't we?"

"but i wanna go to the park...f*ck this job interview!"

"you're going to get us in trouble..." Cody shook his head at his crossed eye friend.

"to be honest...i don't even give a sh*t" Jeffy carelessly said as he shrugged before turning around to leave, until...he spotted someone ahead. "oh hey, someone's coming!"

"what...?" Liekable looked at them for a moment, before turning his glaze ahead and surely enough...someone was indeed coming.

they were...actually running towards them?

"who's that...?" Cody asked, squinting his eyes to look at the incoming figure a little better.

the three had to wait a little bit, until eventually the person that was running towards them, finally got to where they were.

"i-..i'm here, i'm here!" this unknown person, who happened to be a 15 year old girl, said breathlessly as she leaned down a little bit, trying to catch her breath after running all the way from the school building and towards the gate, where the trio were nearby. "sorry...just give me a moment...."

"uh....?" Liekable uttered as he kept staring at the girl, wondering just who she's exactly supposed to be...and why was she holding a wooden guitar on hand?

most of the three stood in silence as the girl kept taking a moment to catch her breath, until finally she stopped holding her stomach, cleaned her throat up and held her guitar in both hands, as she then closed her eyes and smiled.

afterwards, she began strumming on her guitar, creating a smooth, nice and friendly rhythm with the strings, her hands moved at a normal pace and the timing of the rhythm was even.

Liekable along with the others, were a bit more confused now...they were not exactly expecting this to happen out of the blue, although they couldn't deny the fact that the sound she was making from that guitar, was honestly pretty nice.

and so as the girl kept playing the guitar, she eventually began to sing in a calm and steady voice. "hello, and welcome to our school, we hoped to see you soon, haven't got a clue? well don't you worry, no need to be blue, i'll give a clue, in our little school of woooonder~"

the girl began to sway side to side slowly as she kept playing on the guitar with impressive skill, sliding her towards the neck of the guitar to fret on a few strings as she kept singing in a nice harmony. "in our school of wonder, the sky's always bright, music's your friend, a guiding light, wherever you'll be, let it be known, we'll be with you together in this school of woooonder~"

"she's really good..." Cody whispered to Liekable as they were clearly impressed with her play.

"she is..." Liekable nodded with a small smile, enjoying the rhythm.

meanwhile Jeffy was seen staring blankly at the girl, his mouth slightly open for some reason, or maybe he was just distracted?

the girl stopped fretting on the strings as she slide her fingers back away from the neck of the guitar as she kept strumming with her right hand, still singing to her crowd with a nice tone. "we welcome your stay, don't be afraid, melodies carry it away, together we laugh, together we learn, be it in may, or even in march, every single day, there's a way, let us all ponder in our school of woooonder~"

she gave a small riff at the end of her song afterwards, before she stopped singing, eyes still closed for a moment as her eyebrows were a little twitchy and narrowed, her body noticeably a little shaky too.


and then the sound of calm applauding was heard, which made her open up her eyes to see Liekable and Cody clapping their hands for her.

"alright, that was amazing!" Liekable said with a smile as he kept applauding for the girl.

"i know right!" Cody looked at him with a nod before looking back at the girl. "it was really nice, great job, what did you think about it Jeffy?"

the two looked at Jeffy afterwards, who kept staring blankly at the girl, before he slowly raised his hand up, opening his mouth even more.

"honestly guys...that was the gayest thing i eve-Mffh!?"

Liekable quickly covered up Jeffy's mouth with a scowl before looking back at the girl. "don't mind him, what you just played for us was awesome, seriously!"

the girl smiled, clearly overjoyed by the praise as she couldn't help but laugh a little. "hehe, thank you, thank you, i'm so glad to hear that...welcome to our school!"

"so who are you supposed to be, a student?" Cody asked her as he carefully watched Jeffy over.

"yes i am, my name's Iris by the way, i assume you all are here for a reason?" Iris asked them.

also speaking of Iris, the girl has a lighter beige complexion that glows with health. Her deep brown hair cascades in silky strands, and her striking gold-yellow eyes shimmer with intelligence. she had a friendly expression, although there was a hint of smugness. she was wearing a black shirt with a deep red tie, a matching skirt, dark pants, and polished brown shoes. her hair is tied in two ponytails, and she wears a simple watch on her left wrist.

"yeah actually, i'm here to enroll into the school but...uh" Cody looked back at the gates, still worried about his parents' lack of presence, before he slowly turned back to Iris. "there might be some issues that I've gotta discuss with the owner of the school..."

"issues...?" Iris raised her eyebrow at that "what kind of issues, i could help you with those, it's sort of my job anyways"

"well my parents, they-"

"hey, is this where i get my job or something, Billie Iris?" Jeffy abruptly asked the girl.

"job...i don't understand?" said the girl as she looked at the puppet with confusion.

"what he's trying to say is-" Liekable quickly stepped in to explain further. "that we've have a job interview here, that's why we traveled all the way to the school, so we're just wondering who we should go to for this"

Iris pondered for a moment, before slapped her forehead at realization. "oh how could i FORGET, that's right...sorry, i was just distracted by the arrival of some people an-i should've known it was you three, oh god, sorry....i-i'll gladly take you to the principal, you can discuss everything with him, follow me okay?"

after saying that all frantically, Iris quickly turned back and began marching her way towards the school building, leaving the trio in a slightly confused state.

"i think we should follow her...?" Cody told the two.

"DUH Cody, what else are we supposed to do here, sh*t on the grass, she just told us to follow her, tch...idiot" Jeffy rolled his eyes before going after the girl.

"wha-....what was that about!" Cody angrily said before following after his friend.

Liekable shrugged before he began following after them all as well.


the four of them walked towards the building, before Iris was opening one of the transparent doors to the building, gesturing for them to come in.

"you'll have to excuse us for the lack of consideration....the teachers are currently busy teaching some of the students, and I've been busy myself with helping out the principa" Iris told them in a apologetic tone as she got inside the hallway along with the others.

and the hall looked colorful, the ground was a soft purplish color, the walls were nearly the same color, although lighter, there was a hallway that lead to both ways, in front of them was however an elevator door, along with stairs to the left side, there seems to be two corners on each side that led to somewhere else too.

the interior was decorated with plants and some colorful ornaments, mostly in the shape of music notes.

"this place looks nice..." Liekable said in awe.

"the entire school is nice, isn't it?" Iris smiled at the comment as she went over to the elevator door. "we can take the elevator, students aren't usually allowed to take the elevator, due to some...complaints a few weeks back"

"what kind of complaints?" Cody asked, watching as Iris pressed on one of the buttons.

"let's just say that the students fought over the elevator a lot, which the principal didn't like at all...which is fair, exercise is good anyways, so...just use the stairs" Iris shrugged before the elevator door opened before she quickly stepped inside before beckoning the others to come in.

the trio then made their way inside the elevator, Iris then went over to press on the buttons....until.

"oh buttons!" Jeffy exclaimed before going over to the buttons, nearly pushing Iris out of the way as he began to randomly press on the buttons at random.

"hey, wait don't do that!" Iris gasped at them. "you'll ruin the elevator, then we'll be stuck...just like that one time, stop it!"

"Jeffy for the love of god!" Cody rolled his eyes before quickly grabbing Jeffy and dragging him away from the buttons

"heeey i was just having fun!" Jeffy whined as Cody held him in place.

"you can't just press the buttons like that, it's dangerous, the elevator could malfunction!" Liekable told him with a scowl, before looking over at Iris. "i'm sorry for that, i...don't know what's up with him"

"Jeffy's...not all up there sometimes" Cody explained before wincing in pain as Jeffy bit his hand, causing the nerd to let him go.

"ol' buttons dick, makes the elevator go down and sh*t" Jeffy randomly said, much to the disturbance of the others.

"uh huh..." Iris said as she gave him a slightly irritated look, before she fixed her tie with a cough. "may i also say that the usage of such words isn't exactly allowed in the school, it'll greatly be appreciated if you all would...sustain yourselves when speaking, okay?"

"that's probably not gonna happen but okay" Jeffy told her, not feeling ashamed for his actions.

