Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (2024)

Need more Make ahead breakfast ideas? Try theseHealthy Breakfast Recipes You Can Make From Leftovers! So simple, easy, resourceful and delicious.

Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (1)Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (2)

We’ve all been there. The dreaded… “Oh my gosh we are running late and haven’t eaten breakfast!” Yep. Those crazy morning when even making a healthy smoothie seems like too much effort. Those crazy mornings can really throw you for a loop if you are not prepared. Been there. Done that.Don’t want to go back.

So here’s my thinking. Let’s call it the “MAKE AHEAD BREAKFAST MEAL PLAN” strategy. A strategy where we are prepared, efficient, healthy, and RESOURCEFUL.

First, examine your leftovers from dinner. Is there a healthy starch. Like brown rice, quinoa, fruit, or potato? Use them wisely! You can take any of these lovely starches and blend them with eggs and milk. That batter is great for waffles, muffins, rice pudding, or pancakes. Breakfast items you can freeze or place in the fridge overnight, and that are easily made portable (minus the syrup of course).

Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (3)

Since you are already in the kitchen cleaning up dinner (or delegating someone else too), you can take that batter and pour into a waffle maker for 10 minutes,bake inmuffin pans, or even bake up pancakes (yes bake!). Once cooked, just place in fridge or freezer.

I should also note that adding a little chocolate or peanut butter makes them EXTRA special for the kiddos. Okay and adults too. We’re all big kids really, right?

Here’s my GO TO recipe for Chocolate Banana Rice Waffles. This easy make ahead breakfast recipe was made from leftover jasmine rice and extra ripe bananas. Throw in a scoop of chocolate peanut butter or cocoa powder and you’r set! Great to freeze or eat right away. And most importantly, it’s PORTABLE.

Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (4)


    • 2 eggs
    • 2 cups cooked rice, millet, or quinoa
    • 1 medium banana
    • 1 tbsp oil
    • 1/4 to 1/3 cup brownsugar
    • 1/2 tsp baking powder
    • dash of salt
    • 1 tsp vanilla
    • 1 tbsp tapioca flour or potato flour
    • 1/2 cup milk of choice (almond milk, 2 %, or coconutmilk work too)
    • 2 -4 tsp of ChocolateCocoa powder


  1. Place all the ingredientsin a blender besides the milk. Pulse blend until mixed, then turn on low and add your milk last.
  2. Blend until smooth and thick.
  3. Keep batter in blender.
  4. Grease a waffle iron. Make sure it’s pre heated.
  5. Pour mix onto hot waffle iron. Cook until golden brown. Around 7-10 minutes per waffle. Remove and serve hot or let cool then wrap in foil and place in freezer for later.

Oh and did I mention healthy? Yes! Even better. Balanced in carbs, protein, and fat! Great breakfast fuel for a busy family and active kids.

Need some other Make aheadfriendly Breakfast ideas? No worries, we gotcha covered! Here are a few you can make from leftovers, or are EASYto whip together and storein fridge or freezer!

Protein packedEgg Waffles

Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (5)

Quick Biscuits made from Sweet Potato– so easy and let not potato go to waste!

Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (6)

And more from our friends!

Quinoa Banana Bread

Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (7)

Zucchini Quinoa Muffins

Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (8)

Blueberry Quinoa Pancakes

Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (9)

Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (10)

So what do you think about my“MAKE AHEAD BREAKFAST MEAL PLAN” strategy? Will you get on board?


Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (11)

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3.8 from 12 votes

Chocolate Banana Rice Waffles

Prep Time15 minutes mins

Cook Time25 minutes mins

Course: Breakfast

Cuisine: American

Servings: 6

Calories: 248kcal



  • Cook rice according to the directions on packet. (You could also use millet or quinoa here in place of the rice!) Total 1 cup of cooked rice for this recipe.

  • Place all the ingredients, except the milk, in a blender.Pulse blend until mixed, then turn on low and add your milk last.

  • Blend until smooth and thick.

  • Keep batter in blender.

  • Grease a waffle iron.Make sure it’s preheated.

  • Pour mix onto hot waffle iron. Cook until golden brown. Around 7-10 minutes per waffle. Remove and serve hot or let cool then wrap in foil and place in freezer for later.


Calories: 248kcal | Carbohydrates: 46g | Protein: 6g | Fat: 5g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 64mg | Sodium: 86mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 15g

Keyword : Chocolate Banana Rice Waffles


Lindsay is aNutrition Specialist for Gluten-Free eating over at www.CotterCrunch.com! Fueling you with Delicious Gluten Free Recipes and Nutrition tips one “bite” at a time.

Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (12)

Natalie Monson

I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.

Learn More about Natalie

Have you ever thought of using leftovers for breakfast? We make it pretty amazing in this recipe! (2024)


How to use leftovers creatively? ›

Creative Leftover Ideas for Common Ingredients:

Leftover cooked meats can be incorporated into sandwiches, salads, or pasta dishes, while meat scraps can be #repurposed into flavorful stews or tacos. Leftover rice and pasta can be transformed into flavorful fried rice or baked pasta dishes.

How to reinvent leftovers? ›

By reimagining leftovers into new meals, you can make them a little more exciting and even have some fun in the process. Depending on the original taste and seasoning of your leftover meal, you can add leftover meat, vegetables, or seafood to a new creation such as fried rice, pasta, casseroles, tacos, or soup.

What do you do with leftover food? ›

1) Transform last night's leftovers into a new meal.
  1. Rice + veggies + eggs = fried rice.
  2. Roast chicken leftovers = chicken salad.
  3. Turn soup into a casserole.
  4. Turn leftovers into tacos or burritos.
  5. Make a pizza.
  6. Whip up a frittata or quiche.
  7. Combine veggies, starch, and protein for a hash.
Oct 23, 2023

How do I make my leftovers more exciting? ›

Turn extra pasta or cooked vegetables into a frittata. Blend cooked vegetables with a can of whole tomatoes and create a veggie-packed sauce for pasta. Create burritos with leftover cooked rice, meat and vegetables, and top them with sour cream and salsa.

Why is using leftovers good? ›

Food waste comes at a big cost, both for your bank account and for the planet. But you can reduce food going to waste – and save yourself precious time and money – simply by planning to eat leftovers once a week.

What are three ways of using leftovers? ›

15 thrifty ways to use your leftovers
  • Use up leftover cooked pasta in this tuna and cherry tomato pasta salad (pictured). ...
  • Stale bread will also work well in this spiced apple bread and butter pudding.
  • Leftover boiled potatoes can be used to make a potato curry.

What makes the leftovers so good? ›

What this series does so well is to create a different and very strange world that captures you from the start. The connection it creates with the viewer gives a sense of 'What if I was left' and leaves some questions as to how you would react or feel given the strange yet possible situation.

How do you upgrade leftovers? ›

GIve your leftovers an extra kick of flavor by adding spices. The quickest way to upgrade last night's dinner is to add some extra seasonings. This works best if you plan ahead when cooking the meal the first time — you can keep portions of foods, like meats, beans, and veggies, unseasoned.

What are the best leftover foods? ›

  • Meatloaf. Though meatloaf is often restricted to the weeknight dinner table, it is a powerhouse leftover. ...
  • Lasagna. Sure, there's nothing better than lasagna coming out of the oven hot with bubbling cheese. ...
  • Pulled Pork. ...
  • Beef Stew. ...
  • Chili. ...
  • Frittatas, Quiches and Tarts.

What are the top 10 tips for leftovers? ›

10 top tips to tackle leftovers
  • Remember the 2-2-2 rule. This is the most important thing when it comes to leftovers to ensure they are safe to eat. ...
  • If in doubt, freeze. ...
  • Label. ...
  • Eat me first. ...
  • Mix and match. ...
  • A little bit can go a long way. ...
  • Be smart about servings. ...
  • Upskill.

How can leftover food be made useful? ›

Reusing leftovers doesn't have to mean just reheating the same old thing. Repurposing leftovers into new meals can make them a little more exciting. Depending on the seasoning of the original meal, you can add leftover meat, vegetables or seafood to fajitas, fried rice, pasta sauce, soup or a casserole.

What can I do with too many leftovers? ›

Freeze them

If you like the food that's left over but just don't want to eat more of it now or even this week, freeze it in portion sizes or family dinner sizes to consume later. You'll thank yourself when you have a busy schedule and no time to make a meal.

What can I use everything but the leftovers? ›

7 Ways to Use Trader Joe's "Everything But The Leftovers" Seasoning Blend
  1. On popcorn. ...
  2. In turkey meatballs, burgers or meatloaf. ...
  3. On roast turkey or chicken. ...
  4. In mashed potatoes, on baked potatoes or sprinkled on hashbrowns. ...
  5. On roasted veggies. ...
  6. For stuffing muffins or casserole. ...
  7. On deviled eggs.
Sep 15, 2020

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