50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (2024)

Home Outdoors Garden

ByNick Gerhardt

Updated: Feb. 19, 2024

    Build a spectacular garden this year with these amazing garden tips and hints.

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    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (1)

    Africa Studio/Shutterstock

    Grab a Calendar

    Set aside a large-format wall calendar just for gardening notes. Use it for goals, several-step garden projects and timely reminders. Add these tips to plan your garden during winter to your calendar.

    Or, if you’re more into details, get yourself a garden journal.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (2)


    Search for Containers

    Shop early for containers, well before buying plants to fill them. There will be a bigger selection, and you can make cool-headed decisions. Find out what the best plants are for container gardening.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (3)


    List Your Inventory

    Inventory your seed stash. Improperly stored seeds may have dried out and should be discarded. Be sure to store seeds in an airtight jar in the refrigerator.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (4)

    Family Handyman

    Clean Your Tools

    Clean your hand tools in the off-season, while you have time. Chip off encrusted dirt and rub with a damp rag. Then wipe cutting surfaces with a cloth dipped in motor oil. If you’ve got rusty tools, you’ll want to know this tip to remove that rust.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (5)

    patricia davis/Shutterstock


    Review plant information and gardening terms in catalogs and gardening magazines. Resolve to try something new this year, and decide now where it will go in your garden. Get a head start on planning a garden shed with these tips, too.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (6)

    India Picture/Shutterstock


    Cruise through catalogs with a marker and/or yellow sticky notes, flagging everything you might want to order. You can always pare down the list later. You might want to add these 12 must-have garden tools to your list as well.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (7)


    Fill Out Forms

    When ordering seeds or plants via mail order, fill out the order form (even if you intend to call in your order or place the order online). This way, you are prepared and the process goes quickly.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (8)

    Family Handyman

    Order Early

    Place orders early, before the companies get busy. These get filled faster, plus you can get exactly what you want, thus avoiding substitutions and rain checks.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (9)

    Stockpile Material

    Stockpile soil amendments. Order or buy loam, compost and mulch weeks before you need them. When you do need them, they’ll be there. Here’s the best way to prep your soil for a vegetable garden.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (10)

    Photo via Amazon.com

    Draw Out Plans

    Plan new beds and borders on paper. The drawing doesn’t have to be sophisticated or perfect, though you should aim to make it to scale.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (11)

    Family Handyman

    Know What to Expect

    For new plants, always note “mature plant size.” Of course, results may vary in your garden, but it’s still important to know what to expect to avoid future crowding. Speaking of, take a look at this seeding square tool that guides seed spacing for the best results.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (12)


    Learn Last Known Frost Date

    Call your nearest cooperative or extension office and ask when the last predicted frost date is, or check online. This information will help you calculate how early to start seeds indoors. Find out the 8 things you need to do before winter comes with your fruit plants.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (13)


    Start Seeds Indoors

    Start seeds of some of your favorite veggies and annuals indoors several weeks or months in advance. This way, seedlings can go right into the garden without delay when conditions are warm enough. Here are some of our best tips on how to start seeds indoors.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (14)

    Scott E. Feuer/Shutterstock

    Sketch a Plan

    Sketch a new plan for your vegetable garden. It’s important to rotate crops in order to thwart plant-specific pests and diseases. It also gives the soil a break because different plants use more or less of certain nutrients. Check out how you can add a rain garden to your garden for even more functionality.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (15)

    Family Handyman

    Plan Out Garden Installations

    If you’re planning a big garden installation this year— a water garden, a gazebo, a pergola—find out what’s involved and plan ahead. Also, line up contractors in late winter (before they book up) if you intend to have it professionally installed. Check out our wide-ranging selection of garden structure projects to get an idea of what you’d like to add.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (16)

    Family Handyman

    Clean Out Deadwood

    Tour your yard with a sharp pair of clippers. Make way for new growth by removing deadwood, winter-damaged branches and suckers. If in doubt about whether a branch is alive, spare it for now. Try these bush pruning tricks to get your shrubs in shape.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (17)

    826A IA/Shutterstock

    Baby Seedlings

    Feed developing seedlings with half-strength plant food every week or so. Proper care means more robust plants, improving their chances of survival when they finally move outdoors.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (18)