Iris rolled her eyes before pressing on the button that led to the highest floor.

meanwhile Liekable and Cody had a huge case of secondhand embarrassment, all thanks for Jeffy's stupidity....

eventually after a few seconds, the elevator doors opened up, making Iris step out of it with the trio and onto a different hallway now, at the end of the hallway was two windows, there were some doors that led to who knows where, a flight of stairs that led down, and there was also a door that led up as well, right next to the stairs that is.

"this is where you can find the principal's office, just at the end of the hallway" Iris showed them as she began walking towards the other end of the hallway, where a single brown door was seen at. "also, this is the floor where we take our music lessons, but we'll talk about it later"

"so is the principal waiting for us?" Liekable asked her as he followed after the girl.

"yes he is" Iris nodded to his question before finally the girl went over to the door, grabbed onto the doorknob and turned it open, before stepping inside the office with the others.

Liekable got inside and he was met by the sight of an ordinary office, well aside from a few unique decorations, such as the big bookshelf to the side, the old vinyl player on the big desk, some of the walls were also designed have piano notes on them, and that big window that showed off the sky and the back view of the school building, it was quite nice to say the least.

but what was more important is the man that was seen staring at the window, hands behind their back as they were focused on something.

Iris then cleaned her throat before fixing her posture as she called out to the man. "principal Lagrossi, the guests are here"

the man then turned his head back, before noticing the new unfamiliar faces. "oh, sorry i didn't hear you all entering!"

"sorry...i should've knocked..." Iris said, looking down with a half guilty look.

"no it's fine..." the man reassured as he gestured her to come closer to him, to which Iris did so before making her way to him, and then the man looked at the others with a half smile. "welcome gentlemen, I've been expecting your arrival for a bit now"

"WAIT a moment!" Jeffy suddenly said as he raised his hand up. "...are you gross?"

"Jeffy...what?" Cody looked at them with confusion.

"yeah cause like...the girl called him he must be nasty!"

"oh no...." Liekable muttered before looking away, not wanting to be a part of Jeffy's stupidity.

Iris seemed pretty annoyed by the comment, as she tried to say something before the man put a hand around her shoulder and laughed a little bit.

"aha, well Jeffy, i'd have you known that i shower 5 times a day, gotta keep the hair all smooth you know?" the man jokingly said, running a hand through their graying hair with a smile.

"oh, well I only shower once a month" Jeffy said with indifference.

"forget about him...are you the principal?" Cody asked the man.

"that i am" the man nodded proudly. "Luka Lagrossi, founder of the school and the principal as well, i see you already met my daughter Iris, huh?"

speaking of who, Luka has fair skin, brown hair that reveals many strings of gray, the front of his hair is spikey, he has a normal build and is tall, he mostly wears a brown suit with a red tie along with dark shiny shoes, he wears glasses on and is always smiling, even though his eyes look mostly tired, his eyes are a light brown, and he has stumble facial hair.

"daughter?" Liekable said, a little taken back by the revelation. "i thought she was just an ordinary student, judging by the way she kept referring to you as the principal and all..."

"yeah well" Luka laughed a little bit as he pulled his daughter closer to him. "she likes to be all professional, don't you dear?"

"i-i'm just referring you to what you are, dad..." Iris said with a bit of embarrassment as she held onto her guitar tightly.

"heh...they both nasty i guess" Jeffy whispered to Cody.

"ugh..." Cody rolled his eyes before stepping forward a bit. "well Mr.Lagrossi, i guess you already know who we are, and why we're here for?"

"that's right, and i would've been the first one to greet you at the gates, if only i had know that we used to do little greeting surprises for newcomers?" Luka told them.

"well Iris did do something like that, her performance was great" Liekable said with a smile as he glazed at the girl.

"that's because my little girl takes after her father, ain't that right Iris?" Luka asked before ruffling her hair a little bit.

"dad, please..." Iris moved her head away, although she was smiling. "i was just trying to keep the traditional, you were busy after all, after all, i care about the school's reputation, you know?"

"i know, and i appreciate it....but anyways" Luka let go of the girl as he fixed his tie before going over to sit on his chair. "i guess we should talk about what's important now, and that's about your role into the school, the Sophisticated School Of Musika that is...I've got a feeling that you'll like it here"

"so when am i going to clean toilets and sh*t?" Jeffy vulgarly asked the principal.

"i've gotta admit" Liekable spoke out, if only to make them forget about Jeffy's words "i wasn't expecting for you to pick me up so fast sir, i was thinking that you'd reach out to me in a few weeks, or maybe never...had to rush a little just to get here, didn't exactly prepare myself that much you know?"

"yeah same..." Cody sighed before looking down. "i wasn't expecting to leave Florida that fast, or my least i don't have to deal with summer school, i don't even know WHY i was in kindergarten to begin with!"

"kindergarten...?" Iris said, looking at him with confusion.

"long story..." Cody groaned, not really in the mood to talk about it.

"i understand your situation" Luka nodded with empathy. "although, we were really in need of workers here, and every new student to our school is always a great joy, it gives us the opportunity to share our love of art with them all, students AND our'll have to forgive me on making you all come here so quickly, management is a little wonky at the moment..."

"why?" Jeffy asked.

"it's...difficult to explain, but we're trying our best here" Luka told him before shaking their head. "anyways, Liekable, Jeffy, you're here for your interview, and we can gladly start what made you pick this job?"

"my daddy forced me to get one because i broke our door with a bowling ball, on ACCIDENT...then he went insane and started breaking piggies or something, i don't even know..." Jeffy shrugged to himself. "he just wants me to pay him back cause he lost 500 dollars"

"and i came across it by accident" Liekable then spoke up. "i was extremely unemployed for a while now, so i went to this job listing website again and ended up finding this job offer, it sounded interesting to me sir"

"you both realize that we're looking for responsible people, not only to ensure the safety of our students, to ensure their productivity along with making sure they don't stir up any problems...but also, I'll be honest, we could REALLY use some hands here to clean up the school, boy do i gotta a story to tell you at one of our bathroom stalls?" Luka pulled on his collar with a shiver at the reminder of what he saw before....

"well i have past experience with cleaning, i ran a hotel at some point and uh...i guess i'm pretty good with people too, i'm always up for fairness and coming to non-violent solutions" Liekable told him

"i can clean stuff too...kinda" Jeffy said with uncertainty. "and i also ran a hotel....kinda"

"and that didn't turn out well, for the record" Cody quickly added in.

"interesting...." Luka nodded as he was seen crossing his fingers together on the table. "and how well would you say that you'd do on the job as a prefect and a janitor?"

"I'll try my best, I'll be honest and tell you that I've..." Liekable looked down before sighing deeply as he continued "been in a tough spot as of lately...i don't have much money on me and I've had to work hard just to take care of myself, i know my way around a few things, i can clean, maybe cook stuff, i could also fix simple things like cars and problems with electricity, i'm wiling to work hard for this job as well and abide fairly"

"i see...and what about you Jeffy?" Luka looked at the puppet then.

Jeffy then stopped smacking his diaper as he slowly raised his hand up and kept it for a few moments.


"sh*t i don't know" he shrugged afterwards before going back to smacking his diaper. "i just poop my pants, and sometimes annoy my daddy, oh, i also pierced my PP once, so it kinda looks like a flute now"

"what...?" Iris mutters before looking at her father, wondering if he also heard that or not.

"Jeffy, why....just why?" Cody said, his voice muffled up as he was seen hiding his face with both hands while shaking their head

"uh..." Liekable uttered out of awkwardness.

Luka stared at the two for a moment, his face looking more exhausted than it was before....

before he sighed and began speaking once again. " more question from me before we can move on"

both Liekable and Jeffy then stayed silent, awaiting for whatever the principal was about to say next...


"how do you both feel about music?"

"music....?" Liekable repeated.

"music, what's that?" Jeffy asked as he went back to snacking his diaper.

Luka then got up from his seat and then began walking towards a painting, a painting of which it had a bunch of musical instrumentals drawn on it.

and then he just stared at it for a bit, silently as the others watched him, a little confused with this sudden quietness.

that is, until he began speaking again.

