Fresh Peach Crisp Recipe - Meatloaf and Melodrama (2024)

This easy Fresh Peach Crisp recipe without oats is made from scratch with fresh juicy peaches and light crisp topping. This easy summer dessert is a delicious way to celebrate peach season!

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Fresh Peach Crisp Recipe - Meatloaf and Melodrama (1)
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  • Ingredients for Peach Crisp without Oats
  • How to Make Peach Crisp
  • Baking Time
  • How to Serve
  • How to Store and Reheat
  • Expert Tips
  • Recipe FAQ
  • More Peach Desserts
  • Recipe
  • Reviews

How many of you like peaches? I absolutely, positively love them, and I'm always so happy when peach season rolls around. Last year, I shared a recipe for a super easy peach dump cake made with canned peaches, which is one of my family's favorite desserts. So this year, I thought I'd share this sweet and juicy Easy Peach Crisp Recipe made with fresh peaches, which is another wonderful way to enjoy the taste of this versatile fruit!

A few years ago, Hubs and I took the kids peach picking at an organic farm not too far from here. It was in the middle of July, and it was incredibly hot out, and there were ants the size of elephants roaming around the orchard. But, but we came home with loads of tender, juicy fresh peaches, and I made the perfect peach crisp for dessert that night.

The family absolutely refuses to go back to that orchard, no matter how hard I try to convince them, so I've been buying peaches at a local farmers market. They're still good, and they work very well for baking, but really, nothing compares to picking peaches straight off the tree. So if you have the chance, definitely go for it!

Try my apple crisp without oats and check out more easy desserts on my desserts page.

Fresh Peach Crisp Recipe - Meatloaf and Melodrama (2)

Hubby's mom used to make peach crisps and other fruit crisps without oats, and I followed his directions for the basic ingredients. Of course, I tweaked it a little!

Ingredients for Peach Crisp without Oats

You only need a few simple ingredients for this fruit crisp recipe. They should be easy to find in your grocery store or farmers market.

  • Peaches -- look for ripe peaches but not overripe. I usually go for small to medium peaches. If using large, you may need fewer peaches. You can make peach crisp with frozen peaches or canned peaches, but drain them first.
  • Flour -- I use all purpose flour
  • Butter -- either salted butter or unsalted butter
  • Brown sugar -- sweetens the peaches
  • Granulated sugar -- for the crisp topping and filling
  • Salt -- a pinch of sea salt or kosher salt for the filling
  • Cinnamon -- adds extra flavor. Can leave out if you prefer

How to Make Peach Crisp

First, make the topping. Add the dry ingredients to a medium bowl. Cut the butter into the flour mixture with a knife or pastry cutter until it is coarse and crumbly.

You can set the topping ingredients aside while you prepare the peaches.

Fresh Peach Crisp Recipe - Meatloaf and Melodrama (3)

Rinse, peel and slice the peaches. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees f, and grease a baking dish with butter.

I prefer to mix the peach layer right in the baking dish, but you can use a separate large bowl if you want.

Add the peach slices to the bottom of the baking dish. Then, mix in the brown sugar, sugar, salt and cinnamon. Spread peaches evenly in the baking dish, and dot with butter.

Fresh Peach Crisp Recipe - Meatloaf and Melodrama (4)

Next, sprinkle the topping mixture in an even layer on top of the peaches.

Make sure the peaches are completely covered with crumbly topping.

Fresh Peach Crisp Recipe - Meatloaf and Melodrama (5)

Baking Time

Bake the peach crisp in a preheated oven for 45-50 minutes or until the topping is golden brown and the peach juices are bubbling. The peaches should be fork tender.

Fresh Peach Crisp Recipe - Meatloaf and Melodrama (6)

How to Serve

Fresh peach crisp is best served warm, but not right out of the oven. Around here, some people don't even use plates with this easy dessert!

You can eat this delicious dessert just like this, or you can make it even better by topping the whole thing off with a very generous big scoop of vanilla ice cream.Give it a minute, and the ice cream will slowly trickle down over the crisp, crunchy topping and slide down into the juicy peach filling. You can then enjoy it by the fork full or spoon full, whichever you prefer.