    Andrii Zastrozhnov/Shutterstock

    Plant Bare-Root Shrubs Early

    Plant bare-root shrubs and perennials earlier in the spring than container-grown plants. Bare-root ones are still dormant or just waking up and can make a gradual transition to garden life. Discover 11 sparkling shrubs that will look great in your yard.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (19)

    Check the Soil

    How do you know when it’s OK to start planting? Check the soil—just scoop up a handful and squeeze it. If it’s wet and soggy, wait a bit longer. If it crumbles in your hands, it’s time.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (20)


    Help Acclimate Plants

    Help acclimate young plants before they go into the ground. Set pots and flats in a sheltered spot (under a tree, on the porch) and gradually increase natural sunlight received for a week or so—bring them in at night or cover them if frost is predicted. Check out a living wall and all the options it can provide for your garden.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (21)

    Artit Thongchuea/Shutterstock

    Visualize Garden Bed

    Lay a garden hose on the ground to visualize the size and shape of a new garden bed. Leave it in place for a few days so you can observe it from various angles and at different times of the day (to check sunlight). Take it a step further and check out a self-watering garden bed.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (22)

    Family Handyman

    Know Planting Depth

    To plant a shrub or rosebush, dig a hole that is the same depth as but wider than the root-ball. Backfill with a mix of organic matter and existing soil.


    Resist Buying Blooming Perennials or Annuals

    When buying perennials or annuals, resist the temptation to get blooming plants. A strong root system is much more important and will soon generate good top growth and flowers. Consider one of these 49 colorful flower choices to add to your garden this spring.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (24)


    Create a Basin

    When planting, get in the habit of creating a basin around each plant. When you water, precious moisture won’t drain away but will go right to the root zone. Make sure you don’t make any of these costly mistakes when planting a tree.


    Groom Emerging Perennials

    Groom emerging perennials, cutting out last year’s tangled growth. This not only makes them look a lot better, but clears the way for fresh, new growth. Here’s how you can keep invasive species from infiltrating your garden.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (26)


    Plant in Threes

    This classic rule of thumb really works— it gives plants an opportunity to make an impression, yet not hog the garden stage. Plus, the odd number looks more natural. Even if you’re a veteran gardener, these how to start a garden tips might come in handy.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (27)


    Make Compost!

    It’s easy, it’s free and your plants will adore it. The most successful piles are in a sunny spot, about 3 ft. sq. Keep compost slightly damp and stir often.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (28)

    Family Handyman

    Set Out a Rain Barrel

    Set out a rain barrel in a convenient, but out-of-the way, spot (usually under a downspout). Cover it with a screen to keep out leaves, dirt and mosquitoes.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (29)

    Family Handyman

    Create a Trench in Spots

    Where grass meets flower bed, create a shallow trench bordering the garden. Fill it with gravel or edging material if you wish. Ideally, it will halt the grass, as well as encroaching weeds.


    Try Slow-Release Plant Food

    The best way to fertilize shrubs and rosebushes is with slow-release granular plant food. Follow label directions about timing and amount. Always water before and after for maximum uptake.


    Find a Plant That Looks Good at All Angles

    The secrets to a great focal-point planting? Choose a large-growing plant that looks good from all angles. Elevate it and/or surround it with lower-growers. Finally, be sure to pick a color that contrasts with its surroundings. Try one of these 15 ways to creatively hang a plant so it shines in your yard.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (32)

    Family Handyman

    Evaluate Your Bulb Display

    When it’s in its prime, evaluate your spring bulb display. Take photos; make notes. Tuck this information away until later in the summer, when you can move bulbs and order new ones.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (33)

    Family Handyman

    Fight Weeds Early and Often

    They’re easier to pull out by the roots after a rain or after you water. Crowds of small ones can be cut out with a few swipes of a sharp hoe.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (34)

    Family Handyman

    Add Some Quick Color to Your Garden

    Cold-tolerant annuals are great for filling the mid- to late-spring gaps—dependable favorites include pansies and snapdragons. These 11 easy-to-grow plants will perfectly add color to your shade garden.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (35)


    Prepare a New Bed

    Always fully prepare a new bed before planting. Get all weeds, roots and rocks out first. Then dig the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 in., at least, incorporating plenty of good organic matter.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (36)


    Protect Transplants

    Newly installed transplants appreciate a little protection from sun and wind at first. Use cardboard boxes, garden fabric or even a carefully placed lawn chair. Find out how to make transferring succulents a whole lot simpler.