"you means a lot to us at this school, not only that, but art, dancing and acting, it's those subjects that gave birth to this foundation...but mostly music" he stated, taking a moment to pause and take a breath. "to some of us, music is more than a sound, more than a pluck of strings, more than increasing in your can be something else, inspiration, admiration, encouragement, truth....a savior, it means a lot to me, a lot to many people in here"

and then he turned back to the newcomers. "i want to ask do you feel about music?"

"well i-...." Liekable stopped to think about his answer. "i think...well i like music, i guess it helped me a lot before in my life too...i tend to listen to music, mostly old tunes, i used to play music as well before, i guess i just don't practice it as much as before?"

"i like playing on my cat piano and rapping, check out my beats dawg!" Jeffy asked before throwing up a gang sign.

"i used to be in band too, multiple times actually, ever heard of Lizard Gutz?" Cody asked. "or maybe Backdoor Boys?...yeah that didn't work out well in the end"

"point is, i think all of us here like music, i'm surprised that we all had something to do with playing music too" Liekable told the puppets, before looking at the principal again. "i haven't realized that music was a big part in this school though"

"it is!" Iris quickly said with a nod. "dad...i-i mean the principal worked very hard to build this school, he's not only educating children, but also showing them the magic of music, art, dance and act, it's all creative!"

"it sure is Iris, but" Luka lifted his finger up. "traditional education is definitely our priority here, music is...something that means a lot to some people, such as myself...i'm glad to hear that all three of you also share a passion for it, in your own way that is, it sounds like you three are really a good fit for the school already"

"debatable..." Iris whispered, more especially towards Jeffy.

"so...what does this mean?" Jeffy asked the principal.

"i guess it're hired" Luka said with a smile before sitting back on his chair.

"seriously...?" Liekable gave him a shocked look, almost not believing it. "like...that?"

"hmm" Luka nodded, confident in his expression. "i have good faith in you both, as long as you two make sure to keep the environment safe and that everyone is attending their classes, then I've got no problem with hiring you....besides, we really need all the-.....nevermind"

Luka shook his head before continuing. "nonetheless, you both are hired now, I'll explain more details about the job"

"hells yeah, now I can get money for more lego sets, that's so peeepeeee~!" Jeffy exclaimed in a singing tone.

"are you sure about this dad...?" Iris whispered to her father as she looked at Jeffy with uncertainty. "that guy with the helmet isn't...all right"

"Cody, let's talk about you now" Luka said, turning towards Cody as Iris was seen frowning at the principal a little bit. "i understand you wanted to enroll in the school?"

"yeah, but can i be honest with you before anything else?" Cody asked.

"of course, fairness and honestly is important to our reputation at Musika, what do you have to say?"

"yeah see, my parents dropped me off here before straight up leaving, l-like...they actually drove off without coming here to speak to you, so i'm sure if you can enroll me in without...all that necessary stuff" Cody told him, looking a little nervous about what Luka was about to say next.

"yeah, those motherf*ckers straight up dipped on his ass" Jeffy confirmed with a nod.

"yeah...." Liekable said with a slow nod.

"oh..." Luka simply said as he stared at the puppet for a few moments, a long awkward silence then filled up the office as everyone kept staring at each other for a while.


"well um....that's okay" Luka sighed before forcing a smile. "I'll work something out for you"

"seriously...wouldn't that be a problem?" Cody asked, surprised by the response.

"believe it or not, this ain't the first time" Luka said before he began to open up some drawers and began looking for something. "let's just start with some paper work, it'll take no time...uh...where's the-"

"i'll help if you want?" Iris immediately offered.

"ah yes, thanks...."


a few minutes later....

"and with that paperwork out of the way, i officially welcome you all to the school of Musika" Luka happily said as he stood next to Iris, to which the two looked over at the trio.

Liekable and Jeffy were seen wearing light purplish jackets that had the crest of the school's logo on them, while Cody remained on his usual clothing.

"itchy..." Jeffy muttered, scratching under his armpit.

"wow look at you guys, professional huh?" Cody jokingly said to the both. "especially you Jeffy, that ass looks real right...hehe"

"aren't you like underage and have a boyfriend?" Jeffy asked him as he was now scratching his...crotch.

"uh well i-"

"ahem!" Liekable cleaned his throat to steer the conversation to something else. "thanks for this opportunity Mr.Lagrossi, really, you don't know how much it means to there anything that i need to know about the job before i could start?"

"well yes, but first, Iris could you show Cody around the school?" Luka asked his daughter.

"yes sir" Iris nodded before walking towards the door and giving a smile to Cody. "come on Cody, let me show you around"

"okay, i guess I'll see you guys later then" Cody told his friends before following after Iris outside the office.

"as for you both, i think it'll be great to meet up with some of your other coworkers, ones whom I've worked with ever since the opening of this school...i'm sure you'll get along just fine" Luka reassured the both.

"question" Jeffy raised his hand. "so, when do we like eat and sh*t?"

"well you can do at the cafeteria, and you can always rest at the staff quarters, it's just outside the school, i'm sure you saw the little map display outside?"

"yeah we did" Liekable nodded in confirmation. "this place is quite big, it'll take some time getting used to it"

"don't worry about it, you'll feel at home in no time, by the way the school is sorta blocked off by walls, they extend all the way and form a square around the academy itself, all to ensure the safety of our students of course, don't want no wild animals coming in too...but anyways, i-"

Luka stopped talking once when the door opened up, with several people coming inside.

"Lagrossi, you called or something?" a man asked, a slight accent was heard on them.

"i-it's not something bad, is it...?" the anxious woman next to the man said, holding her hands and trembling a little bit.

"oh hello, who are those people?" another woman said, she was the most carefree looking out of them all.

"what's up bitches?" Jeffy greeted them, a little vulgarly...

"language!" the carefree gave him a slight scowl.

"sorry to interrupt your last minutes of teaching friends" Luka apologized, putting his hand up as he remained seated on his chair. "everyone, these are our new employees, Liekable and Jeffy, they'll be working as the janitors and prefects, please introduce yourselves"

"hello, i'm Liekable..." Liekable gave them a polite smile, although he felt just a little nervous.

"Jeffy here, what doing?" Jeffy asked as he gave them a lazy wave.

"what is this man doing, with a diaper outside his pants...oh" the man sighed out of exasperation as they pinched their nose bridge "por el amor de dios...Lagrossi, i did not know you hired clowns for our next school act, i would've written a perfect script, you know?"

"ah, sí" Jeffy nodded before he began speaking in a deep spanish voice "también me gusta oler mis gases después de comer comida en mal estado!"

"hmmmm...sabes español, chico lápiz?" the man asked, narrowing his eyes at the puppet in suspicion.

"si papi si papi!" Jeffy exclaimed while moaning a little bit...

"marvelous..." the man sighed before looking at the principal "how will would this fare, Lagrossi?"

"relax...we said that we needed help, didn't we?" Luka reminded him with a slight frown.

"some of us, SOME of us..." the man said, narrowing his eyes at the principal before looking away.

"ugh..." Luka shook his head with a slight groan, seemingly a bit agitated with the man's tone, which made Liekable a little tensed.

"oh relax Ramon, you're making our guest uncomfortable!" the carefree lady told him. "why don't we just introduce ourselves?"

"yes, please" Luka nodded, glad to hear such words coming from one of the teachers.

"'s Ramon Lastimosa, a pleasure to meet you" said Ramon as he took a little elegant bow to the newcomers.

Ramon has a slight brown complexion and speaks with a spanish accent. he's typically dressed in traditional tango clothing, with a red shirt and dark hair. His blue eyes sparkle with a flirty charm, and he sports a thin mustache, Ramon had a slender yet fit physique, which adds to his suave appearance, and he was seen wearing a cross accessory around his neck.

"it's nice to meet you Ramon" Liekable greeted him with a upwards nod.

Ramon hummed as he studied Liekable for a bit, before holding out his hand to him for a handshake.