How to Store and Reheat

Store leftover peach crisp in an airtight container or cover the baking dish with plastic wrap. You do not have to refrigerate peach crisp, although you can if your home is very warm. It should keep for up to 4 days.

Expert Tips

Ripe peaches make the best peach crisp. Pick peaches that are fragrant and give slightly when you press them. Avoid peaches that are very hard and have a green tint.

To ripen underripe peaches, place in a paper bag for 1 or 2 days. Or, place peaches next to ripe bananas -- works fast!

Cut butter into smaller pieces before cutting into the flour mixture. It's easier to work with cool butter, but not super cold butter or warm room temperature butter. The mixture should resemble coarse crumbs.

Sprinkle the topping over the fruit, but don't smooth it out completely. You want the little crumbles of topping in this fruit crisp.

I usually peel peaches with a paring knife. It's the easiest way! It's fine if some peach skin remains. Or, you can score peaches, quickly boil them and shock them in cold water before peeling.

Recipe FAQ

Do you have to peel peaches before baking?

No, you don't. Some people do not like the texture of the peach skin in baked desserts, but if it doesn't bother you, leave the skin on.

Can you freeze peach crisp?

Yes! You can freeze the fruit crisp either before baking or after baking. Just use a freezer-safe baking dish, wrap the prepared peach crisp well, and freeze for up to 3 months for best results. If you are freezing the crisp after baking, allow it to cool completely first.

More Peach Desserts

  • Brown Sugar Cinnamon Baked Peaches.
  • Easy Peach Cake
  • Crock-Pot Peach Cobbler
  • Peach Milkshake


Fresh Peach Crisp Recipe - Meatloaf and Melodrama (9)

Fresh Peach Crisp Recipe

Published by Dee

This easy Fresh Peach Crisp recipe without oats is made from scratch with fresh juicy peaches and light crisp topping. This easy summer dessert is a delicious way to celebrate peach season!

4.12 from 52 votes

Print Recipe

Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Cook Time 50 minutes mins

Total Time 1 hour hr 5 minutes mins

Course Dessert

Cuisine American

Servings 12 servings

Calories 230 kcal


For the Topping

  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ cup butter

For the Filling

  • 8 to 10 fresh peaches
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon butter


For the Topping

  • In a medium bowl, combine the flour, sugar and cinnamon, and cut in the butter, with a knife, until crumbly. Set aside.

For the Filling

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees

  • Wash and peel the peaches, and slice thin.

  • Arrange peaches in a 13 x 9-inch greased baking dish.

  • Sprinkle brown sugar, sugar, cinnamon and salt over the peaches, and mix until well coated.

  • Dot the butter all over the filling, and add the topping mixture.

  • Bake at 350 degrees for about 50 minutes, or until crust is slightly brown and filling mixture is bubbling.

  • Enjoy!


You need 8-10 small to medium peaches, or enough to cover a 13x9 inch baking dish. If you have larger peaches, you may not need as many. Ripe peaches work best.

You can use frozen peaches or canned peaches, but drain the juice first.

Nutrition information is estimated. Please do your own calculation to fit special diets.


Calories: 230kcalCarbohydrates: 37gProtein: 2gFat: 8gSaturated Fat: 5gCholesterol: 22mgSodium: 125mgPotassium: 201mgFiber: 2gSugar: 28gVitamin A: 590IUVitamin C: 6.6mgCalcium: 15mgIron: 0.8mg

Tried this recipe? Please comment and rate it! Show me your dish on Instagram!Mention @meatloafandmelodrama or tag #meatloafandmelodrama!

Certain people in our home, who shall remain nameless, kept on sneaking tastes of the peach crisp, and now all that's left of this wonderful dessert fits into a very, very small bowl.And, I'm positively sure that it will be completely gone by the end of the day!It's that good. Really!

Please leave a star rating and/or comment if you enjoy this easy recipe as much as we do.

For more summer desserts and delicious desserts anyone can make, sign up for the weekly newsletter and follow on social media.

Recipe first published in July 2015 and updated in June 2023.




Fresh Peach Crisp Recipe - Meatloaf and Melodrama (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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