    Find a Watering Wand

    Invest in a watering wand. This hose-end attachment delivers a soft, soaking spray that young plants appreciate (it’s also terrific for watering hanging baskets). Find a cheap way to upgrade your garden tools with these deals at Harbor Freight.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (38)

    Mark Key/Shutterstock

    Protect Plants with Mulch

    Get in the habit of protecting new plants with an inch or two of mulch. This helps moderate summer’s high soil temperatures, retains soil moisture and keeps weeds at bay. Create a weed-free garden with this ultimate guide to landscaping.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (39)

    Family Handyman

    Clip Flowers From Shrubs

    Clip flowers off your spring-flowering shrubs (lilacs, azaleas, spirea and the like) as they begin to fade. It helps the plant conserve energy, plus it just looks better.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (40)

    Water at a Trickle

    When watering larger plants or trees, set a hose at the base on slow trickle. Check back periodically, and turn it off for a bit if there’s too much runoff. The idea is to give them a deep soaking. Try this little trick to get great irrigation for your vegetable garden.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (41)

    Family Handyman

    Put in a Ground Cover

    Clear out an area and dig in organic matter to a depth of several inches. Stagger the plants rather than make rows. Don’t plant too closely—they’ll fill in. Check out these 12 pretty plants that will help make for great ground cover.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (42)

    Family Handyman

    Hold a Dress Rehearsal for Window Box Display

    To make a great window box display, hold a “dress rehearsal” first—set potted plants inside and shift them around until you are satisfied you have enough and that they are well placed. Get some inspiration for the spring with these 10 planters and trellises.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (43)

    Family Handyman

    Prevent Lawn-Mowing Challenges

    Elevate garden decor items on level paving blocks or stepping-stones. This applies not only to potted plants, but also urns, birdbaths, benches or sundials. Check out the 18 things you should never do to your lawn if you want to keep it looking great.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (44)


    Put in Stakes Early for Vines and Climbers

    For vines and climbers, put in stakes or other supports as early as possible—at planting time or soon after. This prevents puncturing the root-ball, plus it reminds you to keep after the tying. Redirect or prune back wayward stems.


    Deadhead Perennials and Annuals

    Deadhead all perennials and annuals that don’t shed spent flowers on their own. This simple chore persuades plants to direct their energy into producing more blooms (rather than going to seed).


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (46)


    Prevent Plant Diseases

    Prevent plant diseases and insect damage by keeping your plants tidy. Get rid of damaged growth and yellowing leaves—clip them off the plant and, just as important, rake them out and away from underneath. Find out what the worst garden insects are and how you can get rid of them.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (47)


    Start Pruning

    Spring is the best time to prune, shear or shape your backyard evergreens, whether they are solo performers or part of a hedge. It’s important that you use a good, sharp tool for this kind of job.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (48)


    Open Up More Light

    Open your garden to more light and air with springtime pruning, if needed. Remove a few of the lower branches of tall trees, thin overgrown trees and shrubs and take out branches that are invading garden areas.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (49)

    Vadym Zaitsev/Shutterstock

    Monitor Watering Methods

    Check the effectiveness of your watering methods. Right after you turn off the hose or sprinkler, dig down with a trowel to see how far the moisture penetrated the soil—you may be surprised.


    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (50)

    JPL Designs/Shutterstock

    Try Potted Plants

    Splashy and dependable color is easy—use potted plants. Move them in and out of displays as needed. Just remember: Don’t neglect watering, as containers dry out quickly. See which plants are great at keeping pests away and why you need to add them.

    Originally Published: January 18, 2019

    50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever (2024)


    What is the best way to layout a garden? ›

    The other rule of thumb when using this layout plan is to organize your spacing so that your tallest growing vegetables are planted on the north side of your rows. Follow them with medium height vegetables, and then plant your shortest crop on the south side of the rows.