Liekable looked down at the hand, before gladly moving in to accept it.

and when he did so, Ramon suddenly moved in close to him, and stared him deep at the eyes. "you thought I wouldn't catch you again, huh little murderer?"

"w-what...?" Liekable stuttered, his hand being gripped tightly by the man as he felt a little afraid under his glaze.

"you were idiotic enough to come back here after that little stunt, unfortunately for you my friend...i never forget about old scars" Ramon menacingly said as he kept glaring at Liekable, not breaking the eye contact.

"....?" Liekable remained in place, a little shaken up by what was happening....was this a mistake, should he run away already, was this anothe-"

Ramon then let go of him, before softening his glare as he smiled, before chuckling a little bit. "ah don't be scared my friend, i was only joking"

"wha-....?" Liekable uttered, extremely confused and still a little afraid.

"i'm an actor, i work with the school of theater, i also teach acting classes to mis estudiantes...perhaps i can get a you say?" Ramon twirled his hands around before stopping, and then snapping his finger to smirk at Liekable. "exaggerated..."

"exaggerated it is Ramon, you sure love doing that to everyone huh?" the carefree woman gave him a slightly disappointed look.

"i take pride in my passion senorita, each second is spent perfecting my craft...i suppose i'm now inseparable from acting, no?"

"i-....i am still afraid that I wouldn't know whenever you're not acting or actually willing to lash out violently towards someone..." the trembling woman said, gulping a little bit.

"that's Ramon for can always take it easy my friend, you know that?" Luka told him with a smile.

"i work my way, okay?" Ramon lifted his hands up before backing away a little bit, not wanting to discuss it further.

"sh*t" Jeffy casually said as he stared at Liekable who was still a bit shaken up.

"well uh...nice to meet you?" Liekable said, going back to being calm now.

"don't worry about them Liekable, i'm Katherine O'Sullivan by the way, it sure is nice to meet a new recruit!" Katherine said, giving him a bright smile

Katherine stands out with her bright yellow hair, which she keeps short and spiky. she wears a sleeveless pink dress, top paired with dark yoga pants and pink shoes. Katherine's glowing pale skin complements her fit physique, giving her an attractive appearance. She adds a touch of glamour with pink lipstick and blue eyeshadow, and her smile is always warm and kind.

"wait a moment, you weren't there with us at the gate, freaking liar" Jeffy told her with a suspicious look.

"well okay, i only worked here for one year...but still, i teach the students yoga sometimes, mostly dancing classes though, OH, and gym class too, it's fun to stay fit, isn't it?" Katherine asked as she gave them a thumbs up, and making her point by showing off her arm muscles.

"yeah..." Liekable said, looking at the woman for a few moments before shaking his head and smiling nervously. "it's nice to meet you Katherine..."

"she has big boo-" Jeffy couldn't finish as Liekable immediately covered his mouth up again.

"Lydia?" Katherine then looked at the other woman, who was seen standing back, almost as she wanted to keep hiding in the shadows.

"y-yes...very well i suppose..." the woman cleaned her throat before introducing herself. "my name's...Lydia Tremblay...i-i...i teach science to the students, at times...and...w-well that's everything!"

Lydia was seen wearing a lab coat over a green nurse outfit and heels. her blonde hair is styled in a messy ponytail, and she wears round glasses that accentuate her shaky and anxious demeanor. Lydia had a rosy complexion and there were dark circles under her eyes.

"there's no need to be secretive all of the time Lydia..." Katherine sighed deeply at her.

"i-i value my privacy, you trust everyone that easily, y-you never know what kind of...type of person, someone can be like...s-so much unknown secrets they keep to themselves...ugh" Lydia shivered at the thought.

"hey Liekable?" Jeffy looked at Liekable then before pointing a hand at the shaky woman. "why does it look like that this woman just snorted a bunch of crack with the way she's shaking?"

"i-i NEVER!" Lydia yelped, shaking her head frantically. "i-i don't take such...substances that harm the human body, it's just m-my lack of sleep a-and medical issues with the body, i-i don't take-"

"rest assured, that this childish man was joking...Lydia" Ramon reassured her, although he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the woman.

"h-how would i know, you have so many people making false accusations nowadays and ruining people's whole livelihoods...I'd appreciate n-not telling me things like this, o-okay?" Lydia demanded from the puppet.

"it's okay, Jeffy was just joking...anyway, it's nice to meet you" Liekable told her as he extended his hand towards her.

"n-no!" Lydia open her hands up as defense before she backed away. "i-i don't touch people, it''s too risky!"

"what...?" Liekable muttered before pulling his hand back and looking at it, to see if it was dirty or something.

"please forgive her Liekable...Lydia has a fear of germs, you see...?" Luka explained with a tired sigh.

"why does she germans?" Jeffy asked, looking around the room with confusion. "i-i mean, what did they do...besides world war 1 and 2?"

"ugh...y-you know what, it's nice meeting you all, so i hope we can get along with each other" Liekable told them as he tried to put aside how odd most of them were acting.

"yeah, gang gang and all that" Jeffy lazily said.

"yes yes, let's just hope it goes well from here...but alas, Lagrossi you have zapped me out of my energy for tonight, i finished my classes and now, I'll kindly asked for my short retirement if you don't mind?" Ramon asked, exaggerating his tone a little bit.

"sure Ramon...sure" Luka gave him a nod.

Ramon then nodded before taking a small bow to everyone. "adios then..."

"yeah, grassy ass or however you say" Jeffy gave him a wave as the teacher then walked out without another word.

"i-i need to sleep too, i-...I've been teaching my class all day as you wanted from me...i feel sick, i don't think my body is able to handle so many hours of-"

"Lydia're just imagining things" Luka sighed deeply before shaking his head. "all I ask for you is to be more productive....but yes, take your leave, everyone's supposed to be asleep at this point anyways"

"y-yes...okay, okay...yes" Lydia nodded before turning back, her hand reached for the doorknob to which it kept twitching and failing to properly grab the door, before she just used both hands and turned the thing over to open the door before making her leave.

"she seems...troubled?" Liekable told the others as he stared at the door that Lydia left open.

"Lydia just has anxiety problems...she was always like that when we first met here, you know?" Katherine told him, go which Liekable could only nod in response at. "but anyways, during this time of the day, we stop our teaching and let the students roam around a bit, until we tell them to head off to their dorm and sleep, i wish you both arrived a little earlier, we could've shown you how classes work...but maybe tomorrow?"

"sure Katherine, that's perfectly fine..." Liekable said with a nod.

"at least i don't have classes here, this'll be the tit*!" Jeffy cheerfully said

"language..." Katherine rolled her eyes before turning away. "anyways, I'll take my leave now...actually wait, you both should introduce yourself to Delphine at some point, she's the cook, i'm sure you'll get along with her, bye now!"

afterwards Katherine left the office, closing the door behind her as Liekable and Jeffy were left inside with Luka.

"so what we do now?" Jeffy asked turning back to the principal who was seen rubbing their head.

"huh...oh yes" Luka cleaned his throat before he began to speak up clearly. "i'm sure you both had a tiring journey so I'll lower the amount of work for you tonight, let me tell you a bit about your stay in here and we'll move on to your night duty...."

"okay" Liekable nodded then as the principal began explaining a few things.


meanwhile with Cody, who was being shown around the place by Iris.

"so you saw the final floor is where we take our music lessons, and in the third floor we take act lessons, second floor is for acting lessons with Mr.Lastimosa, and the first floor is typically for Ms.O'Sullivan's classes, we have a complicated schedule but since most of us take the same classes, it'll be easy to just follow everyone to wherever they're going to, we usually end our classes at 8PM sharp, 10PM is when we go to our dorms as mandatory and 11PM is when the lights are out, so it'll be unwise for any students to be outside during that time, it's not allowed you know...are you keeping up with everythin, want me to remind you again?" Iris asked as she walked down the last step of the stairs and she was now on the first floor with Cody. "i understand that it is a lot, but it's my job to help students with their problems, i'm kinda like a prefect too..."

"nah i think i got it" Cody shook his head.

"you sure...?" Iris asked. "just asking incase you may forget and-"

"no no it's really fine, my memory's basically we eat breakfast each morning at 8AM, take music classes from various teachers at 9AM, do yoga and dance classes with Ms.O'Sullivan at 10AM, acting lessons from Mr.Lastimosa at 11AM an-....well there's lot of classes but i remember most of the details that you've mentioned to me earlier ago"

Iris stared at the boy in surprise, blinking multiple times before shaking her head. "so you've been listening to me this entire time...?"

"uh yeah...?" Cody nodded with confusion. "was i not supposed to?"

"no, it's just...sometimes people tune me out because i talk too much, and then they tend to ask me a lot of questions that i already explained to them, but because they didn't listen an-" Iris stopped herself from continuing as she fixed her posture. "whatever you get it, i guess i'm glad that you were actually listening to me...but anyways, it's time for most of us to head back to the dorms, it's a good thing I was about to show you around quickly, the principal already told you where to sleep at, we should go to the dorms now okay?"

"sure, i was actually feeling tired after that car ride" Cody nodded before he began walking/floating away with Iris as she lead him outside of the building.

when they got outside, Cody noticed how dark it was getting, the sky was a nice blue at this point and there was a few students outside, just chilling and talking to each other.

Iris walked together with Cody then, and obviously enough, some of the students were staring at Cody, being the new student and all that.

"is he new...?" one of them was heard whispering.

"think so, i haven't seen him before...." another one answered

"heh..." Cody smiled as he felt a little important. "i feel like a celebrity..."

"what was that?" Iris looked back at him.

"nothing..." Cody shook his head at her before asking. "anyways, this feels like a boarding school that mostly relies on teaching crafts and stuff like we ever learn history or anything else?"

"sometimes...i think some of us are way past that, why did you come to this school especially...aside from its obviously great reputation" Iris bragged a little bit.

"i don't know how my parents found it, they just wanted me to's a long story honestly, i dunno how to explain it well" Cody answered as he sighed deeply. "i'm just happy in a way, it'll be good getting away from my friends..."

"huh, why would-" Iris suddenly stopped walking afterwards, with Cody getting ahead of her for a bit, before the puppet also stopped.

"hey, why did you everything okay?" Cody asked the girl, but all he could notice was the rather unpleasant face that she was making, and he didn't know why...until.

"hey, are you new?" a voice called out from behind Cody.

Cody raised his eyebrow before looking back to see a pale girl walking up to him. "huh...oh hi, yeah I've basically enrolled here like a few minutes ago"

the girl stopped near Cody, and she was seen looking at him with a blank face, almost studying him like, which made Cody a little uncomfortable.

", you're really busted" the girl bluntly said to the puppet.

"okay...f*ck you too then?" Cody said, a little irritated with her now.

"h-hey...why would you say that?" the girl backed away with surprise before looking over at Iris. "are you seriously hanging out with people like this Iris...that's so unusual from someone as stuck up as you are...huh"

Iris rolled her eyes before speaking in a agitated voice. "aren't you supposed to be in your room...Calypso?"

so about this girl...Calypso has a pale complexion, giving her an ethereal look. her deep purple hair flows freely with sharp edges, adding edginess. she was wearing like a white hoodie with dark pants and matching shoes. she had deep green eyes and she was seen with a permanent frown...for now.

"i'm allowed to do whatever i want at this time...of course you'd want to sleep early as usual, you'd go senile if you missed a single class...or a second of your 'professional schedule'" Calypso sarcastically said, putting up air quotes in the process.

"at least my performance is better than yours, whatever, I've got better things to do than argue with you tonight...remember, no staying up at 11pm, you wouldn't want me-"

"whine and cry about things that you don't like to your dad...sure Iris, it's not like we're all getting tired of it, i'm sure your dad is though...who CARES?" Calypso rolled her eyes before looking at Cody. "and nice okay, you're messed up for talking like this how you make first impressions on new people?"

"a little hypocritical but okay Calypso, okay...." Cody shook his head at her, not playing into her lies.

"hmph...I've heard that the school wanted new workers, Iris?" Calypso looked over at the girl for answers.

"well isn't that for YOU to find out...come on Cody, let's leave" Iris pointed her chin up before walking away from the 15 year old, clearly not wanting to spend another moment with her

"okay jeez..." Cody sighed before following after her.

Calypso hummed, giving them a slight glare before turning away to leave somewhere else.

Cody then caught up with Iris, looking back at the other girl before turning back to the former and asking. "who the heck was that....Iris?"

Iris didn't respond as she kept walking forward, her eyebrows narrowed down and her pace hasten, much to Cody's confusion.

"Iris, what's up with you now?" the puppet asked her again.

"what?" Iris aggressively answered back, turning back to face the puppet with slight annoyance.

"i'm just asking who that girl was..."

"...oh" Iris said, before calming herself down as she looked away from him. "that's just Calypso, she's just...well, let's just avoid her, she's not someone you'd want to hang out with"

"yeah I'd bet..." Cody muttered to himself before he continued walking with Iris, and eventually they arrived at the dorm building.

"okay, so uh...this is where all the students stay at, including me obviously" Iris explained as she opened one of the two doors before stepping inside with Cody.

once Cody stepped inside, he was surprised to see the place, there were those little squared like cabins that were near each other, the place was sorta decayed in a way, with grass growing out of the cracks beneath them, and for the ceiling above them, it was just a transparent window, one which let Cody see the night sky above, along with the shiny stars.

"an interesting design choice..." Cody said as he kept looking around the place.

"yeah, you'll have to excuse the poor has been a while since they renovated the dorms" Iris explained, frowning down before looking at the puppet again. "but anyways, let me show you your cabin"

"why do you guys live in those little cabins anyways?" Cody asked as he began to follow after the girl.

"i'm not sure actually...maybe budget reasons, but i assure you, they're not bad, although only two students can live inside one...and about your cabin, there's already a student that's living in it, so i hope you don't mind that?"

"no that's fine" Cody shook his head as Iris stopped near a cabin, to which it looked like that it had a door that would slide open to the side. "as long as they're not obnoxious or anything, like you know who"

"absolutely not, but..." Iris looked at the door for a moment, seemingly a little unsure before she looked back at the puppet. "can you promise me something...?"

"sure...?" Cody slowly nodded, also unsure.

"well it's nothing serious or anything...all I ask is that you be VERY nice to your roommate, that's all" Iris kindly asked.

"i mean...yeah okay, it's not like I'd be immediately rude to someone for no reason, so yeah sure" Cody reassured her, much to her relief.

"thank you..." Iris sighed before looking at the door, before using the back of her fingers to knock on it twice. "heya Juliette, i'm coming in, okay?"

even though there was no response after that, Iris still slid the door to the left and opened it up before she and Cody looked inside the small cabin room.

there was a window ahead of them, along with two beds to the side, some drawers here and there....there was some space still, although very limited.

however most importantly, there was a slightly overweighted girl who was seen lying on one of the beds, hugging onto a sketchbook as she was seen staring at the two with half-lidded eyes, a bit anxious judging by her looks.

"hey Juliette...are you doing okay?" Iris kindly asked her with a smile as she stepped inside with Cody. "we didn't disturb you or anything, right?"

the girl who was known as Juliette, steered her glaze down at the sketchbook before slowly shaking her head, lowly muttering something under her breath.

also speaking of her...Juliette had fair skin with rosy cheeks, giving her a youthful look. her golden blonde hair falls in gentle waves, and her royal blue eyes are framed by long lashes. she was seen wearing a cute blue sweater with a star, deep blue pants, and pink slip-on shoes. a pink hairpin on the right side of her hair. she had a sleepy expression of her face, which seemed permanent...and yeah, she had some slightly chubby cheeks...cute?

"well you remember me telling you about expecting new people at the school...?" Iris reminded her before she gestured towards Cody. "this is Cody, he's the new student that's going to be learning with us from now on, he's also your new roommate...say hi to each other"

"hey Juliette..." Cody greeted her with a small wave.

"h-....hello...." Juliette quietly said as she kept looking down.