    What is the key to a good garden? ›

    Feed the Soil (and let the soil feed the plants)

    The only true way to a thriving, sustainable garden is to get your plants off a junk food diet of synthetic chemicals. Instead, feed them the equivalent of a whole foods diet, to build the health of the environment where the plants live.

    How to build an amazing garden? ›

    1. Consider What to Plant. Do you want to plant a vegetable garden? ...
    2. Pick the Best Garden Spot. Almost all vegetables and many types of flowering plants need 6-8 hours of full sun each day. ...
    3. Clear the Ground. ...
    4. Test and Improve Your Soil. ...
    5. Prepare Your Planting Beds. ...
    6. Pick Your Plants. ...
    7. Start Planting. ...
    8. Water at the Right Time.
    Mar 6, 2024

    What vegetables should not be planted next to each other? ›

    14 Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together—Gardening Experts Explain Why
    • 01 of 14. Beans and Onions. ...
    • 02 of 14. Tomatoes and Potatoes. ...
    • 03 of 14. Corn and Tomatoes. ...
    • 04 of 14. Tomatoes and Brassicas. ...
    • 05 of 14. Cucumber and Squash. ...
    • 06 of 14. Lettuce and Celery. ...
    • 07 of 14. Fennel and Tomatoes. ...
    • 08 of 14. Peppers and Cabbage.
    Jan 16, 2024

    Can tomatoes and cucumbers be planted together? ›

    However, because they are both heavy feeders, require a lot of moisture and light, and need adequate space around them to promote healthy air circulation, they may compete. In light of this, if you want to grow cucumbers and tomatoes together, it is best to plant them 45 – 60 cm apart and in separate soil if possible.

    How to create a garden that blooms all year? ›

    If you want to always have something in bloom in your garden, you'll need to buy plants that bloom at different times of the year. The best way to accomplish that is to shop for plants in spring, early summer, mid to late summer, and fall.

    How far apart should plants be in a garden? ›

    Vegetable Spacing Guide
    VegetableInches between plantsInches between rows
    Squash, Winter1, 324-4860-120
    Turnip greens roots2-3 3-412-24 12-24
    Watermelon1, 324-7260-120
    55 more rows
    Mar 27, 2007

    How do you plant a perfect garden? ›

    10 Tips for a Successful Vegetable Garden
    1. Seek Local Advice. ...
    2. Find a Good Location. ...
    3. Ensure Adequate Moisture and Drainage. ...
    4. Build Healthy Soil. ...
    5. Use Mulch. ...
    6. Plant the Right Plant at the Right Time. ...
    7. Monitor for Problems. ...
    8. Control Pests and Disease.

    How to garden for beginners? ›

    If you're wondering how to start a small garden, this beginner's guide can help you plan your space, choose your plants and start growing.
    1. Scout Your Location. ...
    2. Decide What You Want to Grow. ...
    3. Plan Your Plot. ...
    4. Get the Basic Garden Tools You Need. ...
    5. Prepare Your Soil. ...
    6. Start Planting. ...
    7. Know How Much Water You Need. ...
    8. Enjoy Your Harvest.
    Apr 3, 2024

    What is the best way to arrange plants in a garden? ›

    There are two basic rules when arranging plants in the beds: 1) space the individual plants so that they touch each other when they reach their mature size, and 2) overlap the masses of plants and connect them so that they flow without space between them. Avoid gaps or large open areas between masses.

    What is the best facing garden in order? ›

    A quick breakdown of the sunlight that gardens receive is as follows:
    • Gardens that face north receive the least light and can be damp.
    • Gardens that face south receive the most light.
    • Gardens that face east receive light in the morning.
    • Gardens that face west receive light in the late afternoon and evening.

    What is the most common garden layout? ›

    The most basic garden plan consists of a design with straight, long rows running north to south orientation. A north to south direction will ensure that the garden gets the best sun exposure and air circulation. A garden that runs east to west tends to get too shaded from the crops growing in the preceding row.

    What is the basic pattern in garden design? ›

    Grid lines drawn at 45 degrees can be used as a guideline to design the garden. Rectangular themes are the most popular and widely used. They are adapted to give a formal look to the garden. Long or narrow gardens can be easily divided into even sections using this particular theme.

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