"i'm sorry, what was that?" Cody leaned in, not quite catching what she said.

"umm...." Juliette uttered as she steered her eyes side to side quickly, a little embarrassed from what it looked like.

"Cody..." Iris gave him a small nudge.

"ow...what?" Cody looked at her with confusion as he rubbed his arm.

Iris sighed before smiling at Juliette again. "anyways...this is Juliette Delacroix, Juliette meet Cody....Nutkiss...?"

"yeah, it used to be more than that but uh...let's not complicate the conversation with it" Cody told her.

"okay..." Iris reluctantly said before shaking her head. "anyways, you two are going to be roommates from now both be nice and get to know each other, just like how everyone does at the school of Musika, right?"

"sure, so uh...what's the book about Juliette?" Cody asked the girl.

"n-nothing..." Juliette shakily said before she put the book under her pillow as she slowly stood up, rubbing her elbow as she looked at Iris for a moment before looking down. "Iris....can i-"

"unfortunately Juliette" Iris shook her head as she pointed at her watch in hand "it's nearly curfew time and i'm sure Ms.Kingsley closed the cafeteria down at this point"

"oh...okay" Juliette murmured, disappointed as she nodded before sitting back down.

"well I'll leave to my own cabin now, remember Cody, nobody is allowed to go outside at 11PM, you both take care now and...remember what I said before a few seconds ago, okay?" Iris gave them a nod before slowly stepping outside of the cabin and closing the door behind her.

Cody was now left inside the room with Juliette, who was seen avoiding eye contact with the puppet.

"i guess i should settle in now..." Cody muttered to himself before he took out his backpack, which I've failed to mention before so just don't mind that...anyways he took it out and began to go over to the bed that was empty and not decorated, before he began putting his stuff in some of the drawers, along with his Ken doll?

"oh Ken, glad I've brought you here with me...if only Timmy was here too, we'd be like a gang of tough cookies or something...but you'll do fine, mwah" Cody then gave a quick kiss to the doll, before looking a little unsatisfied. "okay that was just a peck...let's have another one, mwah!"

Cody then began kissing the doll all over the place, until he stopped upon realizing that...he was inside the room with someone else.

"uh...." Cody awkwardly muttered, before slowly turning around to see Juliette, who was giving him a look, before the girl quickly looked away once Cody met eyes with her.

Juliette then slowly lied down on the bed and turned around from Cody, facing the wall instead.

sh*t...that's awkward

Cody thought to himself with embarrassment before he put his Ken doll away and hid his backpack under the bed, before he climbed onto the bed and rested his head onto the pillow.

the nerdy boy then just lied there, staring at the ceiling with a blank face, still trying to get adjusted to his new surroundings at this school...he didn't couldn't get over the embarrassment of having to explain to the principal that his parents straight up left him alone here.

but at least everything worked in a way, he was now officially a part of the school...or academy, whichever it was, he just needed to worry about getting good grades, or else his parents would kill him...literally and figuratively.

after only a few moments of keeping his eyes opened, Cody eventually felt the tiredness get to him as he then slowly closed his eyes and prepared himself to sleep it off.


wrinkle wrinkle wrinkle!



Cody opened his eyes again, after hearing what sounded like a wrapper being wrinkled and messed with, he then looked over at Juliette's bed and saw...the girl trying to open a chocolate bar?

the girl was focused onto the wrapper, before she steered her eyes at Cody for a moment and frozen once she saw him giving her a look.


"s-sorry..." Juliette apologized shyly, her face turning red out of embarrassment as she quickly rolled to the other side again.

Cody sighed deeply before rolling away to the other side as well. least she wasn't like that Calypso girl....


meanwhile with Liekable and Jeffy.

they were at the staff quarters, inside the building itself, they were seen staring at a nicely decorated living room, there was vintage record player in the corner of the room, two sofas facing each other, a small table in the middle of it, a bookshelf filled with books, music sheets, just to their side was a large window which allowed them to see the outside and the school building itself, although trees did block the vision a bit.

there was also a kitchen nearby, with all the necessary things inside it.

there was a door nearby as well, though Liekable and Jeffy didn't know what for.

"wooow, this place is nice as f*ck Liekable!" Jeffy said as he quickly ran over and jumped at one of the sofas.

"yeah Jeffy, but we need to do our night duty right now...i think it was...from this point at 10pm to 1AM..?" Liekable looked up as he tried to what the principal said. "anyways, we should-"

but Liekable stopped as soon as he heard Jeffy snoring loudly, and occasionally making that "UH" noise that the puppet did.

"....right" Liekable sighed deeply, before he heard the door open behind him, to which he turned back to see a woman entering.

" who in the world are you supposed to be?" the woman asked, to which she was on the heavy set just a slight, she had black hair that was wrapped in a bun and her complexion was a bit dark, she wore a apron around her, and she had glasses that were attached to a chain around her neck, she seemed a little older.

"oh hello, are you...Delphine, i'm Liekable, i was a new recruit for the school, if you know anything about's nice to meet you ma'am" Liekable politely greeted.

"hmm..." Delphine hummed as she kept cleaning her hands with a hand, seemingly not convinced. "for all i know, you're probably a robber lying to my face, I'll have to us my shoe again i guess?"

"no seriously, the principal, Mr.Lagrossi hired me on the spot...if you can believe that" Liekable explained, he was a little defensive, especially after that whole handshake with Ramon from before.

"now that's a LITTLE believable...and who's that?" she asked, gesturing towards Jeffy who was seen sleeping in the sofa still, his bottom all tooted up as he kept making weird sounds.

"that's uh...Jeffy, he's supposed to be working as a prefect and a janitor alongside me"

Delphine looked at the puppet for a moment, before looking back at Liekable again, judging him with her eyes to which it made Liekable a little uncomfortable, especially with that long silence in the room.

"ah, i see you both met already?" another voice said from behind, to which Liekable quickly turned around to see Ramon himself walking down some stairs.

"you know this boy Ramon?" Delphine asked the teacher who was seen making his way towards the kitchen.

"si, he's just a new friend at our little school, you haven't hit him yet, have you?" the teacher playfully asked as he went over to take out a cup out of the cabinet.

"i don't hit people unless they have attitude..."

"i know, but really, that's Liekable, the funny little man with the helmet is Jeffy, they're our new friends as i said, Liekable say hi to Ms.Kingsley" Ramon asked as he was seen making himself some coffee.

"i already did, it doesn't seem like she was convinced that i'm a part of the school now?" Liekable said as he gave her a side glance.

"my fault" Delphine apologized with a sigh. "i tell you what, this old lady needs a rest, especially after today...i sure do"

"don't we all take it easy now mi bella dama" Ramon kindly said as he gave a lazy wave.

Delphine nodded with a hum before making her way towards the stairs, with Liekable stepping aside to give her some path.

Liekable stared at her leave before he looked over at Ramon, who was seen opening the fridge and taking out some weird...drink container thing?

"Liekable, your name is at that door over, don't get lost in your way now, yes?" Ramon gave him a friendly wink before making his way to upstairs as well.

"whatever you say Ramon" Liekable gave him a lazy salute before sighing to himself.

okay then....Jeffy's asleep, i'm supposed to be guarding around until 1AM, it shouldn't be hard, right?

Liekable then checked his phone to see the time, and it was about 10:49PM, there was still time to kill before his duty is finished, he just needed to make sure things were going fine...he could do it.

after some preparation, Liekable finally got out of the building and began his job as a prefect...who acted like a nighty security guard apparently?


later at 11:30PM....

Liekable has walked all over the place now, and he has searched each area of the school, from the main school building, to inside the dorms, at the garden maze, even at the track field, and not go mention the light lake along with the park.

it seemed like nothing interesting was going on at all, while that was good, it didn't leave Liekable any less bored than he was right now, he wondered it would've been less boring with Jeffy around, a thought that Liekable himself, questioned his sanity for.

Liekable was now seen walking to the lake again, hands inside his new jacket and his eyes looked all over the place, although nothing was seen out of the ordinary.

i should've taken my earphones with me, some tunes would help a little man, i'm so bored....

Liekable sighed deeply as he stopped near the lake, and stood there looking over at the water that shone ever so brightly thanks to the wonderful moon above.

it was calm, the sound of the water was brief yet smooth, it was a little windy but thankfully Liekable felt warm thanks to the jacket, he just wished he had something fun to do...he wondered how it'll be like during daytime though.

Liekable stood still, watching over the lake as he pondered about a few thoughts for a bit....

until he was ready to turn back and continue searching else where.

until he heard...a twig snapping from behind him, causing him to stop abruptly for a moment.

Liekable stared ahead at the pathway for a bit, until he turned his head to his left side, and right towards the trees that lead to the forest deep within.

and just behind one of the trees...a silhouette of someone tall was seen peeking out, before that same silhouette was seen rushing off back into the woods in a hurry.

"hey who's ther-hey!" Liekable called out as he squinted his eyes to make sure he was seeing this right or not, but judging by those REALLY seemed like someone was hiding in there, and as of on instinct, Liekable began to chase after them. "hold on there!"

he quickly ran over towards the trees, dodging the ones that were in front of them as he ran deeper into the forest, right after where he saw that odd silhouette running off to.

Liekable kept running in further, even jumping over a bush too as to avoid crashing into it, as he tried his best to spot the direction of the intruder, but it was kinda dark and it seemed like he already lost track of whoever that was.

eventually, Liekable found himself in an open spot at the middle of the trees, he circled around himself as he looked everywhere for the weird fugue, only to find nothing but a bunch of trees staring right back at him.

what the hell was that...i swear I've saw someone in there...where are they...?

he questioned himself as he took a moment to breath, still turning around here and there to make sure he wasn't missing out anything.

after a while, Liekable stood still in the same spot, holding his breathing as he found himself out of leads, nothing was happening, nor was he seeing anything suspicious.

nothing seemed out of the ordinary...aside from those bird chirps that Liekable constantly heard in the distance, which made him look up at the trees.

bird chirps at this point of time...that's kinda weird...but where did this person go-

then out of nowhere, the sound of bushes rustling was heard from behind him, along with a small "psh"

Liekable quickly turned back and looked all over the place, until his eyes landed on the bush that was ahead of him, and from the bush, a knob, was sticking out of it.

it was a....snake head?

Liekable’s brow raised up, out of confusion as he stared at the weird snake face, it was just staring at him...

"hello there friend, i'm a hungry you got any food?" a cheerful voice asked, coming from the bush itself.

Liekable quickly began backing away afterwards, realizing that he probably start running off to alert the others.

until he bumped into someone from behind him, causing him to gasp and turn around quickly.

and what he saw next was rather...unbelievable.

some weird red humanoid creature, with party hats covering two horns on top of his head, it was missing one eye on the right and their skin was scratched up, showing off odd green like flesh to them....and not to mention that they had a permanent smile with their tongue hanging out in a goofy way.

and they were a little tall...


"hey there..." the creature spoke, their voice a little monotoned.

Liekable had his mouth hanging open, as he tried to back away from the creature, before he felt himself bumping into something again from behind.

"a little bumpy today, aren't we...hehehe!" that same cheerful said, giggling to themselves.

Liekable turned his head back to see another weird humanoid creature, this time, it was an odd creature that had two different looking side, the right indigo colored side of them was all spiky and bumpy with a half frown on their mouth, with a green spot around their eye, and the other green side was all smoothed out, with a half smile on their mouth and a indigo colored spot in their eye around, their eyes were black and big, their right hand was shorter than the left, instead of a hand, they had to snake for it, while their left hand was a little deformed, yet normal with 5 fingers that were unevenly spaced out...and they were tall too.

Liekable stared at them in terrified silence, occasionally looking back at the two creatures back to back and not knowing what to say.

"um....are you okay man?" the red creature asked, slowly lifting their hand up and trying to bring their three little fingers to Liekable’s shoulder.

however Liekable quickly got out of the way, getting away from being in between the two as he backed away with horror. "WHO ARE YOU BOTH, WHO ARE YOU!?" he frantically asked.

"hey relax, we're no-"

"NO, JUST WHO ARE YOU BOTH!?" Liekable yelled, interrupting the red creature from continuing.

"ah he's scared!" the other creature said with disappointment, although their face didn't change at all, nor did their mouth move. "and I told this would be a nice surprise..."

"this is all your fault....i told you we should've waited more!" the red creature said, expressing anger on their tone.

"well how was i supposed to know that there would be a human near the're the one that needs fixing, aren't you?" the mixed colored creature argued back with the other creature.

"this ISN'T how i expected this to go..." the red creature face-palmed, shaking their head in disappointment.

" both better explain yourselves or else I'll call the others!" Liekable threatened them as he was backed up against a tree. "just where, or WHAT are you supposed to be...!"

"relax, i don't understand why you're scared...we're both human after all, you act like you never seen one before...let's try to calm down okay?" the red creature pleaded as they tried to reason the with the man.

"h-human....what?" Liekable raised his eyebrow at the odd comment.

"oh come on, THAT whole story again...even I know when's a joke getting old!" the other creature said, rolling their eyes at the red creature's stupidity.

"i don't expect YOU to understand, seeing as to what you've did back there...." the red creature shot back.

"i-...i did try making up for it, didn't i...?" their friend said, a bit reluctantly as they looked away from the red creature.

"anyways....listen" the red creature then looked back at Liekable. "we're not here to hurt you or anything...seriously"

"then...what are you doing here?" Liekable asked, still not sure if he wanted to believe them.

"....we just need help" the red creature said, with all sincerity.

and Liekable couldn't help but be confused by that statement....


a few minutes later.....

"so you see, that's the whole story, i don't exactly remember how i got here..." the red creature told Liekable as they were seen sitting together on the ground. "I've been stuck here for a few days now, i didn't go off far since I didn't know where else to go, not that those walls would let me..."

"and i....don't remember how i got here too" the other creature admitted, sitting down while holding their knees. "i just remember the sheriff holding me as i....ya know?"

"did all of that really happened?" the red creature asked his friend. "after Sir Dadadoo turned you against me along with the others..."

"i-...i don't wanna talk about it!" they said before looking away.

"right..." the red creature sighed before looking back at Liekable, who was seen a little confused still. "i hope you got all of that..."

" both are from a kindergarten, which was under attack by some guy named Sir Dadadoo, who turned you both against each other, then the both of you ended dying and now you just ended up this?" Liekable summarized their stories as he gave them a weird look.

"basically, i know it's hard to believe, trust me, I also find myself struggling with the story itself..." the red creature admitted before looking over at their hands. "i sometimes wonder if i'm dead still, and this is all just some sort of purgatory or, i sound like Stinger Flynn with that sort of talk huh?"

"i just don't understand anything..." the other creature said with a bit of frustration. "are we supposed to be dead, or is this another one of Sir Dadadoo's tricks....ugh, it's hard coming up with the answer, just like how it feels like whenever I try to come up with jokes..."

"i-...i'm so confused" Liekable sat back with a deep sigh, not understanding anything that was going on.

"i understand how you feel...i wish i could have more time to explain the entire story, but it's hard...we've been here for a few days only, and we have been hiding away from everyone inside a basem*nt nearby" the red creature said as he looked at the trees. "it has been our safe haven, i guess you could say...."

"yeah...just like the kindergarten all over again, all locked up and forced to never show our faces..." the other creature sighed deeply.

the three then went into a silence, with none of them speaking up for a while, Liekable felt confused still...their stories were confusing, the way they looked was confusing....just how exactly did it escalate to this?


"y'know...?" the red creature spoke up finally, looking up at Liekable. "i just realized that we never introduced ourselves to each other..."

"right...." Liekable sighed before sitting straight again. "you can call me Liekable..."

"and you can call me Bittergiggle, how's it going Liekable, you sure seem LIKE a LIKEABLE guy...hehhe!" Bittergiggle said before giggling to himself.

"where have I heard that before?" Liekable rolled his eyes a little bit, although he wasn't mad at them.

"WAIT seriously?...urgh man!" Bittergiggle groaned in disappointment.

"don't worry about him Liekable, they're just a little funny at times...but anyways" the red creature cleaned his throat before speaking. "i guess it's my turn can call me Uthman, it's nice to meet you Liekable"

"man, i still don't understand why you call yourself that..." Bittergiggle asked them.

"what do you mean?" Liekable looked at them, a little confused by the statement.

"well, everyone knows him as Banban, that's his actual name an-"

"we talked about this before..." Banban looked at Bittergiggle then, while their face expression remained the same, it was clearly known that Banban wasn't in the mood for this discussion again.

"right right....i'll zip it up!" Bittergiggle raised his hands up in defense before mimicking a zipper line across his lips.

Banban sighed before shaking his head as he looked at Liekable again. "forgive me for the attitude...i'm easily angered at times, i fear shouldn't be near me, in all honesty"

"why's that, i...think you're alright so far, but i just don't know if i can trust you fully...this is a school, you know?" Liekable clarified to them.

"talk about going full circle..." Bittergiggle muttered to himself.

"i know Liekable, but...ugh" Banban then held his head with a groan.

"is everything okay...?" Liekable asked out of slight concern.

"'s know?" Banban gestured at his entire injured body.

"....right" Liekable nodded, looking down at the ground.

"'s not too much to ask, could you maybe bring me some medical kit, i know my way around these things, considering i'm a doctor myself, it's just that...we can't really go out in the open, i know it'll freak out everyone, just like before..." Banban said in a low voice as he looked down at the ground.

"i....don't know" Liekable sighed as he began to rub the back of his neck. "you guys realize that i just got this job, i'm supposed to be watching over the school for anything out of place, i'm not sure how they'll look at me if they knew i was...helping out people that didn't belong in the school itself"

"you're saying this like we're monsters or mean!" Bittergiggle said, exaggerating a little bit.

"well...." Liekable said before keeping his mouth shut, unsure of how to word it to them exactly.

"i understand that Liekable, we don't want to cause trouble here, seriously we don't...we'd like to leave and return home, unfortunately we can't do much besides hiding right now....and i gotta admit, i feel like dying in this state" Banban said, half jokingly.

Liekable looked at Banban for a moment, feeling a little upset with the way he was clearly struggling and being in pain.

he looked away for a moment, thinking hard about his next decision.


before he sighed deeply and turned back to face them. "okay...i'll see what I can fetch for you"

"really...that's nice, thanks for your kindness, I understand that we're putting you through potential issues but really, i appreciate it" Banban said with a genuine tone.

"can you bring me something too...this kinda hurts to touch" Bittergiggle looked at their chest, a small wound was seen on there to which he winced whenever he touched.

"i'll see..." Liekable nodded before getting up from the ground as he turned back, but not before giving them a warning. "but you better keep hiding, or else things would be much worse than now"

"well we know that already, i know how jest-erratic you humans get by just seeing us...jeez" Bittergiggle crossed his arms with a pout.

"not all of us are like that though...?" Banban told him

"you're not even....ah whatever" Bittergiggle sighed in defeat.

"right...i'll be back" Liekable slowly nodded before making his way out of there.


a few minutes later as Liekable went inside the school itself and got some supplies from the nurse office in the second floor....

Liekable stood still near a tree as he looked at Banban, who was seen wrapped up in bandages, his right eye was covered up as well and he really knew his way around medicine...somehow.

"there...done" Banban backed away after wrapping up Bittergiggle's wound in his chest. "you should be feeling better soon, it'll be itchy too"

"thanks Ban-....i mean Uthman, i guess you could say that...we can call this a WRAP!" Bittergiggle joked before laughing to himself as Banban stood silent, not impressed by him.

"man, your jokes are as bad as Stinger's driving skills..." Banban murmured to himself before turning back to Liekable. "anyways, thanks for the help, you didn't have to do all of this...but we appreciate it"

"yeah well...i tend to help a lot, but" Liekable then got away from the tree that he was leaning onto. "i don't really tend to get involved in this situation...i just want things to not go out of hand, how can i trust you both not to harm anyone?"

"we don't do anything like has been a while since we've got here, and I've found myself being able to control my anger much better, i know it ain't much but you just gotta trust me, we're going to off this campus sooner than you think" Banban assured him with a determined tone.

"yeah, if we can that is..." Bittergiggle whispered.

"what was that Bittergiggle?" Banban turned back to his friend then.

"look, it's just...are we really going to get back to the all seems pretty hard right now, it's not like we can just go back easily, not with the way we look to those humans" Bittergiggle explained before looking away with a sigh. "they'll probably lock us up again..."

"that won't happen...we'll figure out something" Banban said, but Bittergiggle didn't answer back to it, much to Banban's dismay.

"where are you both going to stand at?" Liekable asked them.

"at the basem*nt, we usually cover it up with leaves and dirt, we only come out during nighttime...we've been able to feed ourselves but we're running out of resources, if it's okay to ask...but can you...." Banban stopped, looking down at the ground, ashamed to ask.

"....i guess i could, but..." Liekable sighed deeply as he shook his head. "i feel like my job is on the line here"

"i know, i know... you don't have to do this, you can just forget about us, we'll try not to ruin your career, but we really don't know how long we'd be able to's difficult"

Liekable gave him a sympathetic look before sighing again as he lifted a hand up. "okay, fine...i'll try to see if i could bring you you want it now or-"

"no" Banban shook his head. "we're full now, but thank you for your kindness again, we'll try to keep ourselves hidden until we figure out a plan to escape"

"okay well....uh" Liekable awkwardly said as he tried to think of what to do next.

" can leave if you want to, we promise that we won't do anything wrong" Banban promised.

"yeah, i'm not...trying to go back to that lifestyle either" Bittergiggle said as he looked at Liekable too. "you can believe in us, we'll be good...seriously!"

"....alright" Liekable said, his tone unclear along with his expression. "i...will leave now"

"goodbye Liekable, thank you for your help" Banban nodded in gratitude.

"goodbye friend, i sure am ITCHING to get outta this place, hahaha-ow!" Bittergiggle stopped giggling once he felt a little aching in his wound.

"man you really need to stop with those jokes..." Banban said with a flat tone as Liekable began walking away from them.

he overhead them talk for a bit until he was finally out of their radius, he was now walking back to the lake where it all first started...

he seriously didn't know what was going to happen now, it'll be either bad, or fine....but if they found out he was basically harboring fugitives or whatever, his job at this school of wonder is DEAD....

Liekable had to roam around for a bit more, until he noticed that it was a bit beyond 1AM, meaning that he was finally allowed to sleep now, seeing as to he was done with his duty...he really hoped that neither Banban or Bittergiggle would cause any trouble.


Liekable opened the door to the staff building and walked in, closing the door behind him as he noticed Jeffy still asleep on the couch.

the lights were out, but Liekable slowly made his way to where his room was supposed to be at.

he opened the door that was just near the bookshelf, slowly as to not wake up Jeffy in the process.

once Liekable got inside, he noticed that the room was a bit spacious, there was a bunk bed at the side, a window at front, a closet to the right, some drawers nearby and a nice blue carpet below him.

Liekable sighed deeply before he closed the door behind him, immediately going over to the lower part of the bunk bed and lying down onto it, feeling extremely tried of all that patrolling he just did earlier ago.

he stared at the upper part of the bunk bed, his eyes stinging due to tiredness as obvious, and he couldn't help but think about Banban and Bittergiggle...and everything in general.

this school wasn't what he expected, it was interesting, but would it be another traumatizing experience for him...just like all of the others experiences he went through?

he didn't know, he hoped not, he juts wanted to escape from it all...he was trying to be stronger now.

Liekable yawned a little bit before turning to the side, deciding that maybe he shouldn't care much about it, maybe it was for the best.

but there's something that he needed to do here, if he was going to stand around here with those teachers and the others...

he really needed to be more assertive, or something like that....

after that thought, Liekable slowly went to sleep, wondering what tomorrow would bring him....

he only wished that it'll be better than today....


The Sophisticated School Of Musika - OG_Plush (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.